Posts by Darwin_Blackwolf

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Thank you for your help. In my Mac's case, I have to use the tilde (~) to access the console, but once in there, typing HUD did indeed toggle the heads-up display on/off for a clean screenshot.

    It's funny how while there are good German-to-English translations of many aspects of the game's various guides, I found nothing in the English translations pertaining to turning on/off the HUD. Maybe I just missed it. At least it's here now in the forums for future players. Thanks again.

    I know of two ways to take a screenshot inside of Rising World. One is with "Command + Shift + 3" (on a Mac), and the other is with whatever key you assign to it in Rising World. But both also display the health, food, water, tools, and what's in your hand. I've seen some screenshots in the forums that show it can be done (unless they've been Photoshopped), so I'm guessing there's a way. How can I take those clean screenshots?

    Considering the seed I wound up on, which is essentially all plains, beaches, and a few mountains & forests, I'd go for a golf cart or an ATV when it comes to vehicles. Maybe a trailer to attach to them that could allow me to carry a few chests, barrels, or crates. Small enough to even go into the mines.

    As for the 1 in 6 chance to get gravel, I would think it should be a lot easier to get gravel than that. The world won't (shouldn't) crash due to an over-abundance of gravel. I'm going to patiently wait to see what Red has planned for the game.

    I've been pondering changing the key settings for a while. Each day, I split my gaming time between Rising World (RW) and Minecraft (MC), and each day, I find myself accidentally hitting the "I" key for my equipment in MC, and the "E" key in RW. I'm just thankful that in RW, I can access my equipment while on a ladder, and not find myself descending in the process.

    The video does a wonderful job of showing off Rising World and comparing it to Minecraft. I'm about to send a link to the YouTube video to those I play Minecraft with in Canada. I've been propping the game up with them since I started playing in August, but a friendly comparison video helps too.

    If the author is on here: Good job!

    With regards to gravel, what if in the future we could use the sledgehammer to produce it when we flatten stone or crush broken/dropped blocks? Right now, the only two ways that I know to get gravel are via mining it at water basins, and mining personally laid down gravel. Eleven pieces of gravel (all I had) gave me fourteen this way, so theoretically, 110 pieces of gravel could give you 140.

    Or, maybe it could be generated via the block bench. One stone could equal a few pieces of gravel.

    I prefer both the sledgehammer and the block bench methods.

    Pole-arms and spears would be welcomed add-ons. I can see hired guards with armour and halberds guarding our castles. Lances would be nice once horses are in. But I'd like to see the whip and chain as weapons/tools as well. Maybe even a makeshift kusarigama once chain or rope are introduced.

    I also like the idea of designing your own NPCs. Everything from the physical look (lithe to overweight, short to tall), hair, eyes, gender, clothing styles, and equipment & weapons carried. The ability to choose a colour for any item based on a colour palette would also be nice. Over time, personalities could even be added.

    I just had a thought about how nice it would be to place a full or empty bucket. A full bucket placed next to a furnace seems appropriate. An empty bucket placed outside would be great for catching future rainfall. :)

    I also had a thought about stacking the new storage crates but that won't work since they open upwards. It would be cool to recreate the end scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

    I'd go for a barrel that can hold liquids to not only catch future rainfall, but to also fill with other liquids as they are introduced. Such as sea water, oil, milk, gunpowder, tannin, limewater, dyes, paints, or alcohol. I'm sure there's at least one person playing this game who'd like to tap a keg. And the thought of using tannin and dyes for our leather is very appealing to myself. That was always a fun part of TerraFirmaCraft. It would also be nice if metal and plastic barrel variants eventually came along.

    As for stacking crates, you could always place a wood plank atop one crate, then another crate atop that plank. It's easier against a wall than out in the open, but it does work. For the sake of realism, just say the plank is there for extra reinforcement from the weight above it. All those iron ingots do weigh a lot.

    i just thought of something. The blueprint hack for turning a barrel sideways might be a applicable to crates as well.

    Did it work on the crate? Personally, I didn't know there was a blueprint hack to do such a thing. The idea is very intriguing.

    you dummy.. haven't you ever watched Crocodile Dundee II ?

    Oh geez, I haven't seen that movie since I saw it in the theater in the 1980s. As I vaguely recall, there was that blast fishing scene in it. I think it's time I pick the series up on DVD or via iTunes and watch it again. Seeing as TNT is on the "Not yet working" list, who knows what the future of the game will bring.

