Posts by ZaCormyr

    Just had a thought about hell. Please devs do not make souls floating around down there... no religious stuffs please. I even don't like that it is called hell. Would prefer it to be considered close to RW's core. Not the core itself... but close to it. "Hell" just has so many loaded feelings attached to it.

    Actually, it is quite logical if you think about it. Dungeons and Hell should be filled with Monsters whilst realistic animals roam the surface and some caves. Why? Well, some people want just a realistic experience in Rising World while others want some Monsters to keep the game interesting, so doing it that way would make both types of people happy. Understand?

    I hear ya man. And I thought that way before. But then there will be temples and ruins, special places like that which it seems logical that there would be monsters lurking there. Doesn't make sense that a bear would live in a temple.

    But again, we will be able to turn monsters off. Thus making everyone happy. ;)

    To be clear, I would not want to find monsters roaming around on the surface like out in the open (aside from the ghost idea). Just in temples, ruins and other structures which are basically surface dungeons.

    could you change the coloring when hunger and thirst decreases

    I actually wish it was different. I would prefer if they would fill up from bottom to top. When healthy green colour is full to the top then it's at max, then it slowly goes down until the symbols are empty and well.. soon you die. And I would change thirst meter to blue. Just my 2 cents on it.

    Regarding thirst, I found it took a lot of apples to fill it up. Maybe this was because I ate some burnt bacon? Does that decrease your thirst a lot and make it more difficult to get it up again?

    Just got little over an hour to try the update. Going to give feedback before the family gets home any time here lol....

    I know some of this you devs already know.

    I only used the round gas grill so far.

    - Cooking meat sizzling sound please!
    - When grill is turned on, add some hot coals inside and/or a little fire
    - Would be cool to have to flip the meat to cook both sides (after placing meat, Right click to flip)
    - This is probably due to light needing work. But when I placed a light source near the grill, the meat on the grill pretty much glowed but the grill did not.. screens on my Steam to check out if you want there Red
    - Bacon eating sound should be crunchy! :D
    - Love the melon slice eating slurp!! made me laugh haha whoever did that.. nice work!
    - If burnt meat is left on too long, it should start a small fire which destroys the grill.
    - should need fuel of course for grill etc..

    gotta go!

    I hear ya. But I would prefer texture packs or new weapon models then game mechanic changes via mods. Mind you people will do what they please.. as long as it doesn't affect the whole game, I don't really care.

    From what I'm seeing it appears that you can paint them. Wondering if it'll keep its simplicity in variety or if we'll have to fetch every little ingredient to do that though.

    I think you're meaning how when crafting a stone block to use there are arrows right and left to change the texture? Currently it is like that because the different stone types etc.. are not in the game, not there to be mined yet.

    I hope later these arrows could be used for different texture packs we install. Something like that. So you mine some granite and when crafting usable blocks from it you can choose from the different texture packs you have installed. If none then you have the default texture that comes with the game... Would be great! Same for wood etc..

    You gotta find a way to play... simple as that. Watching a vid is only so good for having an idea about the gameplay etc..

    I'm curious if there'll be variety in crossbows and such.

    I think this is where community content comes in more. Weapon skin packs or even new models etc.. Like we're already seeing with the texture packs being made here which rock!

    Not just "important" ghosts. All ghosts. So they really have the feeling of being people from the village who died before.

    I'm sure there will be some basic block for building that you can colour however you want. Like painting.

    Oh so you haven't played RW yet? And you're a guy? haha, fooled me!

    We shall see about the RW world generation. As of now, who knows?

    Nice work dude, great job! This is exactly the kind of project I can't wait to do when we actually have to survive and mine for everything etc...

    I want to 1v1 with the battleaxe in the courtyard! That church needs some stained glass!! :D

    If you have steam version, share this stuff there. Show people what can be done even now in RW!!

    Yeah it would be great! I can already see goblins working in there, or undead miners with their headlamps on.. mining away for no reason at all.. hehe Maybe the miners (undead or goblin) are slaves for some master (boss monster). ;) Hey @red51. Check this out.

    - Being able to request their assistance (or an AI Companion befriended from there; Possibly even through a mod addition) would be interesting. If you can get the option to befriend, or even have them companions for life (not love interest) then they should be able to follow, assist you, help build, lightly mine, farm, and etc. if you don't need them then you can escort them back to their village.

    This would fit with the ghost thing we talked about, if you get your NPC buddy killed.. he would become a ghost and potentially try to kill you hehe Would be interesting if Ghosts maintained their earthly looks in some way so you could tell them apart.. so you could find your old NPC buddy after he is dead. lol

    No. Please, I dislike this idea. Let player's create their own community's. It was a bad idea in Minecraft and it is an even worse one here, no offense but no thanks!

    I hear ya, in some way I agree. But then you can just choose to not deal with NPCs right? Don't make friends with them, consider them the enemy and a resource using parasite if you want.. kill them all off! That would be another challenge if you so wished. Doesn't have to be one way or the other. Devs should balance the NPC interactions so they are not a huge advantage, or any advantage at all. Maybe treat a NPC buddy like a pet where you have to provide food and water and shelter at night so a NPC buddy is almost a problem to have. ;)

    Personnaly , i thnink you need to add gun . BUT not modern gun , if you can add gun off the past , it could be cool ! Add arrows, bow and old guns !

    Red has stated that he plans to add a musket and an old pistol. Along with bows and crossbows... ;)

    It is just to get a general idea of what people might want.

    Yup but we're getting duplicate threads which in general give devs a headache. :P

    Regarding monsters. Well yes for sure in dungeons... but also world generation should be able to make caves, lairs etc.. along with the temples and ruins on the surface. I see no reason why monsters should be there also. I mean, why would they only be underground? Why would wolf protect a temple? Monsters should be on the surface also. This is my opinion after much thought since the thread I made about this. Just makes sense. And of course we will be able to turn monsters off via config etc.. But in that case, why not just use creative mode? Anyways..

    I'm however curious about marble, and all that. All those variety in blocks would have you flying all over the map trying to acquire enough to build with.

    If the RW earth is in sedimentary layers, then you would just need to mine down where you are to find the layer which has marble. I could be more detailed then that, certain stones only in certain biomes, but that is unnecessary IMO.

    Not sure about making the map connect so it is a globe. It would be great but I think that is asking too much haha But if possible it would be a way to determine the size of the map, and yeah the center would be "hell" (I take it you've been down there?). I would much prefer to have a globe instead of just an endless ocean as a map border. We shall see.

    A week each season is what I suggested I believe. So 4 weeks is a RW year. But I would want this adjustable in server config. Some people might want an actual year... or a season just lasts a day. But of course that depends on scaling the growth cycles etc..