Changelog 2018-02-14: Getting rid of the hive...

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • ok I have gotten tired of resetting my server_query_ip= so I have been leaving it blank for a few days and now my IP in steam list is wrong again but ingame lists are correct this morning. also when the ip address is wrong it will not join the game from the steam menu. It used to connect but has recently stopped being able to connect from the steam lists when the ip is wrong.

  • Ok the nitrodo and the gtx servers are showing and the steam IP addresses are wrong for both and the game ip addresses are correct. Are we supposed to see what settings will correct the error in steam ips showing or should we Waite for you to do some more tweeking on the system? At least you got them showing the same now :)

  • Basically the problem is that the Steam masterserver uses the first public IP of the server to query it, instead of the IP the server is actually bound to. This seems to happen always on Linux, and sporadically on Windows servers. We spend a lot of time finding out what causes this issue exactly, but it looks like it's really a bug in Steam, at least in recent versions of Steamworks. The same is happening for Rust apparently...

    The "server_query_ip" thing is basically just a workaround. This way it is possible to force the query server to bind to the public IP of the machine (thus being able to respond to the Steam masterserver).
    Afaik it still works properly on GTX servers, but due to the Steam issue (binding to the wrong IP sporadially on Windows machines) you see the wrong IP in the server list.
    But some other hosters override the query_ip setting now, preventing the server from showing up in the server list at all.

    Unless the RW server runs in a separate VM or container (or more precisely, if the server only has a single IP) or the query server is allowed to bind to the public IP, there isn't much we can do about that unfortunately.
    I hope that this issue in Steam gets fixed soon. If there is no solution in the medium term, I guess we will have to implement the server list on our own master server again (although we really want to avoid that) :|

  • red51 just an observation. We did not have problems with the ddos attacks until we added pear to pear and now since we have moved to the steam server we have this problem. can we ditch pear to pear and go back to your master server and it might stabilize everything? It is just a thought and nothing more.

    Then again that could be a big mess since everybody has changed over to the uid for identification and then there are those that have changed there names. This might not be the best action either. I wish I could help red51 but I don't know how.

  • another observation. During the day for me, at about 10 or 11 in the morning my server starts broadcasting the wrong IP in steam and about 10 PM at night my time it starts broadcasting the correct IP address. I live in the mountain standard time zone. I believe I am either -7 or -8 hrs off from your time in Germany. Don't know if this makes a difference but if something is being done during those hrs that is not during the night time, you may have a part of it solved. If I am bothering you I will stop giving reports but this is an interesting cycle I am seeing "every" day. Is anybody else seeing this? I have been seeing this pattern for the past 2 or 3 days.

    This is also the pattern I was noticing with the ddos attacks. The time frame when they were happening.

  • since I posted my last observation I decided to check on my steam IP tonight and there was no change tonight. The IP was wrong. This was different from the last few nights so I decided to fool with the settings again and with a setting of


    My GTX server shows the correct IP in steam server master list, steam favorites list and game master server list and game favorites list. Connectivity from steam server list has returned with the correct IP address too.

    I did notice that artisans server, witch is a nitrodo server, is not showing at all at this time.

  • We did not have problems with the ddos attacks until we added pear to pear

    The introduction of the P2P feature isn't related to this issue, or the DDoS attacks at all ;) Basically P2P just provides an easy way to play multiplayer with friends. When playing via P2P, a connection between clients is established through the Steam relay servers (so there is no need to forward ports). However, our servers are not involved in this process at all, i.e. P2P is solely handled by Steam.
    Actually we already had several DDoS attacks in the past, but usually our DDos protection was able to handle it. But the last ones were much bigger than before, resulting in the downtimes. So we finally decided to get rid of the hive (which was responsible for user authentication) and move authentication to Steam. We're also using the Steam master server now instead of our own master server (since we really wanted to make sure that the game no longer depends on our servers), but this is actually causing the problems (most likely caused by a bug in Steam).

    and go back to your master server and it might stabilize everything?

    We are thinking about going back to our own master server, at least until the issues with Steam are sorted out. But just to avoid any confusion: the master server is only responsible for the server list, authentication will still be handled by Steam ;)

    During the day for me, at about 10 or 11 in the morning my server starts broadcasting the wrong IP in steam and about 10 PM at night my time it starts broadcasting the correct IP addres

    GTX uses Windows servers, and they also have multiple IPs per server (which isn't unusual - many hosters do that). As mentioned, the bug in Steam (master server queries wrong server IP) always occurs on Linux, but only sometimes on Windows servers. So if you restart your server, Steam sometimes uses the right IP (i.e. showing the correct IP in the server list), and sometimes it uses the wrong IP.

  • Hey rewd51, take a look at the lan mode in server settings. It will allow me to bind to my local lan network but when I try to set it to my Hamachi address it won't show. Also is the lan servers supposed to show somewhere other then the lan tab on steam? The history also disappeared with the updates in game and won't work in the steam server history tab also. These are things I have been ignoring to report while you were working on the main and favorite server problem. Not trying to distract you but these might also be addressed.

  • @sharkbitefischer: Yeah unfortunately the favorites and server history no longer work properly. These issues will be fixed with the next updates ;) About LAN mode: it will only show up in the Steam LAN server list, although I'm not sure if this really works with Hamachi. I guess you set server_lan_mode to true in the Maybe try to set your Hamachi IP to the server_query_ip, does show up then?

  • @sharkbitefischer: Yeah unfortunately the favorites and server history no longer work properly. These issues will be fixed with the next updates ;) About LAN mode: it will only show up in the Steam LAN server list, although I'm not sure if this really works with Hamachi. I guess you set server_lan_mode to true in the Maybe try to set your Hamachi IP to the server_query_ip, does show up then?

    this is what I did and it won't show in the lan list but if I set lan mode to false with the Hamachi IP for both server and the ip bind it will show in the favorites list of both steam and the game if I save it there. While if I use the internal lan IP for the server and ip bind and set the lan mode to true it will show in the lan tab of steam but it won't work with the Hamachi ip. Just letting you know what I am trying.

    BTW at 1 time Hamachi did work with lan mode and showed in the lan tab of steam but it does not now.

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