Posts by ZaCormyr

    Seeing as how horses & camels was teased/hinted by Red

    Horses and camels? I've only read about horses. Camels would be good to have, don't get me wrong. Hopefully livestock and animals we use as transport, will need food and water in order to survive. So it would be an interesting dynamic riding your horse far from base, needing to keep both of you alive. Not just container water for yourself but some fresh water for the horse. And food of course. Not to mention the threat of predators... There will be some long treks home for sure! :D

    For vehicles. Just a few would be fine I think. No need for shit loads of vehicles which all handle different etc.... I hope for a simple one like a beefy go kart or buggy with a trailer hitch. I would be happy with that actually lol

    If you aren't the lead dog, the view never changes.

    lol! Thanks for that! Needed a laugh in the morning. I had forgotten about that one.

    I don't need an infinite world, thus my biome placement idea being similar to earth which would obviously put limits on the size. I think trying to make it endless is a waste of energy. In fact I would, in some way, try to limit it so there are less issues with hardware and thus less people complaining of crashes or "The game filled up my harddrive!! Now I can't download _____!! What are you doing to me!!??" etc.. If something like Dayz could be done, 200kmx200km or so, that would be fine IMO. Anyways... height does seem to be more of an issue currently. Depth is more then enough IMO.

    It's planned, as well as lockable doors, but has a low priority right now. It will never give you the same level of protection than a Lua protection script, since when other users are unable to open the chest, they would simply destroy it out of frustration.

    Glad to read this! :)

    Yup. Just I always wanted teles in Minecraft given the distance etc.. But RW will have vehicles so. Yay! This thread can be left to die for all I care lol

    I would love to have a fishing system similar to reel fishing or the old Rapala series. The system would have reel life fish like bass and pike, there would be multiple types of bait like natural, lures and flies. For the polar regions have ice fishing, you would have jig sticks and tip-ups. After you catch the fish have a small mini game were you filet the fish. This would also add digging for bait and ice augers.

    I'm hoping the bodies of water have fish we can see (if the water is clear enough) and catch. So you cast your fishing rod with your lure and bait, and might even see a fish swim close enough to the bait and chomp down on it. This pulls on your fishing rod so you know to start reeling it in. Could even have bit of a tension system where you need to watch the rod, if it bends too much the line might break so you have to stop reeling it in before it does break. No not a minigame.. just a fishing gameplay mechanic.

    To cast, maybe just hold right click and release. The longer you hold, the farther it is cast (within limits of course). Maybe once the lure is in the water, you can use + and - to reel the fishing line out or in. Some simply enough stuff to make something like fishing fun.

    Plus if there are fish in the water we can see, it opens it up to have a spear fishing thing like in Stranded Deep.

    @Meltron I think we will see the most basic form of farming. Just so peeps don't get confused or expect too much etc.. ;)

    Video won't play here dude.

    I think a full plague is a bit much, although it would be funny. I was thinking it could be on a much smaller scale. Just affecting each persons farm individually based on what they do in their own farm. Slugs/snails, grasshoppers, rats and/or mice, raccoons, even bears can be a pest in your garbage.

    To me, there's a huge difference between "immersion" and "overly complicating things just to complicate things".

    What blacksmith? I understand some of you are big on 'repairing' tools (and weapons), but when a pickaxe 'wears out' or 'breaks', how hard is it to craft a new one? Or while you're at it, craft 2 and carry a spare? Having a blacksmith in the game implies that he works in a Town. That means you have to live near a Town so you can get to it easily. People have also advocated NPC's to farm for you. To me, that means the production of more than you can eat, so you load up the excess on your Buckboard that you crafted, hitch it to your Horse you found and tamed with the Harness that you crafted, and haul the extra produce to Town to sell or trade it at a Shop or Mill there, which means there's a Miller. There's a Baker that runs a Bakery, an Armorer that runs an Armory, etc., etc..
    (Course the economy thing is a whole nuther animal, cause a Blacksmith doesn't do any 'repairs' for free, right?)

    Sorry, but I thought RW was about you taking on the world. You are the blacksmith, miller, baker, farmer, rancher, hunter, miner, armorer, lumberjack, etc. Isn't that complicated enough? I know some of you would love all the interactions you can have with a bunch of other characters in the game, but this isn't Skyrim. There's just you. I see it as your job to become self-sufficient. To "live long and prosper".
    I guess I just see the game differently than some of you.

    I don't want NPCs to do the stuff you listed. Maybe NPC villages which serve a different purpose (like providing lore and unique items etc..). Thus my "But yeah anything that creates immersion within the RW world, I'm all for it." You see, within the RW world. ;)

    What blacksmith? Well this one: I would like the game to be deep enough that people could create a server for RPG type play (yes there will be creative mode for people who just want to build.. that has been made clear yes?) where each player has his home (no wife and children stuff..) and works with the others (if he chose to) to build a community, or build his own part of it (blacksmith, tanner, grocer, modern home appliance manufacturer, wire maker, vehicle mechanic, furniture maker, glass blower, animal tamer... whatever the hell...) and from there has to manage his small business (even within a barter system). So there's his (I should say his/her) house to manage plus stuff for his/her business. Resources that need to be collected or bartered for etc.., work to be done at the business. Anyways, you get the idea. So this is more what I see for ideas like this, not NPCs all over the place and the player just stands around watching. None of that. But if someone wants to do that... they can fill the world with NPCs in Creative mode and give them jobs then plop it onto a server they play on in Survival mode. Tis up to them. You don't have to play on that server. ;)

