Posts by ZaCormyr

    Here there OldDustyDan, nice avatar! I like that one. Anyways, I am "patiently" waiting to see what the devs will do regarding monsters. I also want more of a real world atmosphere in the wilds of Rising World. Maybe some monsters but nothing that makes it cartoony or silly. Regardless, whatever monsters they will add, they will provide a way to turn them off completely. So you will have what you are hoping for. ;)

    That shocks me, to be honest.

    You making a joke? I don't get it haha

    Tried to join their Forum and no confirmation was ever sent (Twice) to my Email address to log in....(Negative was not sent by error in my junk mail..)

    Yeah same here.. waited days just in case. Tried again... nothing. So had to use gmail instead of hotmail. It may be they are in an IP block which for some reason has been blocked by hotmail's automatic systems. They need to deal with it regardless.

    So far in Planet Explorers I just did a bit of single player yesterday. Didn't really like it actually lol. One quest thing is broken near the start. Had this damn flying creature attack me and follow me around the map forever.. attacking NPCs which just stood there.. finally after dying several times I managed to kill the damn thing. Seems to me there are some serious issues with being able to hit things, even certain trees I just could not chop. Wish they would have text come up or the item has an outline when you are able to select it/hit it. Anyways, maybe getting on a server will be more fun.

    For the digging monster, I just think it'll cause too many bugs. Messing with the terrain like that just seems like a coding nightmare lol

    Monsters which are attracted to light and thus potentially a player's base, they could have different things they go after. Meaning, a goblin could want your chickens. Orc may want something bigger... Give them separate interests. That way if you are away and come back to discover your base messed up, you could figure out what was there and possibly hunt it down if you so wanted.

    And yeah, the sounds of machines and vehicles might attract some type of monster(s) for sure.

    That's better going than Medieval Engineers then :), have you bothered with that now it's out on Steam?

    No I don't have Medieval Engineers. Didn't really need to get Planet Explorers now other than taking advantage of the sale haha Although I could get Medieval Engineers with 25% off since I have Space Engineers. But we are not made of money and the wife isn't a gamer so.. lol

    No, nothing like how The Forest does it. They follow specific paths and check out the player if they can see him or what he built from that path. Or should I say patrol route.

    More of a vehicle thing?

    The idea assumes monsters will roam on the surface within their biome(s). We have no idea if this will be the case, they may just spawn in dungeons etc. Anyways, if they roam on the surface then at some point they would no doubt come across the players stuff. I wouldn't want set behavior for where they go other than maybe staying in their biome(s). So it would be much more random, especially if the biomes are big. Maybe from a certain distance they can detect a light source, at that point they head in that direction. Could end up killing livestock, busting into your house.. I don't know. If you're there, obviously you would have bit of an issue to deal with.

    Point is, players tend to turtle... so there should be ways of danger coming to the player's base. So livestock attracting predators (possibly monsters too if they happen to come close enough to see there are yummy pigs in a pen etc..) and maybe light attracting smarter monsters at night.

    What I would do is, make the garbage bins functional. Want to get rid of stuff.. throw it in the garbage (of varying sizes of course, up to large dumpsters maybe). And what is dropped in the world, just leave it. No despawn. Then people could do as they wish and trash is dealt with in an immersive way.

    Maybe outside of protected areas, if something is dropped and no players comes near it for a certain length of time, it despawns just so useless clutter doesn't build up.

    Nice ideas there Lhor! That library could be done via a tall tower. Open floor in the middle, ring of shelves and a staircase on the outside. If it actually had books.. well it would laaaaag horribly lol

    That's fine! I've been told more then once I was way out there in left field lol It's part of the process. :)

    One part of you idea that may work if it's twisted a bit. If monsters roam around on the surface, maybe they (or just certain ones) are attracted to fires, or lights.... like moths but with a purpose of finding food or items etc... This creates bit of a "dangerous at night" thing which some don't want but I think this is unique enough that it won't feel like say Minecraft, or Dayz. I mean, it makes sense if some bandit or goblin is wandering around at night that it would check out a campfire or house all light up.

    No doubt this has been mentioned somewhere.. I'm not awake yet and can't remember if it has lol

    Yes it would work nicely given that it can be randomized with no negative results. My original post about this included things mentioned like books etc..

    Although I just thought of one issue. Duplicate items. Who knows how spaced out the dungeons and temples will be in the world, so who knows how often you might come across one. But if the lore content in the dungeons are randomized on world generation, you might eventually come across duplicates of books, armor, weapons etc... I suppose this won't be so much of an issue. They should be spaced out enough and difficult enough that you can't finish one every 10 minutes. Maybe one an hour. Actually, having a duplicate might create more trade with other players. Hmm..

    After a bit of thought, and more coffee, it should be fine to have duplicate items. Some should be more rare then others etc... This will create trade and bring players together in central towns possibly. I assume player trade will only occur when players are together, no mail system.

    I want to play this now! grr