Posts by Saloben

    I moved the general section after this started just to put it in alphabetical order, but that was just coincedence. It didn't change it. I have restarted the server many times while trying to resolve this. I use vi and pico on the server, so formatting shouldn't be a problem, but I did look for extra encoding and didn't see any. I think the server would throw an error in the logs if the permissions found an error.

    Since I seem to be the only person with this problem, I doubt red51 has time for this. He has a lot on his plate i'm betting right now. :)

    I checked the logs first thing. It says it loads the permissions file fine. Whats weird its only the general section that isn't working. The other fields like commands and blueprints I can change the variable and it works.

    I set that already. It really isn't that big of a deal for me because the server is only for me and few friends to play, but I can see where it would be a big problem on a non-pvp public server. I'll keep trying different things to see what happens.

    Its been set to that from the beginning.



    I can't get the init script you wrote to work. There are a few typos, ex daemon is typed deamon, but that was easy to spot. The error i see in journalctl is " /etc/init.d/risingworld: 40: return: Illegal number: exec"

    The works fine. Its the init script that isn't working for me. I will post the line that is giving the error below.

    return exec su -l $USER -c "$DAEMON start" # $DAEMON_ARGS"

    I commented out the daemon_args just to make sure that wasn't the problem.

    Yes sorry. I just pasted it from the terminal window. The formatting in the file is spaced.

    After messing with permissions for a while, I am thinking its something with the "general" permission. Nothing I set for general is being used. Commands, creative, and customimages seem to work fine.

    Anyone see any syntax errors in my general section? its only 2 lines. I tried adding another general flag and it was ignored along with pvp.

    pvp: false

    Thanks in advance

    Suggestion: Save server password option in the client

    reason: I hate having to type in the server password each time i log in. I'm not sure how many servers set a password, so if its difficult to make this happen its not worth messing with. Maybe somewhere in the future would be nice.

    The server was set to pvp false from the beginning. I just moved it to a new server. We were not able to hit each other until I moved it to the new server. I looked over the perm files and it appears fine to me. Here are my admin permissions.

    group: Admin
    chatnamecolor: 0x0A1444
    chatprefix: (Admin)
    chatprefixcolor: 0x0A1444
    shownametag: true
    showadmintag: false
    nametagcolor: 0x0A1444
    nametagprefix: (Admin)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0x0A1444

    - *
    - makeadmin
    - revokeadmin
    - shutdown
    pvp: false
    enabled: true
    maxupload: 100
    dimension: 512
    - *
    use: true
    create: true

    Need a little help with disabling pvp.

    I copied the server files and database from mysql over to a new server and everything seems to work great, except pvp is now enabled. I verified that pvp is still false in the files. I don't see anything in the database that saves the pvp flag. Any suggestions on how to disable it globally?

    EDIT: I added pvp=false to the general permissions for all groups and it didn't have any affect.

    Is there a way to set the gamemode for a player permanently? Currently, if you setgamemode and log out, you have to set the game mode again. The setting in the file only sets the game mode for new worlds apparently.