Posts by Popeye57

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!

    Last night and this morning the server_0.8.2.3 was working perfectly but when i went to start it this afternoon i got this msg

    2017/05/02 02:35 PM server.Main
    SEVERE: Unable to send initial ping to hive
    de.jiw.apigility.exceptions.ApigilityException: No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.processMainData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:296)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:231)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(
    at Source)
    *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
    2017/05/02 02:36 PM server.Main
    WARNING: Error while sending ping to hive (1): No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]

    Here is the log 1493750098.log

    Does someone know what is causing this? can't connect to my server now.

    Thanx for the reply :)

    I just re opened my server and on the cmd screen i got this code

    2017/05/02 02:35 PM server.Main
    SEVERE: Unable to send initial ping to hive
    de.jiw.apigility.exceptions.ApigilityException: No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.processMainData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at de.jiw.apigility.Apigility.getObjectData(
    at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:296)
    at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:231)
    at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(
    at Source)
    *************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION ***************
    2017/05/02 02:36 PM server.Main
    WARNING: Error while sending ping to hive (1): No HTTP Server was found, please check your firewall settings and make sure the address is reachable from outside. [Code:607]

    Do you or someone know what that is cause i can't connect to my server now it was fine earlier this morning.

    Sorry if i posted this in the wrong place

    The "content file locked" error indicates that another program prevented Steam from updating the game files. Especially Avast is lately causing these issues. To solve this issue, you can either put the Rising World directory (steam/steamapps/common/Rising World) to the exception list of your antivirus program, or alternatively disable your antivirus program temporarily until Steam has downloaded all files (then you can enable it again) ;)

    Thx Red51 that's what it was Avast

    It happened to me and now to my brother, we both had just signed out of the game and the next thing we see is in the Library Rising World is highlighted and it shows Update Paused. We have tried to clear the download cache, uninstall the game and re-install it but we keep getting the same freaken msg ------> Can someone tell me why this is happening any of our other games thru Steam do updates all the time but we never get this.