Posts by ZaCormyr

    I think this has been confirmed. But don't quote me on it lol It would be nice for sure! Well, unless it grows back into your house etc.. lol

    I am sure we will have buckets etc for water. And for certain water sources need to boil the water (some ponds can really make you sick).

    Spear, yes! But I would want the fishing to be like Stranded Deep. Not a... thrust spear into apparently empty water and have a chance at catching a fish you never saw. I hope for fish in the water which you actually need to spear.

    Considering the modern style in the game. I don't see why we couldn't make sushi. But that should be an advanced cooking skill. And need more then a hunting knife ;)

    Bamboo rolling mat, and seaweed! Rice. Avocado. etc etc

    What if random portals were generated along with these dungeons and lead to some other totally random portal. Could be anywhere. So you walk through a portal and come out in another dungeon way underground. You would have to find your way to the surface number one, then figure out where the hell you are. Still have the issue of people "claiming" them.. but if there is PVP then well just un-claim it hehe Or if the dungeons are protected areas, nobody could build directly at the portal.

    Should prevent mobs from entering portals I think. That might cause weird issues.

    Edit: I would put these portals also in temples and ruins on the surface. Since these all would have monsters in them, the portal room should be clear of monsters. But you still would need to fight your way through the monsters. And this would happen each time since they respawn. Just wanted to mention that stuff.

    Top-side would be boring.

    You are forgetting the predatory animals which will hunt the player. Having to deal with a pack of wolves could seriously be worse then some monsters lol I'm sure a grizzly bear could rip a few monsters apart also. ;) No worries for the surface and the dangers there.

    The way I always pictured it is that there would be a few straggling monsters top side but most of the hostiles would be animals (at least on the surface). Dungeons and cave and stuff like that I pictured it to be the opposite where as there would be mainly monsters and a few straggling hostile animals.

    I could deal with that. If there will be monsters spawning on the surface, then less predators should spawn in that area/biome. Just to keep the balance.

    I don't think we would need something that size haha. Also, you need flat land to use something like that. From my learning about old gardening methods, using a scythe isn't all that difficult really. You can clear quite a large area in a days work.

    Maybe just a small backyard sized riding lawnmower. But really that is going too far for a game other than a farm simulator haha. It's not too high tech, I mean, we will have computers and vehicles. But something just for cutting grass just isn't worth the work.

    One thing about vehicles. I hope they scare the wildlife away!! So if you expect to hunt, you'll have to do it on foot.

    What about instead of an elder you find hints of it in the village like the art, building building techniques

    That would be interesting for sure! I just thought it would be interesting to have stories told of old civilizations which are gone, but there are legends which say where they lived might be found still.

    I was thing more then just tech though maybe armor tools and other gear as well.

    Yeah when I said technology, I mean all kinds of stuff other than things like ore or materials. I meant all kinds of things which are a finished product, "man" made. Tools, weapons, armor etc etc

    I know it's a lot of writing but in the end it is a fairly simple idea. I just like to flesh it all out instead of just writing a couple sentences and people end up not knowing really what I meant.

    From what I can tell, the devs may be interested in some kind of lore for adventure mode. Not for normal survival mode.

    I don't see why not. It would be more useful then just for a laugh I think. For farming say.. cutting hay down for cattle etc.. Anyways, when biomes are added grass will not cover everything as it does now. Maybe a couple biomes will have lots of grass.

    I figured it would be in the bunker. If you're building a bunker, the world would be quite the dangerous place. So why would you want to go out onto the surface to get to your mine when you're already underground :P

    Is there a Sandbox game you are not playing? lel.

    Many! I am keeping track of more then I am playing. Currently I don't play much Rising World or TUG or Stranded Deep, waiting for updates etc... I've been in Wurm.

    Have you thought about how much harder things are going to get when they add in hostile mobs?

    Yeah but currently there are too many animals. Just too many. There shouldn't be like 10+ animals in each valley. So I imagine there won't be that many predators roaming around. Maybe 1 per valley or something like that. Monsters will only spawn in dungeons and temples, not roaming around on the surface. At least the vast majority of people here want no monsters roaming around on the surface, so I assume this won't happen. It should be difficult and dangerous in survival mode. But balanced of course.

