Posts by Minotorious

    I am not sure if a German computer uses a different ASCII number for the dollar sign but it was my first thought that possibly difference in the symbols.

    The ASCII code for each symbol is unique and doesn't depend on your keyboard layout ;)

    As the thread title says the plugin is in a testing phase so bugs and problems can be expected. If you want to use the plugin with players on an active server you would have to wait a bit until all the issues have been fixed. For now players will most likely not enjoy their money disappearing etc. :/

    PS: Geld = money in german not gold :P

    it does not work modding a game not yet released or stable.

    I will not agree here, it does work and it has been done many times before, e.g. Conan Exiles had modding since day 1 in early access and that resulted in many mods actually making their way in the final game or inspiring the developers to add new features not previously considered.

    Lua will not be supported that is a fact and a final decision by red51, having said that Java is much more powerful and deep as a language. If I am not mistaken minecraft also has a Java and not a Lua API (community made but still there)

    Well that is the same with minecraft though or any other moddable game, if you can code it yourself you can fit it to your standards and customise it else you have to use the publicly available ones which could have errors and problems in them, errors that you cannot fix yourself, or missing documentation for their functions etc.

    This will get better with time if more people and more modders get into RW and start making good mods publicly available. The fact that modding is done currently via Java plugins is a bit of a problem since Java is a proper and difficult programming language and many modders are used to Lua which is simple and easy to use and thus get discouraged when they see Java here. On the other hand Java is extremely more powerful and has a lot of tools Lua does not.

    well when you sleep in a new tent the spawn point is reset to the new one and the old one is ignored completely by the game for now.

    To find your base open the console (key next to 1 and below Esc) and type findbase, this command will give you the coordinates of your base then make sure you are in fly mode (F2 key press space to make sure you are actually flying and it works) and type in the console goto X Y Z where XYZ the coordinates you got from the findbase command, if the findbase command only game you two coordinates they are the X and Z for Y you can then use a number like 60 or 80.

    Hope this helps :)

    ok first of all admins are not paid nor are professionals or specifically trained for their role

    Second currently all MP servers on RW are private thus the owner/admins have every right to do whatever they please since they own the server and pay for it, I know it sucks and in most servers they all try to be as rational and open minded as possible but sometimes our human nature takes over and we make mistakes or mishandle situations.

    Thus if you don't like or have been treated unfairly by the admins/owner of a server unfortunately there is nothing I or yahgiggle as a moderators or red51 as a developer can do about it (unless the game's EULA has been broken but that is not a common thing), just leave the server and try your luck in a different one :/

    I will now lock this thread please respect one another and don't go at each other in public on the forum, I know this is not what you want to hear but such server matters should be solved in private chats between the two parties. It is not appreciated when such server drama makes its way to the official forum as new people/players reading this might think that the official servers and the JIW-Games appointed admins are at fault here which is not the case :/

    Hope you can both move on and keep enjoying the game the way you want to :)


    allowing you to have continued BP access THAT NO OTHER SERVER OFFERS because it can be easily used to RUIN a server!??

    We allow blueprints to almost every player on our server after they only spend a few hours on it :P haven't had any problems appart from 1 time so far with it, people playing this game are more or less responsible adults.

    1: Food,pelts,Hide: Make food,pelts&Hide STACKABLE (stackable till 64) cause i allways get problems when i go for a hunt, after hunting 4 animals my inventory is full so i need to go back to my house to store it.

    The stack sizes were reduced to make the game more realistic, the player inventory is already HUGE i.e. unrealistically big and the stack sizes were reduced to make it more reasonable, it still is unrealistically big thus the stack sizes will not be increased again, at least no any time soon. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that is just how it is :/

    2: Animals&Water: make bigger rivers with animals like alligators, make more animals who attacks back, only Deers&Boar's attacks. and maybe add fishing?.

    Rivers are actually planned along with an ocean biome, more animals will surely be added can't confirm alligators but there will be more animals. Currently the only animals that don't attack back are these ones: pigs, cows, sheep, rabbits, foxes, chicken, giraffes, penguins, deer. Everything else should either attack on sight or retaliate upon being attacked, if that is not the case for you please report a bug with a video if possible in the help section of the forum . Fishing is planned for sure :)

    3: AnimalHealth: give animals more health every animal is 1 bow hit, example: a pig is the same health as an bear thats not good how harder it is to kill an animal how better stuff u get.

    If I am not mistaken this will be implemented ;)

    4: Grass: Make the grass a bit smaller cause when i chop a tree i cant really see the log's.

    Well grass can be tall in reality so nothing to fix there really, having said that in some of the biomes the grass will be shorter in the future, for now you can use a sickle and right click to shorten grass to half height ;)

    5: Traps: maybe add some traps to kill animals so you're not forced to always make a bow xd. and Maybe traps in caves? ;).

    Something like this is planned :)

    6: i found a small glich for mining/chopping works also vs animals see video's>> : TREE MINING

    Not really a glitch but you just stop pressing left click before the animation finishes, this is known and I believe will be changed to force complete the animation in the future :)

    7: Seeds&Tree's: do that seeds grow with water.

    This is planned

    8: Day&time: play a bit with the time mate, don't make it able to sleep when its night you must walk with a torch or you must just stay at home.

    Noone forces you to sleep for the night (even though normal people kinda do so), I always walk around or mine with a torch at night. In the future there might be a sleep requirement for players so they have to take short naps every now and then. For now if you don't want to sleep just don't do it breaks the immersion and realism but you can do as you please.

    9: Weather: add snow,storm/lightning,sun to the game so if its snowing you maybe walk slower just guessing xd, if its raining you need an umbrella( and if u dont have you wil be slowly damaged) or you need to hide in a cave, if there is lightning it has a chance to hit your house/buildings and than you need to extinguish with a water bucket.

    Snow is in the game so are thunderstorms and normal storms. Currently they have no effect to the player (apart from the fact that rain quenches your thirst) but it is planned for weather effects to have an effect on the player.

    10: Taming: Maybe make it possible to tame animals with arrows to make them unconscious (would call those arrows Taming Arrows) and i should add Tier's for the Taming Arrows Tier1: nonattacking animals Tier2: Attacking animals

    This is planned as well, for now you can use the animal breeding plugin found in the plugins section of the forum.

    11: DeepOcean's: maybe make some LARGE ocean's where you can find crystals, which are rare to make special items and maybe add sharks in only the deep ocean's.

    This too is planned as I wrote previously, as well as more sea life.

    12: Energy,Electricity&Windmills: maybe add Energy,Electricity&Windmills to the game make a refrigerator that must be connected with Electricity, that means make food wil dry out if you leave it in a chest, and maybe do after killing an animal and taking his food all foods wil dry out in 15min.

    Planned but will take long to be implemented.

    Patience is a virtue ;)

    from Steam discussions:

    EN: Actually the last update was released on March 29. If an update or hotfix is directly related to a previous update, we usually don't post a new announcement. Instead we just update the previous announcement and append the new changelog to it ^^
    Unfortunately we cannot start working on the next update until all hotfixes are released...

    As @Avanar said, the mounts update require quite a lot of work. But I'm confident that the new update will be ready this month. I will post an announcement about that soon ;)

    I 'm using Creative Mode. But I think in Survival Mode you need gold :/ - May be there was an update that chanched it.

    yes 1 gold bar is currently needed but that will be changed in the future to the full resources that make up the original blueprint you are placing. So if you want to place a chair blueprint that contains 10 planks you will need to have 10 planks (or 10 lumber not sure how red is going to realise that) in your inventory