Posts by ZaCormyr

    The big youtubers don't want people all confused and end up hating them either. If they do it they will make it clear it's very early alpha etc.. and don't expect this or that, but expect what you see in the video. I've seen it plenty of times. I don't think it would be a problem (well there are always haters...).

    Devs will do the donation thing if they want. Can't force them haha

    I say events are done for each major update which has new features which change gameplay etc.. to get it out there for people to see and also to show new people how things are done in game as like a guide. It would be great to see a bunch of us running around on a server building stuff and messing around etc..

    But, I won't be sending money to a community member. I don't have much and just won't risk it. Sorry.

    I've been to several islands now. Made a raft which also disappeared and I had to swim the rest of the way. Gotta find rocks lol. Seems to be the main issue since there are only so many on each island. Yeah swimming seems to be faster, but of course you're always crapping yourself in fear of a shark. It is nerve-wracking! I don't scare easy but that game puts me on edge at times haha

    Only way to get better stuff then the crap you can craft is by diving to sunken ships and searching them underwater while avoiding sharks and trying not to drown.

    That said, I watched a video of someone doing what killem mentioned, hacking away at a tiger shark with no bites and it took forever. In fact the guy in the vid didn't manage to kill the shark before the video ended lol

    Some islands are a bit bigger, not by much though. I hope for larger islands.

    About the fire, yeah once I saw the crafting guide I realized there are better fires to make. But the fire still has an odd hit box, after they are finished try walking over one. It's like an inch tall but sure messes you up! lol

    Game is worth it IMO.

    Gabe.. CEO of Steam haha ok. Yeah I don't pay attention to much of that stuff. :P

    Yeah maybe the best thing to do for now is hold events and get the youtubers involved. Showing what can already be built with the game will attract many people. Just look at the screens on steam. Crazy good stuff!! There are already servers out there, I'm sure the admins would be happy to have an event of some sort. Just gotta get everyone in on it and get it going. This kind of thing is tough for me to do since I have a family and can't just be online whenever I want. But I would pop in for sure to see what people are doing!!

    Another thing people could do is broadcast on steam. I currently allow my friends but I've been tempted to let the world watch if they want while I play RW. Issue for me is I'm not the best builder.. nor do I want to be lol. We shall see.

    Also, suggest the game to your favourite youtuber to check out. I just sent a msg to one that has millions of subscribers and who likes this kind of game. Got another I may msg up.

    Considering it's alpha and plenty of devs do this, I don't see a reason not to have a donation option on the site. Of course this will piss off some people.. but there's always haters etc..

    Not sure if their agreement or contract or whatever with steam allows it though.

    Edit: umm Gabe?

    Check this out. Not to learn all the crafting recipes, but to see what can be built currently.

    Stranded Deep is not about building for the sake of being a creative builder (although I'm sure you could cover an island with walls and roofs etc.. and make like a maze or something haha. It's about building stuff to help you survive being stranded on small tropical islands in the middle of the ocean. You will need to constantly look for food. Food level goes down quickly, especially if you swim or run a lot. You can deplete an island of all crabs, no more will come to my understanding. You can cut all the palm trees down, no more will spawn.

    As you can see in the pictures in that link, the inflatable raft has a roof. This is probably something that is found on a sunken ship. So we can craft but also salvage items and use them.

    I have yet to get on their forum to see what the devs are saying about the future, if we could do some planting of basic crops or something like that.

    Anyways, I suggest this game just because it is actually bit of an unique experience. Maybe you want to wait a bit to see what comes of it....

    Edit: just checked.. they don't have a forum currently.. comments on their site and steam stuffs. duh... lol

    Left multiple time to go check the horizon but strangely always ended up at my original spawing island..


    On their website it says:


    Open World
    The world of Stranded Deep is infinite and completely procedural from
    the islands to the trees themselves! Every new game will be a new
    experience with new places to explore, easter eggs to find and
    achievements to accomplish.

    This claims the world is already like that, infinite and completely procedural. So if we're just getting the same island over and over, isn't that bordering on a scam? I mean the game is only 400mb. How many textures can be in there lol

    The throwing stuff on the ground kinda works for this game. The building is super simple, just stuff with sticks and rocks, plant fiber etc... That system would never work for RW. The physics are still part of the building... stuff can slide or roll away and you gotta drag it back and try again. Overall I don't mind that, it's realistic. You gotta plan where you will build (flatter ground...).

    One thing I hate, is cooking. The camp fire is weird, it has a weird hit box or whatever. Trying to place a fish on it, or a crab is frustrating.. and glitchy. I know it's alpha, just giving feedback for people interested in the game. Also I really wish I could add more wood to the fire instead of it just running out and making another.

    I'm on my first life still, I've played about 2 hours and I've survived 4 days I think in game. I've fallen off a tree 4 times, broken stuff.. my arm is still twisted after getting back to full health (not sure how I broke my arm when landing on my I've eaten several things that made me puke.. and along with twisted, bloody arm, it is now diseased with like small boils or some kind of infection. I hate that a rubber raft suddenly disappears half way to another island. Happened to me in the middle of the night and by the time I reached the next island I was nearly dead and at the end of the swim a shark nearly got me. For me, the fear is real! lol This game will freak you out. There is no avoiding going in the water (even if rafts didn't disappear) and who knows when a shark will come. So, so.. creepy. So just for that, game is great haha That feeling of survival, is great.

    I find the food system off... there is no way I should have to drink and eat like 5-6 coconuts a day in order to survive, plus a few small fish or crab. Maybe 2 coconuts and a fish or crab. I've watched enough survivor man etc.. to know better haha. Again, I know it's alpha and I plan on visiting their forum.

