Posts by ZaCormyr

    To me, any game that "needs" mods to make it interesting enough to play does nothing but prove there's something pretty sad about the basic game in the first place.

    Exactly! That is what I want RW to avoid.. just saying.. oh well someone will make a mod for that. But of course there is a line to be drawn and only so much the devs can do with their current team.

    Few games have made me excited like RW. Very few.

    I've suggested that RW have a history, and lore, but not to restrict the players. Instead to increase the devs options for content. You can sniff around for it if ya like.

    Currently RW is only planned to a survival game. So far there is no survival. The only damage you can take is by falling and that can be avoided with F2. Hopefully soon our hopes and dreams will come true. We shall see and cross our fingers in the meantime hehe :P

    Sorry to say this but this poll is a bit silly. Monsters are planned... even found stuff relating to them in game files. But there will be options to not have them so, either way people will be happy. I already started a thread asking devs where they planned on spawning them and attempting to get peoples input on it, just an FYI. :P We shall see what the devs do with it since I didn't get an answer from them. I think it will be a work in progress, not written in stone with the first monster in game.


    Ah! zip line! haha.. That has been mentioned before I believe. And yeah would be fun! Maybe not so practical.. but fun! Only issue is if you go too fast it would probably crash the game lol

    I don't pretend the above ideas are the ideal, so yeah undead pirates aren't the best option for a tropical biome. Just what I could come up with at that time hehe.

    For the animals, I just wanted somewhat realistic variety which feels like a ecosystem. I mean, why try to force things when life shows how simple it can be.

    In regards to biome types, the devs have mentioned having some main biomes with sub-biomes connecting them. Thus my putting what biomes border each of them in brackets.. to kind of show how they could be connected and thus organized for world generation.

    The big picture for all of this which I've talked about with others in another threads is having the biomes not in random pockets, but organized like earth. Warmer at the equator and colder in the polar regions. Either two polar regions or just one. Either way you could piece those biomes together that way. So if you build near the arctic but want some rubber (as an example) and they only can be found with the rubber tree in the jungle.. then you have some hiking to do. And you would have to continue making trips even if you started growing those trees yourself in the jungle since that is the only place they will grow. Same for hunting certain animals, or wanting other flora etc.. Doesn't matter where you build, you will always be far away from something that might be needed at some point.

    Except the basic building materials like wood and ore which should be found in almost all biomes (maybe trees don't grow in the arctic or desert...). Plus I would love it if the stone types and ores are like earth, sedimentary layers going down to the "core" (hell). These ideas along with a full 4 season cycle is what I hope for for RW. I can only cross my fingers lol

    Yeah a foggy effect at night in the cemetery would be creepy for sure. Especially if it slowly covered the whole valley at times so you could find yourself totally surrounded by it and have a hard time finding your way out. :D Would love that.

    About ghosts move outwards from the cemetery, well I just thought it would be foolish if they just floated around the cemetery.. they would be much more easy to avoid then. Part of the point for me is to make them dangerous and unpredictable to a degree. A percentage of aggression should be an easy equation. Once aggro'd.. they only aggressively attack say X%. Otherwise you have to get too close or attack to get a response. Since well.. they are wandering, looking for their earthly bodies.

    Dispersing at dawn.. yeah I don't want to copy MC or anything, just ghosts from a graveyard seem like they would only come out at night. But I suppose it would not matter to a ghost what time of day it is...

    Have you gone down to hell? ;) I'm sure there will be rewards for venturing in the depths.

    Limiting it to youtube might be a decent compromise. But that still won't be enough for some. Or many.. lol

    yeah don't get me started on the direction Canada has been headed... but what other path could be taken? It would be different if Canada was an ocean away from the US. But it's not. Anyways. still one of the best places to live IMO. I can't seem to leave the west coast rainforests...

    Yes, in the end we just have to wait to see what is done by the devs and what is not. The waiting is the worst part.. sigh

    I would support having pets, for certain pet animals which have no other use.

    I just suggested in another thread that the zombie dog be a pet of some undead monster which maybe we could tame in some difficult way.

    So not everything should be available as a pet.

    They should be realistic in that they require food and drink and care, like having pets IRL. So if you will be away from home, you better have some means of taking care of your pet while you're away or you'll come home to a skeleton.

    There should not be any advantage to having a pet, it should be a disadvantage in fact since you will require more resources to take care of another mouth. Thus having a pet is totally optional. But if there is a challenge to it as I am suggesting, even people like @Geneo might find themselves taking care of one at some point.. :P

    So lets say we can tame a ferret, you would have to supply it somehow with rats or mice, or at least small chunks of meat. But frequently. And of course some water... and to keep it happy, some form of home which isn't just a box. Some enclosure made for them. Maybe that part is going too far haha

    You will anyway be able to quench your thirst by eating fruits. E.g. watermelons will have a greater effect on that than apples.
    Creating different drinks or juices will also be added in the future, most likely in combination with the "baking and cooking" system, when we will generally concentrate on things like that ;)

    Syrup is also a good idea, we put it on our list :)

    Nice! Got me thinking of food processing. Mortar and pestle, different hand crank stuffs like a hand blender, or hand power flour grinder, hand crank apple press etc.. ;)

    Hopefully the NPC villagers will want to indulge themselves in that while giving me something in return for the sweetness


    @Geneo Remember that a lot of this stuff will have an option to turn it off or on. So just avoid servers which allow modern guns. I'm hoping there will be a lot of customization allowed via config etc.. down to each item hopfully.

