Changelog 2018-02-14: Getting rid of the hive...

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • We informed GTX Gaming about the changes now ;)

    Exactly, you don't need the server_key file anymore^^

    Maybe keep an eye on this. It turns out that the Steam server list isn't as reliable as we thought. The Steam query protocol is solely based on UDP so there is always a chance a query packet gets lost (resulting in a missing server)...

    Unfortunately the server is only available via Steam, but SteamCMD does not require a login at all, so it can be used to download the files ;) Alternatively you can also copy the files manually from your regular server (it's not required to have Steam installed in order to run the server).

    As posted in another thread GTX seems to have fixed the problem. I had put in a ticket with them last night. Thanks Red51 for your help :thumbsup:

  • As posted in another thread GTX seems to have fixed the problem. I had put in a ticket with them last night. Thanks Red51 for your help :thumbsup:

    yep GTX seems to be fixed now :) Thanks a lot for your help Red51!!! You are doing a great gob!!!

    I also put a ticket in last night and with you notifying them, The problem got fixed without the usual run around :) Again THANK YOU VERRY MUCH!!!

  • ok server is up and running but it will not show in the server list. I have checked all my settings and all is proper. It still doesn't show no matter how I set the settings on the server list page. I am having to connect by IP address.

  • From what I'm seeing Nitrado servers are finally working, yet still have that banner up. I'm going to assume the banner is up on Nitrado's server page because they're still tweaking some final things with having servers listed within the game's server list, or something along those lines. Once that's settled people can join in happily, but for now they'll have to join via IP until things are settled.

    I'm now waiting for my server buddies to give me their UID's so we can have fun again. I know I can use the Steamfinder yet wanting it from them personally to know what's up.

  • ok server is up and running but it will not show in the server list

    It looks like there is an internal issue with binding the game server to the ip. Apparently Steam ignores the IP that's provided to the server and uses the first public server IP instead... this looks like a bug, since there have been reports of similar issues for Rust after updating to the latest Steam API... we're still looking into this issue!

    how the heck do you use the steam ID finder?

    Just paste the url of a Steam profile there ;) If the profile url is not visible in the Steam client, you can enable it in your Steam settings (Steam -> Settings -> Interface -> check "Display Steam URL address bar"). Alternatively you can also see the profile url when opening the user profile in the browser.
    However, if you want to get your own SteamID, you can also find it in the main menu of the game (in the top right corner, just rightclick on it to copy it to clipboard)

  • For those that have used Animal Breed Master it seems we get to keep our tamed animals. I had it mixed up at first where I assumed green was wild where it's yellow that's wild. If you had fears that you lost your inventory & animals, you don't. Maybe on a rare chance, yet you don't. Everything seems to have stayed the same.

  • Still having problems with my server showing in the server list. sometimes it is there and others it is not. if I change any of the settings on the server list page or the favorites page I loose half the servers in the list and have to restart the client to get them back. and restarting doesn't always get all the servers back.

  • we can not remove servers from our favorites list. and my server is now showing in the server list

    For the time being, you can only remove the favorites from within your Steam browser (Steamclient -> View -> Servers -> Favorites). This will change soon ^^

    For those that have used Animal Breed Master it seems we get to keep our tamed animals.

    Oh these are good news!

    Still having problems with my server showing in the server list

    Yeah, unfortunately there are still issues with the master list... we're on the brink to go back to our old master list handled by our servers ||

    I am with Prima Server and my servers have not come up after update. They are just stuck on start, no error logs nothing.

    We contacted PrimaServers about the changes, I'm confident they will update their servers shortly :)

  • Yup. Still waiting on Nitrado to make things fully accessible that the only way to join is through IP.

    I believe I managed to hear the two new tracks with them sounding neat. Not sure if they were it, they however sounded awesome heh. One of the new ones managed to go past the mute audio that I heard the new track. One of the new tracks skipped the music volume stuff to play regardless.

    The crowbar is awesome! I love it! Instead of breaking the PNB materials I can take it back while also being more experimental with my placement. I can snatch it back to make building smoother than it was before.

    I also love the crouching that it shall now encourage people to build 2x2 type tunnels, or whatever they want. You can now make semi-secret passageways and rooms where you have to crouch, something I'm now going to try to give a whirl heh. I guess I can experiment with a pyramid somewhere.

  • You'l be wating a LOONG time, GTX at least helps

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