Posts by sharkbitefischer

    this plugin will not work on my server. I press p and nothing happens. sorry for my german, I am using google translate

    Dieses Plugin wird nicht auf meinem Server zu arbeiten. Ich drücke p und nichts passiert. Sorry für mein Deutsch, ich bin mit Google Translate.

    I found, a couple of days ago, a giant pennus on my server spewing out the tip with a sign eat XXXX next to it. I just deleated it with the f7 tool. I agree it wasn't pretty and my server is a 18+ server so it realy didn't matter. Infact I though it kind of funny but it was crude and I removed it cause it was ugly more then anything. The way it was done was by blueprint and with blueprints you can lay down a lot of stuff real quick. The 1 that was on my server was hidden underwater so I had to go swimming to find it. Erase the problem not the server is all I am saying. You over reacted.

    Haven't you ever bee told that the people that do this kind of thing think it is funny and get a kick out of your complaining and fussing. Clean the problem up and go about your business and don't give them the pleasure of them getting under your skin, is the best way to get back at them. Ruin there fun.

    You can also install plugins like object protection that will tell you the names of the people who have placed these things. I check the 1 on my server and it was done before I installed my added security programs so it had been there for a while. I bet your's had too, especialy when you say you had 100 of them on your server. Remember it is better to delete 100 of these things then to delete the server with 500 builds and claims on it. You just piss your clientell off when you destroy there work from under them.

    I haven't tried it, but rcon does not read the ban list correctly rt now, and I am afraid to try it to add, so doing it manually or the blacklist is our options rt now, it seems, until the new rcon tool comes out.

    or just put a blacklist.txt file in the main directory with the uid number in it and to add another go to the next line and place the next uid. but yes there is also editing the world DB with dbbrowser and manualy adding the uid and name there. you can also get a list of all the uid and player names that have visited your server there.

    Sounds good to me Shark, but you are talking over my paygrade.
    I don't know enough to know how to program plug in commands. I usually follow your posts simply because you have intelligent comments.
    I can bug hunt, and report them and workarounds, maybe suggest fixes, but not the knowledge to do it myself. I just ask lots of questions. :)

    understandable, I was just trying to get something fixed that has been broken for a while. I am sorta getting tired of hearing about it from my newer players and such. Just thought I would make a few suggestions. I don't wright code myself but am learning stuff and do understand the process.

    yes I know greysilk have been doing that but it seems to be getting worse is all and maby he can find a solution is all I was asking. I did say I have been doing the relog dance.

    Ok here is an idea. since the rwgui is acting up and it seems the only thing is the naming that is using the rwgui in the plugin, how about untethering the plugin from rwgui and we f the animals to target them and enter a chat command like /abm rename (name) and cut the rwgui out completely?

    I know rwgui is a nice feature but the owner and coder of that plugin is MIA with no expectation of return so it is time to move on.

    another idea, we could use the animals unique number to identify them in a chat command and use the name it was changed to to identify them for the future like /abm rename (animalid/presantname) name.

    ok this is where backups com into play
    also sounds like a bann is in order
    This is not a reflection on you as a owner it is on them for being a greefer.
    do you allow creative on the server? this just makes it easer for them to do this but it can happen to all of us. This is 1 of the reasons for regularly backing up the server. You might loose a cuple days work but you won't loose everything. As I said this can happen even in survival servers but takes more time for them to do it.

    what happened exactly? You say hacked, what did they do? I am a server owner and am interested in server security as much as the rest. If you can be hacked, the rest of us might be able to be hacked. Please share what happened.

    @sharkbitefischer: Yeah unfortunately the favorites and server history no longer work properly. These issues will be fixed with the next updates ;) About LAN mode: it will only show up in the Steam LAN server list, although I'm not sure if this really works with Hamachi. I guess you set server_lan_mode to true in the Maybe try to set your Hamachi IP to the server_query_ip, does show up then?

    this is what I did and it won't show in the lan list but if I set lan mode to false with the Hamachi IP for both server and the ip bind it will show in the favorites list of both steam and the game if I save it there. While if I use the internal lan IP for the server and ip bind and set the lan mode to true it will show in the lan tab of steam but it won't work with the Hamachi ip. Just letting you know what I am trying.

    BTW at 1 time Hamachi did work with lan mode and showed in the lan tab of steam but it does not now.

    Hey rewd51, take a look at the lan mode in server settings. It will allow me to bind to my local lan network but when I try to set it to my Hamachi address it won't show. Also is the lan servers supposed to show somewhere other then the lan tab on steam? The history also disappeared with the updates in game and won't work in the steam server history tab also. These are things I have been ignoring to report while you were working on the main and favorite server problem. Not trying to distract you but these might also be addressed.

    since I posted my last observation I decided to check on my steam IP tonight and there was no change tonight. The IP was wrong. This was different from the last few nights so I decided to fool with the settings again and with a setting of


    My GTX server shows the correct IP in steam server master list, steam favorites list and game master server list and game favorites list. Connectivity from steam server list has returned with the correct IP address too.

    I did notice that artisans server, witch is a nitrodo server, is not showing at all at this time.

    another observation. During the day for me, at about 10 or 11 in the morning my server starts broadcasting the wrong IP in steam and about 10 PM at night my time it starts broadcasting the correct IP address. I live in the mountain standard time zone. I believe I am either -7 or -8 hrs off from your time in Germany. Don't know if this makes a difference but if something is being done during those hrs that is not during the night time, you may have a part of it solved. If I am bothering you I will stop giving reports but this is an interesting cycle I am seeing "every" day. Is anybody else seeing this? I have been seeing this pattern for the past 2 or 3 days.

    This is also the pattern I was noticing with the ddos attacks. The time frame when they were happening.