    Some kind of ghost would be good. I've suggested in another thread that abandoned mines should have undead miners, or living goblins. Since NPC villages are most likely happening, maybe those villages could have cemeteries. At night, depending on how many graves there are, a certain amount of ghosts appear out of the graves and start to wander the area going further and further from the village until day comes when they just disappear. An interesting mechanic would be if a villager dies, a new grave appears and one more ghosts spawns at night from then on. Clever peeps could risk themselves to try finding villages at night this way hehe

    I'm not sure how many villages there will be, but I assume you won't find one in every valley... so ghosts will be somewhat rare, and thus should be really difficult to deal with. Requiring some special powder from some dried and ground plant be added to weapons or something like that. Anyways, I am loopy and need sleep lol

    I posted one thread that listed a bunch of biome types I thought would be great, and along with that predators and prey for each (not a complete list..) and some monsters for each if I recall correctly. Here it is. Nobody responded to it so I didn't go further with it lol. But you may like it there ArcticuKitsu. Looking at it now, it was more about creating an ecosystem in each biome. Instead of monsters, prey and predators found everywhere etc.. they were in specific biomes along with the flora being different, another reason to explore....

    Zombie dog should be the pet of some undead monster IMO. Which maybe, with much effort, we could make it our pet?

    Oh I know I went too far with that idea haha. I just like to imagine the ideal and hope it gets as close to that as possible. And I find it fun to think of this stuff. Long before I wrote on any gaming forums with suggestions I was writing game ideas and coming up with story lines and game mechanics. I love it. Just wish I could make it reality myself haha

    I'm not sure about tanker trucks or full sized trains. I think vehicles are going to be much more simple then that, but maybe I'm wrong. Just I figure the players characters need to learn how to build this stuff and that might be reaching to far... but then they want electricity and computers so... maybe a steam engine isn't asking for too much, or a tanker truck. It would be interesting if large amounts of water were scarce enough that we would have to transport it like that. We should still be able to construct pipes to do this, but of course that would be risky. So the investment into a larger train or tanker truck would be worth it.

    If what we can farm is only able to be farmed in specific biomes, then yeah we no doubt will need to transport food also. If having a variety of food is required for good health. Otherwise people can just grow carrots and eat those all the time.

    I would love water wheels, if water could be used that way and have it's own force that would be awesome. I suppose it could be done in a more simpler way like.. water goes "in" and is a source, then water comes "out" the other end. But the water flow is not constant through the mill. Depends on the water system they can do. But it would be great to use water as an energy source like that. Wind mills also. Sorry, can't remember all I spoke of before and don't have time to read the whole thread again haha

    You have a good point there ArcticuKitsu, it would be best left open and up to the players to decide what content they show on their tv's. Leave it up to the server admins to determine that stuff. I just thought it easier on the devs to control things more. But you're right, shit has gotten out of control over here, mostly in the states but more and more here in Canada unfortunately.

    Same for the posters, leave it up to server admins to deal with. Remove people that are not following server rules. There will always be servers which don't care and actually want porn and offensive stuff.

    But that means giving server admins power to deal with this stuff. Which I'm sure isn't much of a problem.

    Hope I make sense.. my family is nearly finished with a nasty flu and I'm still fighting a fever and horrible all day headache... lack of sleep also...

    And welcome ArcticuKitsu and RobertL, it's nice to have more people here willing to share ideas and hash them out. :)

    Yes I would much prefer the tv could accept a feed from cameras in the game (otherwise people will just watch porn.. or GOT, instead of playing.. lol). Add antennas to use for broadcasting the signal. People could create their own INGAME tv shows. Just need an ability to switch which camera is sending the feed to get different angles etc..

    Also with the antenna, you could use it to broadcast a signal to your house to keep an eye on livestock in the next valley or something like that, or for enemy players trying to sneak up on ya. Somewhere a wire isn't practical for.

    Such a great idea this.. I want I want! Ty RobertL

    For the computer, same thing. I see no need to connect to actual internet stuff. Prefer it to be related to RW stuff. Controlling an automated greenhouse ventilation system.. stuff like that.

    I'm sure a fully modern weapon mod will happen for RW at some point. Might be fun! But please no advanced weapons in vanilla game.. or I get my laser arm attachment! For this I will... not.. fart in your general direction. ;)