Posts by ZaCormyr

    Quake is the first time I've seen it used. Although I didn't know it was because of the glitch which helps ya move a bit faster haha. But yeah since then pretty much every game which has buttons for moving sideways without turning, has called it strafing.

    Which strategy games you play most there supershanks?

    I would have to agree. One feature I have wanted most in several games is a full four season cycle. I would need to start wearing diapers if it was done in RW. It would be great if players and admins could determine how long the seasons were. If that is too much to ask, then maybe make each season last a week or something and base everything on that (crop growing etc..).

    Ideally I would want this: biomes placed like our planet, meaning there is an equator (dessert or savannah biomes etc..) and two polar regions (snow biomes). Then add in the seasons accordingly. There would never be snow in the dessert.. and there would always be snow in the arctic and antarctic. Or just from the equator to the north pole maybe, to make it somewhat less work. In the summer the snow melts up to the arctic biome, in winter the snow moves south. And of course the seasons would affect the rain.. (droughts in some regions during summer, more rain in general during spring and fall..).

    8gb ram here. Graphics is Club 3D Radeon R7 265 with 2gb memory. Temp is currently 39 degrees C (and it's warm in here sadly..). Doesn't go above 60 under load from what I remember when first installing and checking temps. Fan speed is at 20%.

    It's not that haha Still thinking it's some weird java thing. I dunno... :(

    Sliding glass doors would be good too! I don't think that would be too difficult. And that function could be used for other things too. Garage doors. Advanced furnace doors. Automated windows in a greenhouse. Stuff like that..

    Not just one block you to make a pyramid with.. haha But one block type which can be resized before placing.

    Zac, that's a new one. I prefer Cor since my name is Cory. ZaCormyr is used because I started finding that Cormyr was already taken.

    It's true that traveling is a lot easier then lots of people think. Just need to plan ahead for it, and plan the trip proper. Lots can be done. I have a 3 year old so wouldn't take him to Cambodia or Egypt. Didn't even like having him in Mexico which is where his mother is from haha Mexico City can be scary.

    And yeah, one of the best things people can do is stay debt free. And don't care so much about having the latest and greatest car.. or cell phone etc... in the end that shit doesn't matter in life. We are really being pushed to believe that, but it's not for our best interest that is for sure!! Don't get me started on this stuff haha

    About the rice, if you eat it anyways then yeah it makes sense to get a large bag of it. Just keep it sealed somehow to keep the bugs out etc..