Posts by ZaCormyr

    Electricity is planned. With wires, not some powder. So I imagine there will be ways to generate this electricity as you mentioned. But I think nuclear is going a step too far.

    Some form of power lines will no doubt be added and possibly something like a transformer used so you don't fry your household appliances etc.. Would be great!!

    Water is planned also, what form it will take, well we shall see. There has been talk of piping and pumps etc.. so it would be very interesting to supply your house and farm etc.. with pressurized water. Also for certain machines if added. Anyways, as for most things, just wait and see what comes. Might want to do some searches to see what has been brought up already and do some posting in those threads. ;)


    They will provide the means to turn off monsters. I have a toddler currently but would love to let him play this game when he is old enough, and yeah would turn off the monsters. Would be nice to turn off normal predators also. I have asked that nearly everything (more for weapons etc..) have an on/off toggle. We shall see what is done.

    For economy, I think most people will just deal with the barter system.

    Lots want NPC villages, they may come after the rest of the game is done according to the devs.

    I am certain the game modes will be done properly at some point. Creative, Survival, Stranded, Adventure are what I am aware of. Again, we shall see...

    You may want to have a look at the New Player Reference thread here: New Player Reference - Commands and Basics - Updated Jan 18

    It's an interesting idea. But I think the issue would be that the devs would have to control the servers connected this way in order to manage them. So people would not be able to host them and have this feature. To do both I think would be some crazy coding for sure... but who knows.. maybe it isn't so difficult (I'm no coder...).

    Anyways, there is a game which does this kind of thing. Oort Online which is in development and I am interested in (very similar to Minecraft in some ways but goes much further I believe). Here is a link to their site which shows how they are doing the portal thing. You can actually see into the next world before entering, on either side of the portal.…ads/2014/07/in-game-2.jpg

    I hope the devs make RW cars unique to RW. So no real car models from this world. Not even 50's stuff. I mean, vehicles may look similar to stuff we have here, but not exact copies etc...

    haha that is the first video I saw for LIF! Well, seems the devs of that game are shooting themselves in the foot by forcing people to group in such a way. I am in the same boat as turbo, just can't be in game that much so there is little point in getting the game. :S Oh well...

    I am also waiting to see what happens with medieval engineers. I mean I really love certain aspects.. doesn't mean I will like playing it for long. I'm curious about turbo's questions regarding LIF. I'm currently playing Wurm.. although last night I got the damn "oh you're in north america so here are some random disconnects over and over..." then couldn't connect anymore. Was looking forward to building my house and farm damnit!! I was sawing planks!!! lol And I was interested in LIF anyways, just kinda forgot about it until people mentioned it here hehe.

    Planet Explorers is yet another I am interested in: watch the vids. Don't expect a peaceful builder. I actually like what they show of pvp. Excited for this game :)

    Killem, I hear ya regarding morons online... generally teenagers who spend too much time in internet land. Normally it only occurs at school but for some time now they can spread the crap all over the place lol I like your jail idea hehe, although that would piss me off if I joined and got that.. would just disconnect. So you need to filter out the idiots somehow haha which can't be done so... maybe it'll just be a laugh for a day kinda thing lol You on east coast or west there kIllem?

    Yup they had some of this in the first vids they released. I just haven't been paying attention to Medieval Engineers recently, I can only drool over so many games at once! lol

    Life is Feudal is another I've been meaning to check out haha...

    And yeah.. might as well share stuff here. No real reason not too. :)

    Considering I have popped onto a german thread to say, in english, that I like someone's work... I don't see the problem with it being spoken here. I know if you talk to someone here in english, if they can they will respond in english. Need to relax a bit there Stealth. :) I mean, even a dev is responding here in german haha

    I'm ZaK I take it? haha Cor if anything since my actual name is Cory. I was looking around wondering who the hell this ZaK was lol

    $25 CAD hmm. Well they better not mess it up! lol

    Supershanks, my lord talk about major glitches eh!

    I'm sure they will add things like the rake etc.. I haven't been on their forums in a while but from what I saw, people wanted a lot of what RW offers or plans to offer...

    I've said it before and I'll say again... I want Medieval Engineers for the structural integrity on buildings and the earth!! That makes my mouth water. But alas.. I did not get in on that 24 hour thing. I just can't spend that much time online to catch all this stuff haha.. been playing too many new games recently to even keep track of those lol Dang family and their game time killing tendencies!! lol kidding kidding

    @Geneo Does that "life" bar go down automatically without taking any damage currently? I have not seen this, but then haven't played for more then like an hour at a time. Only way I have seen red on that bar is from falling. I suppose now it will go down because of starvation or extreme thirst... maybe I will test this tonight hehe

    @red51 will there be no way to regen that green "life" bar in bottom left? I assumed we will have ways of getting it back to full again.