    Next thing I will do is sacrifice a life and go as far as possible, see if islands are repeated or they give what they claim is in game.

    Another one I've come across is Dead Sea. It looks interesting. Found it in steam greenlight and it's been greenlit. Not sure about their monster stuff... but worth checking out.

    I don't think I explained myself last time proper haha.

    After reading all that has been said. Does this sum it up?

    1. Current system.. do what you want, within it's limits. Also be able to change the size of something which is already placed. Crafting boards this way means just a generic board the way it is now.
    2. Set dimensions of the grid (in metric or imperial). Not sure how the grid size is determined at the moment, seems odd though.
    3. Be able to go craft boards to a specific size (in metric or imperial) so as you're crafting boards, you type in the dimensions or use sliders.. whatever works. But you can still use the above system to resize before/after placement if you change your mind. This way it's much less of a problem if you craft a stack of 6 foot boards, but need 5 foot. Can still use them.
    4. Have a visual representation of the measurements on the grid and on the boards while you are place them, and when say you select them to resize after placement.
    5. Be able to save sizes and/or textures as favourites. And since there seems to be profiles planned for the game, it would be great if these favourites were saved to the profile so you could start a new game and have the set of board size/texture favourites ready.

    Do I have my head up my ass or is this what we're looking for? haha

    Yeah to get a big picture kind of answer isn't really going to happen. It's been asked before. Best I could do is tell ya to look at the features page on the website to get an idea of what they plan on doing. But of course that can change too. Plus, just read through the suggestions section to see what is most wanted etc.. you will find some responses in there from the devs regarding some things.

    And yeah, the community has some say, without pleasing the players.. well there won't be any lol

    Livestock. To my knowledge the devs have only said they plan on having dogs you can tame. The community has talked about farming and would like it for the most part. I sure hope for it.

    I agree there shouldn't be a set economy, like things have a set value and we use coins (although I did think it would be cool to craft coins with gold).. as Geneo said, the barter system will work best. But some of the community has talked about being able to mine and/or pan for gold. This could be used to trade for items if people want it, but so could steel.... Gold could also be used for crafting rings and amulets etc.. or (just thought of this now) wire connectors for better conductivity.

    There has been talk also of NPC villages and if that happens, no doubt we would be able to trade with them in some way and maybe they would accept gold, but again maybe steel.. or the muffins you made, or copper wire spools... or nice furniture. (I hope for this kind of thing)

    Best big picture description I've seen is from the community, and I've made this myself, it's is saying Rising World is what Minecraft should have been. I don't mean a copy, or replacement. I mean what it should have been. There are some serious differences (good ones) between RW and MC. I don't believe the devs are trying to remake MC in any way. But it really feels like what Minecraft should have been... if that makes sense haha

    Anyways, if you like to build, you will currently enjoy the game. Welcome!

    don't forget you can set often used blocks as favorites.

    Does that include the texture you used?

    @supershanks Sorry man, I'm Canadian.. even if I don't follow sports, it's hockey I know more of hehe. I had to google what you said to understand what the hell you meant lol :P Although with my recent nearly 3 years in Mexico, I've at least been exposed to a bunch of football (well for me it's soccer, just because of where I was born.. but it does make more sense to call it football. not to piss off any americans here... :P).

    This game just went on steam, too and it looks great. More like the forest, though. Haven't played that, but i think I will like this Stranded Game more. I think we should also not compare this to Rising World, but I think it has some really nice survival aspects, just by looking at the trailer and the screenshots. :P I really like how there are very small island, but I read that there are many of them :D Also the area in and under water looks amazing! While the things you can do in water are mostly the weak part of other games, it seems like this is the strong part of this one. I am not into diving, but I think the things on land will be nice, as well. So I am gonna give this a try, I guess and maybe I find some details that could work in Rising World as well.

    I just got this today. It is good and the water is great. Bloody sharks try to bump you off the raft!! And follow you! Scary. The survival is pretty good. Game of course needs a lot of work. It's nothing like The Forest though, other than you can make a shelter. I think the player is the only person in Stranded Deep. No crazies... Which is fine. So far I think it was worth the $17 CAD.

    I wish the RW dev team would expand. I know there are challenges, of course there are. Always will be. But the payoff will be worth it IMO. Anyways.


    No. Just red. Muhaha



    this one could be such an entrance for an old shaft that is already in the world when you start it. And we would have to dig out this entrance


    Hey red, if you won't do my ancient civilization idea for dungeons and underground structures.. at least do these mine shafts along with cave which are inhabited by orcs... ;) For the mine shafts, either undead miners, or living goblin miners.. or both! Mine shafts could be a way to provide precious gems or something like that. (would still like my ancient civilization idea along with this though haha please? see, I asked nice!)

    I didn't mean to compare it to RW. But they will have some similar aspects, like mining tunnels and stuff like that. Also, yes they are more on the side of a builder for medieval times, but the community wants more then that. Devs of RW can learn from that information. Don't shut the door on one group just because the other wants something very different, both can be done fairly easily. The success of Minecraft shows the importance of this. But it's become more clear that I don't need to worry about that here.

    We shall see how Medieval Engineers goes.. I sure hope for the ability to build a functioning village and castle with a large community in that game, and have different roles to play. The barbarians they plan aren't going to be enough for me I fear. I hear ya about the level of detail they have, especially with the physics they plan for the earth and buildings. Collapsing under weight unless properly built/supported. Can't wait to see what comes of that. That is a feature I've always wanted in a game.