    Repairing stuff. Well, I don't like the idea of building or crafting things and that's it... it's done. Got an item and there is never a need to make another or fix it. Mind you, do I want to be repairing every board of my house each month? Hell no. But certain things, yeah.. it would be great to have to repair. Tools, weapons, armor/clothing, wiring, piping, machines, vehicle, cart, animal fencing... the obvious things that get used and it makes sense that they would degrade over time. Nothing like, use a hammer 10 times and it breaks.. it should take longer then that. It should be easy to check the status of things. There of course should be the option to just replace things with a new one if that works for you, or if there is a repair skill and you just don't want to level it...

    But what repairing stuff in general does is.. gets you involved in your build/items! You have to maintain what you make. If you build a mine with tracks and a mine cart.. you have to check on it to make sure everything isn't going to break. Either repair or replace stuff (which should take more resources).. you are involved in your build. It ends up having bit of a life of it's own. It means more. It continues to provide things to do. If not.. well what Seemax said will be true.. total boredom after a month of play or less.

    Stuff like this doesn't have to be done in the most complex manner. Sure it can take a lot to explain ideas sometimes but that doesn't mean it can't be a simple game mechanic. But it adds depth and longevity to the game, that is the main point I think for anyone suggesting this kind of stuff. If devs just cater to the builders.. then they'll just have builders playing. Honestly, the only reason I am still here is the hopes I have for the other modes, not creative (although creative will be fun too). But devs want surival mode, adventure mode, stranded mode... isn't it obvious the devs themselves don't just want creative? You will have what you want Geneo, no worries. I get your point, but relax a bit dude. :)

    I would think chopping wood would keep animals away. Possibly a goblin would be interested in the sound of chopping wood though (that is if they roam around on the surface..). A bear would be attracted to the smell of cooking for sure. But not all predators. Fresh kills would attract more predators then cooking I would think.

    Bugs affecting crops would be great! Question is, how do you deal with them? Like grasshoppers. I don't want chemicals to be the answer. Maybe using chickens would work and they would need less feed also. Or you manually use a net to catch the pests. Something new for sure!

    Earthquakes etc.. would be fine by me, of course a very rare thing. But I'm sure most people wouldn't want that lol I honestly don't see it happening more because it would be tough to do.

    But illness that affects your livestock would be great too! Just by having them penned up together, as the population increases, the chances of it happening go up too. Treat your animals with salves or herbal medicines you craft from harvested flora and maybe some stuff you can grow yourself.

    Then there's the whole, keep your stuff clean or your water etc.. may get nasty. But that might be asking too much haha It would be an interesting game mechanic though.. cleaning your house, animal pens, greenhouse, water tanks etc.. I've already suggested we should have to maintain things like piping and wiring to keep things functioning... it kind of fits in with that.

    I would love a realistic system for moving stuff around. Like you want to move a table, so you grab an end and lift it.. if possible you can drag it to where you want, if there is space to do so. Craft a table outside (so you place an item and then craft it to that spot), want to move it inside your house.. better hope it fits in the door. Some things you might need a friend to help you carry. Craft your furnace outside but want to move it.. have to break it down and craft another in the new location. Small stuff you can just pickup and it would go in your inventory... I can dream can't I!!! Would be so awesome.

    Anyways, yeah it would be nice to deconstruct stuff and get something back but as RobertL said, just a fraction of it.

    What I am suggesting does not have a number yet. Just the image of what you are holding. Unless I am totally Fing blind!!

    Ok I am blind... there is a number there. So yeah that needs to be changed lol

    @red51 For me, the number doesn't need to be so far off to the side like that, it can be over the item icon, and white with a black outline. :D

    Sorry for totally botching this one lol

    I think if I remember correctly I think someone said something about the devs adding "roads". If this is true it would fix this problem. I do think if you completely remove the grass it wont grow back unless you replant it though.

    A road construction system is planned. So we will be able to make the roads, and rails. Once there are vehicles of course. I doubt that would fix the issue though.. what about houses and all other constructions? So yeah, we need grass seed! :D

    Maybe this has come up before.

    When holding something stackable, like melon slices.. display how many are left in the top right of the screen in main GUI where the melon slice image is. Just so you don't have to open inventory to see how many are left. I suppose this would be good for building too. But for me it's more for the consumables etc..


    Hey, just thought I would provide this link here to their features page.

    I've always assumed there would be horses since there will be vehicles... I just thought we would have horses first. I may be wrong haha

    It would be great if different foods had different nutritional qualities. Like bacon... it's sure yummy and will fill you up I suppose, but it's not the best for ya. Satisfaction bar? Hmm, maybe it just affects your other health bars in different ways. I think bacon already makes you more thirsty, again I could be wrong.

    Radio. Well personally I don't really want external media coming into Rising World. There has been talk of using the in game computer (when it comes that is..) to browse the internet, or go on youtube, but I'm not all that interested in it. But yeah I think a radio would be coming at some point. Would be nice if it played music unique to Rising World with different styles etc..