the way that looks is 1 claim is inside the other, shure you didn't set a small part of the second area inside the other? turn areas on and have a good look. I am not shure what the privacy marking is. Think it has to do with other people's permissions in the area.
Posts by sharkbitefischer
those are the names of the areas you are in. If you are playing on a server owned by another player, you may need to get an admin to set you a claim. Try the show areas option in the gui and you will see all the other areas around. Again, I haven't messed with this in a while so I am just going by memory.
there are 2 red blocks you need to use. click once to place the first then click a second time in another place for the opposing cross corner before you size. to get the first block to move you will have to press the rt shift I believe . if not the rt , the lft shift is used but I believe it is the rt shift that is used now. This being the java version of AP I think it can still be done this way. It has been a long time since I messed with this plugin.
in the main game or server folder there should be a permissions folder
the permissions/groups folder has the files in it. Open them with note pad.
try hiting f2 and go into fly mode then get yourself above ground and hit f2 to turn it off and then relog. This might work. remember to hit f2 before you try to move or you will fall. You might also want to setspawn in the console before you relog if you are just relying on the normal spawn after death and not set a tent/bed and slept in it. At least I think that is the command
works well but, the box to input custom numbers is not very visible. I would suggest placing it farther to the side of the custom label and give it a different colored background for the box. Other then that it works good. I had to hunt for the input area, it took a bit but I did find it by clicking on places at the top of the gui. I also suggest a version number in the name of the zip file
take the hash tag # out after the x. should look like 0x00FFF
a box for exact input would be nice.You can leave the other choices there, they are handy but it would be nice to have an option to have an exact amount set for what is desired.
IMHO a physic engine would be good as long as we have the option to turn it off
weather it is on creation of the world or in file, it doesn't matter. There just needs to be an off button.
Is There a way for us to be able to write custom quests and insert them into our servers? I know you have been putting the quests off for more important stuff but if there was a way that we could write some and use them, maybe the community could assist you on the development of that part of the game. We could submit examples of quests that you could draw inspiration from or just use as they are with the writer's permission. I do think a good quest system would help to draw new players and draw old ones back. Just a suggestion , hope you like it.
on all the settings, they are marked as setl veryhigh (1) and setl low (20) and like wise for all the settings. Aren't these reversed? shouldn't low be 1 and veryhigh be 20?
I made the suggestion for this a while ago in the precisions thread you can read the reply here
because @red51 programed it that way. It is something to do with opacity. Besides, what savings would it be to open up a plugin and enter 3 numbers rather then open the console and type size 1 1 1 to get a block of glass? I guess you could make a plugin for it like the precision plugin, just for sizing, but there realy isn't any need.
glass textures are handled differently then PNB and that is why it is not there already.
changing the name of the server is what does it. and you can copy the old maps from the old name's folder into the new names folder and you will get the map back. or it might be easer just to rename the old map folder to the new folder's name and you have it. the trick is to use the largest sized folder and change it to the new name. the map folder will appear about the same cause it is named after the world folder but pay attention to the numbers behind the name. They will be different.
changing the name of the server is what does ir. and you can copy the old maps from the old name's folder into the new names folder and you will get the map back. or it might be easer just to rename the old map folder to the new folder's name and you have it.
try animal breed master plugin
how will the new system handle terrain copied in the new blueprints we make now?