Posts by Minotorious

    No for the chest to remain public you need to first place the chest and then create any areas if you pick up the chest and replace it at any time it will stop being publicly accessible.

    It doesn't matter how many areas you create over it as the result will be the same i.e. chest publicly accessible.

    Overlapping areas do not work very well with the area protection script so i would not recommend creating areas as such.

    with the current area protection script you can do that by abusing a bug in it. first place the chest and then create the area, that chest is not protected against theft but is protected against being destroyed ;)

    are you sure it is not the server that hasn't been updated?

    if you are using the steam version you can try the Beta version 0.9.2 but not sure if that will work. To do that right click on the game on steam and click properties then in the Betas tab there is a dropdown menu to select the older version

    @angriff I tested your announcements.txt file on my world and it is working with the latest version of ServerTools as intended (see screenshot)

    The settings.txt shouldn't affect automated messages as there is no setting pertaining to them so i am not sure what the problem you are facing is, if you want to test it again we could arrange a time for me to come on to your server to see what is going on.

    the whole point of my original question was that two plugins were sending some message to the player when they logged in and I wanted my plugin to send the messages after the other plugin (without having to resort to the use of a timer with a few seconds delay). The server was linux and the plugins were loaded alphabetically so I would have to change my plugin's name which I didn't want to do.

    so if a setting like many other games have where you can choose the order plugins get loaded would be great, but not necessary because I just coded the other plugin myself and took the other person's one out of the server. :D

    two questions here.

    • Where is the banlist?
    • Does the person need to be online on your server to ban? What if you have a annoying person that logs off before you can do that? the world database if i am not mistaken but you can create a separate txt one too.

    2. If they log off use the offlineban command instead, you need their UID for it which you can get from your server log

    Hmmm weird, nothing was changed with regard to the login messages :/

    Could you upload or send me via pm your announcements.txt and your settings.txt files to see what's going on?

    PS: note that the messages.txt is only for premade messages for admins to send to players, the announcements.txt is for on login messages.

    PS2: What do you mean the shutdown timer goes off without editing the default file? :O and which default file? :/

    On grates it is tricky sometimes on the edge. I have found on double doors it is pretty tricky as it seems you have to looking at where the door will be when it opens or closes from the direction you want. That is if you are inside and the door and it is closing look where the handle will be when the door is finished its action and you will find the hit box there.

    I know how the doors work and they don't anymore as they did before the new update so my question to @red51 remains if he changed something there ?(

    Bump :D

    Big update to include restart warnings and refactoring the whole plugin classes' setup to make it easier for me to update it in the future and keep track of where everything is :D

    Also the autogm1list.txt was changed from name based to UID based thus everyone needs to readd themselves to the list. Server owners need to delete the contents of the old text file before starting the server with the new version of the plugin.

    ah ok so:

    • select the blueprint
    • click once to fix the blueprint in place
    • use Arrow keys and PgUp/PgDn to move blueprint, use Shift + Arrow keys to rotate it
    • click again to place blueprint