A very nice idea in my opinion, is to add to the game of bells. Which can be useful, for churches, or civic towers or simply for aesthetics. Very useful also for those who build medieval villages. There should be different types of bells from the smallest to the largest, with different types of sounds. Then maybe the bells can be played manually like with the string, and maybe when electricity comes into play, you can ring the bells with electricity, as the bells actually work in reality. Sorry for my bad english.
Posts by Derek
Another hotfix is available btw! It finally fixes the issues which prevented you from removing posters. It's not necessary to update multiplayer servers, although it's recommended
Hotfix 2019-09-29 (
- [Change] Posters now require two hits in order to destroy them
- [Bugfix] Fixed wrong light on open doors
- [Bugfix] Fixed bug which prevented you from removing posters
You are a great Red51! The problem of posters is solved! Thanks so much!
Yeah, that's unfortunately a bug, we will fix it ASAP!
Thanks so much! I will wait for the fix.
Derek Pappalardo
Derek Pappalardo is a character of Mafia II. I'm not
@red51 There's a bug, the crowbar does not pick up the posters. And the worst thing, and that the posters can not even be destroyed. I also tried to re-install the game but it does not work.
Beautiful update!
Fishing is wonderful
. But I noticed that the crowbar does not collect the posters, and can not be even more destroyed with the pickaxe
Beautiful update! I love horses, especially white horses. Now I can travel far away. Red51, I wanted to ask you if you can insert the command to remove the poster, to attack it from another place. Thank you! Congratulations again!
Beautiful update! Fireworks were among my suggestions! Thanks Red51! For the choice of transport I prefer horses first.
first of all, congratulations Red51 for the update. The update is beautiful! I wanted to point out that when you build a room with the blocks completely closed, the light enters the same from the outside.
The castle is really beautiful!! I was impressed with how wonderful it is. my greatest compliments. really good.
in fact. I do not like the idea of destroying a poster, to move it from somewhere else.
- Hello to all. I wanted to recommend that posters can displace like other items if a poster layout is to be changed.
- Hello to all. I wanted to recommend that posters can displace like other items if a poster layout is to be changed.
I would also suggest adding a sideboard where you can put glasses and plates.
It's a good idea. Otherwise it would be really ugly to see the empty stalls without any possibility of use.
Already true. The idea of the bell is very pretty
I hope that is taken into consideration my suggestion. Especially the bells, because I would serve for some of my buildings