Posts by ZaCormyr

    The idea I linked to is more for the dungeons and other structures to have some kind of history, which in the end gives RW bit of a history, but the intention wasn't ever to restrict RW or lock it into this or that...

    Anyways, I think I will promote a history, lore, or story if you want to call it that, for adventure mode which red has spoke of. I think this is the mode he wants to use for questing etc.. more RPG. So lets be done with the back and forth and put this under adventure mode. Leave normal survival mode totally open with nothing holding it down.


    At first I wanted to try Cubeworld. But forgot about it so I guess I wasn't THAT interested lol. Yeah I recall it had a glider.

    Well RW devs state in their features page that they want to add a glider. So, if they do it, lets hope they've learned a thing or two from other games which failed in the attempt hehe

    Need updraft somehow to be generated along with the world so it works with the mountains etc..

    But in the end.. this is simply an unnecessary toy, the hang glider. But it would have strategic uses in PVP... :D

    Because when I fell the first tree, I got like 3 apples, but in total they are extremly rare. Also, I guess watermelons don't spawn in areas you already discovered.
    So, I either have to run around looking for melons, or I have to use cheats, since it takes a lot of time to chop trees without hacks (or you need them to disable thirst I guess). Also, I don't want to kill the entire forest

    I think the apple is intended to be in case of emergency. They really can't be depended on to quench your thirst normally. Melons do that great and from what I've seen, shortly after finding one in my area (in a new map..) I would discover another had spawned close by. Just tough to find them in the grass (unless they are far enough away that the grass isn't loaded yet... then they are easy to find).

    It takes a lot of time to chop trees? I don't find this to be true at all. Getting lazy there Meltron.. :P

    That said, I think thirst may go down a bit too fast currently. Shouldn't need to "drink" more then a couple times a day in order to be healthy. We should be able to go like two days without drinking before dying of dehydration. Longer for food... If this was done, spawns of melons might need to be reduced, possible apples too.

    I believe that when they said "nothing will be free", what they meant was that things like the iron stuff we can currently make without mining ores beforehand are what is not going to be free, and that will be once those ores have been implemented in the game. Nowhere have I seen any suggestion that we may actually have to pay real money to take part in the game.

    I think you're right. I haven't seen anything like that either. I mean if they do, they'll seriously be shooting themselves in the foot. Simple as that. Anyways...

    Witch will eventually change anyhow since "Devs" mentionned that nothing will be free on the game

    Where did you see that?

    And yeah, if this becomes anything other than what it is now... buy the game and play it from then on... then I'm outa here.

    About guns, well they can add whatever. Just provide options for server admins to customize down to each item. And for SP, when choosing options for world generation, same thing.. give options for what weapons are included in that world. Done, everyone happy. Just a list with check boxes next to each weapon etc.. Does that not work for guys who don't want crazy weapons? I am with you on it actually.. but I may want something more at times in RW.

    I want to try Rimworld. Looks promising for sure! I passed over blockscape and ended up at RW. Mount & Blade: Warband is great! I wouldn't compare it to Skyrim at all.

    Medieval Engineers will have barbarians that attack your castle in SP at least... although I haven't been on that forum for a couple weeks at least lol.. things might have changed. If you like space then check out their first game like that.. Space Engineers.

    Can't help ya with customizing NPC followers.

    You might be interested in Wurm Online though.. just discovered it myself and will try it. Talk about lots to learn but it is totally open and up to the players what the game is. I can't even start to describe that game...

    I'm sure we will be able to milk cows and goats in order to drink milk but also to make cheese. I like the idea of a pruning hook. A ladder would be useful in some cases I imagine also. Eating pine cones? No. They should be used for evergreen tree seeds. ;)

    If this is not agreeable, then it would be nice to at least have some support for modders to implement their own weapons in the game independently.

    I think for sure you will see this, at some point.

    But you do have a point, why be able to make a computer, but not a rifle? So again I say, please devs allow each item to be config'd on or off. Because I think even those who want guns, don't want this game to just be a DM or KOS game. Although it would be fun to have a server dedicated to, yes I will say it.. some kind of hunger games server would be great in RW. I don't want vanilla RW to be that... bring the flak!! lol

    Not sure about the anime stuffs... don't watch it myself.

    I'm hoping for deciduous trees (changing leaf colour and they fall off before winter, tree goes into a dormant state) and evergreens (green needles all year round...), jungle and tropical trees which are deciduous but never lose their leaves since it never gets that cold near the equator, and some fantasy type trees which provide more of a magical atmosphere with more colours etc..

    Come to think of it, it would be nice to have some biomes in a fantasy style.

    Shellfish, well if there are oceans.. then why not? And red tide messing up your fishing endeavors... hehe

    Why would there be temples if there is no lore?

    Not my game dude haha... ask the devs. They plan on temples and ruins on the surface which will hold loot and danger. This has been said. I've got no problem with it. It doesn't have to be anything like MC. It could be elaborate structures which require quite some time to navigate and conquer. We shall see. But yeah, I've been pushing for some kind of lore. I wrote an idea for it. But didn't get much of a response lol.. maybe I went too far with it. But I liked it anyways hehe

    I really think there should be more on the surface then just NPC villages. Saying no to more structures on the surface is just saying no to more content options IMO. Anyways...