    @red51 Thanks for commenting on this topic(s). So from what you are saying, carrying food will be limited. But building blocks will stack to 64 like now? For normal survival mode I mean. It would be great if some mode was like I described. Stranded mode and hardcore survival mode being like this would be great! Just please have things like the carts etc.. to carry the larger stuff for these modes. By hand and by horse or donkey etc.. I would seriously be happy to build a log cabin by cutting trees and loading them onto a cart which needs to be pulled back to the build site. All with physics. Same for a modern house while using a vehicle with a trailer. It would be awesome! :D

    I like the idea of food and water taking up a lot of room because it encourages you to go home to get more food.

    What about gathering food while you explore? Having to run back home to get food will kill exploring. I hope we can pack an axe, a knife, some bandages or something like that, a means to start a fire, a little food, and a water skin and go on a hike for a couple days, surviving more on what is found out in the world.

    I understand not wanting to work on a house for three months. I was trying to make a point. Being able to have 5 stacks of stone in your inventory isn't survival. It's building. Anyways. I will be totally happy if there is a hardcore survival mode. Please do this red. :)

    Quiet Meltron.. :P

    R3drook, go ahead dude haha. When I first came to this forum I put a bunch of effort into a few ideas, which didn't get much of a response. People don't much like to read. Walls of text and all that lol. Anyways, they can be an interesting read for those who might appreciate it. Not Meltron.. lol :P

    If you're just building for the sake of building (on youtube of course).. then just the entrance of the mine should be good enough. Unless you plan to explore a deep cave and head down into the depths.. :P

    First off, the way I see creative is this: no need for chests.. you have access to each item in the game via a totally different inventory system then in survival. Just a list of the items available and the slots where you equip them to build with or place in the world. There would be no need for stacks of stuff.. just equip what you want to build with etc and use it to your hearts content. Why go and mine, or cut trees in creative? Why store stuff in chests at all? I think some may be keeping the current way of doing things in their mind too much, currently creative and survival are together in one mode. It won't be like that. Placing a chest in creative would just be a cosmetic thing, like everything else.

    For survival. Again, I am not saying it needs to be totally realistic. Like only holding one board at a time since that is all your hands can carry and a board won't fit in the backpack (although I would be willing to do that). That is why I would go by weight for what you can carry on your person. If a board is 10 pounds then maybe you could carry 8 at a time or something like that. The crate example I used was just an item you could craft in order to carry a pile of small items like apples more easily, so the crate of apples would be picked up and go into your inventory. I suppose I did not explain myself clearly.

    The point in survival is not to just build. Building is part of it yes, but building in survival should be about survival. After much time, finally completing a modern house should be quite the accomplishment and there would be a purpose to it, not just oh I built a big house... It should take maybe months of real time to get to that point (the "end game" stuff) from the start, at least weeks! We should not be able to build a house in a day in survival. That is crazy IMO. We should spend an in game week or so living out of the most primitive tent or lean-to with a campfire and some basic wood and stone tools. And you work your way up from there to the next type of shelter. I mean really, if we can build a house quick then what is the point of survival? Just make the game one big creative mode but with multiplayer.

    I honestly can't wait until the two modes are separate! lol This argument is just silly IMO...

    I am currently playing Wurm Online. In Wurm it takes a long time to do stuff, especially when first starting out. A long damn time!! I am not suggesting anything like that. Maybe a 3rd of it for immersion.

    I think you guys are imagining things taking far too long. I don't intend that at all. Like that crate image I posted above. Imagine how many apples you could put in there. Lets go with the minimum, 2 width wise and 4 length wise and lets say 2 high (and I think more could be done actually). That's 16 apples in one crate. How many do you need to gather at one time? lol

    Let me ask this. What is the point of building rails and mine carts for mining if we can just carry stacks and stacks of ore back to base? Nobody will bother with rails.. so why put it in the game at all? Think about it and remember there will be creative mode for those who just want to build. What I'm talking about is for survival modes.

    Anyways... Red. Think about it. That's all I ask.