The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
On port (your game port - 1) is the http port. For example, I run my game at If I want to access the http xml services, I just point to the following:
I hope that's what you meant.
Hi Absalom, and thanks for your answer!
I already use 30499 as the query port (thanks for confirming that it's correct btw). However, most multiplayer games use a query protocol. You send a query to the game server on the query port using the protocol, and you get useful information back.
We hope to host servers for Rising World in the near future, but we need to be able to 'control' that the user doesn't change the slots to more than he has paid for - and a query protocol would do the job. It would be able to return how many online players the server has, how many slots, what the servername is and what not.
I see that the xml service does reply with this, but I'm not entirely sure on how to have TCAdmin get this information. Oh well, I'm going to contact them and see if they can do something smart with the xml response
Very short; I just bought this game, setup a server and is now messing around with it. Does there exist a query protocol for this game?