    Bows & arrows and slingshots & stones would all be nice additions. As would a simple sling & stones, crossbows, and staves. The staff could perform double duty as a makeshift crutch when we break a leg, and the crossbow would be different than vanilla Minecraft.

    As for guns, we'd have to invent gunpowder first. As an example recipe, in TerraFirmaCraft, you can make gunpowder by combining coal, saltpeter, and sulphur. I have read there are supposed to be primitive guns at some point, and if so, I would love to see the flintlock.

    botchikii: C'est dommage que le wiki sur le site web du jeu est pas fonctionnel, même si juste en allemand. Le plus de bonne heure dans le développement d'un jeu que le wiki est créé, le moins de travail il y aura à faire plus tard. Alors en attendant, pour les français alentour du monde qui ont de la misère avec les instructions du jeu, ton wiki va servir à agrandir la population des français qui veulent jouer.

    Moi, je suis Canadien français (Franco-Ontarien). Je comprend très bien le français et l'anglais, mais quand je joue à des jeux, les instructions sont toujours en anglais. J'admet que c'est dommage que le jeu de Rising World a pas d'instructions en français, mais il faut aussi admettre que le groupe qui travaille sur le jeu est peut-être pas trop gros, et met tout leurs temps à faire fonctionner et avancer le jeu. Et si il faut taper des instructions en anglais, en allemand, et aussi en français, pourquoi pas aussi en italien, espagnol, portugais, russe, chinois, et autres langues. Je pense que ça tombe aux gens qui jouent le jeu à se mettre ensemble pour créer les instructions dans les langues non-inclus. Comme tu es entrain de faire.

    J'ai pas grand temps à dédier au projet car ma vie le permet pas, et c'est dommage, mais si je peux aider avec mon cinq sous ici et là, je vais essayer. Je vais m'inscrire plus tard lorsque j'aurai du temps.

    Heheh Bears with "master keys" aside, I know the feeling. But were we to play on multiplayer servers, they would be very handy against those pesky brigands Red wants to bring in. At least until dynamite arrives.

    Du très bon travail, Botchikii. Mais je recommande l’ajout de quelques autres commandes: F9 fait paraitre les FPS du jeu dans le coin de l'écran. C'est vrai que F3 le fait paraitre aussi, mais c'est beaucoup plus raisonnable de montrer seulement le FPS dans un coin de l'écran lorsque nous jouons. Aussi, pour nous sur les Macs, dépendant le clavier, il faut utiliser la clé Fn avec les clés de fonctions. Et pour une raison ou une autre, le tilde était ma clé de défaut pour accéder le console.

    Mangaroots: C'est vrai qu'il y a beaucoup de gens qui parlent le français ici, et quelques-uns (et unes) qui ont de la misère avec l'anglais (ou le parlent pas du tout). Peut-être qu’une single section française pour jaser serait l'idée. Mais quand ça arrive aux instructions officiels pour le jeu, qu’elles soient en anglais, français, allemand, ou autres langues, ça serait mieux qu’elles soient tous dans une single section.

    That would be a nice addition. The locking mechanism on that window brings up the idea that all doors, windows, and containers could have an on/off locking action attached to them. I believe I read a suggestion on that in the forums a while ago. In Minecraft, you can set up doors and chests to only open if you have a certain named item in your possession. An actual key would be nice for each door, but I think we'd be going insane over having to carry around a boatload of keys on us. Instead, it could be set that the doors, windows, and containers could be automatically (un)locked by the creators of these items.

    Admittedly, it would be interesting to eventually have both digital and manual combination locks, such as on safes.

    I'm in total agreement with an increased variety of doors, especially glass doors.
    I'd like to see if possible the ability to scale doors in the same way as we can window frames.

    A simple glass door might be simply made using a scaled window frame with a metallic texture. Is it then possible to have an open/close property to the object ?

    Glass and scaled doors would be very welcomed. As would trapdoors that open upward or downward, and pocket doors that slide open sideways into walls. I love designing my own furniture, and small doors would be a welcomed addition to some of them.

    I also like the idea of being able to attach an open/close action to an item, as long as it makes sense to do so. I can see secret doors via walls being set up in our homes. Hiding closets, or staircases that lead to basements or attics. Or maybe to just between the walls.