Posts by sharkbitefischer

    Well I just tried your chest protection out and as before, when using the plugin on an existing server, only the admins can remove any of the chests that were set before the plugin was installed. No regular player may remove any chest that was placed before the plugin was installed. On old servers with hundreds of claims, this is unmanageable for the admins to remove every chest so every player may replace the chests so they may lock them. It also makes picking up chests in the ruined huts and the pyramids impossible. This plugin, in my opinion, is only good for new servers or small servers that have very few chests placed. I tested this out on my server and had to remove it because of this fact.

    to stress the point let's do some math.

    100 players with 10 chests each make 1000 chests to replace.

    I am now getting major fall through problems with the new server update. The target seems to be ok but my player is rendering before the land underneath it does and fall through happens.

    Seems it is a game wide problem affecting even the console teleport function.

    double f2 will bring you to the surface if you get stuck in a fall from appearing under ground after a tp. not just f2 which is fly mode. hit f2 2 times real fast. If you get stuck in a repeating fall then spam f2 then real quick log out. then log back in and while the picture resolves spam f2 and it should catch this time and you will end up on the surface. only works in survival mode with flying disabled. This prevents falling to hell and dying. Does not work with blocks just land material. Blocks you have to dig your way out with a pick. When teleporting people around it is best if you have them appear slightly above land lvl. it helps prevent fall through.

    Ok in db browser you click on file and open your data base. Then click on browse data tab. Then the drop down by table pick player. The position field in the box below is the coordinates.

    use db browser and change his spawn point to his area cords you could also use /arealist to find out the area number of the property so you can tp there and get exact elevation too. use f3 first line, the numbers are the cords. Make Shure the server is shut down when you edit the data base.

    I would love to run this on my server but there are way to many chests to replace by myself with hundreds of claims built on the server. I would have to reset the server and there are to many builds to loose. Regular players need to be able to remove old chests to be able to replace them.

    I was thinking along a custom game mode that allowed the options to control stack sizes as well as thirst and hunger speeds or something like that. all in all I like your ideas. and apparently the loss of inventory was traced down to a corrupted set of torch holders and I haven't heard of any losses other then the chests that contain corrupted items in them and there is no way to tell until you open 1 of them :) all in all things are slowly stabilizing.

    either a separate game mode (something like "survival lite", or just "Freeplay mode"), which is a mixture of creative mode and survival mode (no creative modes, no flying etc, but easy survival gameplay, not much limitations in terms of building or stack sizes). Or a customizable game mode, which allows you to set up exactly what features you want to enable or disable.

    Alternatively that could be handled by the level of difficulty. That feature was planned anyway, so when setting an easy level of difficulty, you could get big stack sizes, when selecting a hard level of difficulty, the stack sizes will be limited...

    until it is created
    console commands for pnb material

    log is item woodlog amount texture
    plank is item woodplank amount texture
    triangle is item woodplanktriangle amount texture
    beam is item woodbeam amount texture

    these are only good if you can spawn from the terminal ie
    - *
    - itemgive

    I was told was the setting in permissions to allow spawning of everything

    hey red51, I run the rosalia server and my people are now loosing there personal inventory when they enter the server without opening chests or doing anything. They do some stuff then log out then log back in later and there stuff is gone again. I am having them empty there inventory before they log out till this is fixed. We also have been experianceing loss of carried inventory when opening certain chests and crates, but this is a crap shoot. not every chest is corrupted, some are ok. The chests I mentioned were there before the update, all new placed chests are fine.

    something went wrong with your blueprint you only got the front of the building and cut off the tops of the arches. I would love to have a full version of this blueprint. suggestion, make Shure the area marker is a full block past the farthest part of the structure you are BPing on all sides and you will not have this problem again. also when doing large BPs, if it doesn't render and you don't see a part of what you want to copy, the part you don't see will not blueprint, soo turn your distance up on your vid settings when BPing and make shure you can see all you want to copy.

    there is a problem with regular players being able to remove old chests so they can replace them. Old chests being chests placed before the plugin was installed. Only admins can remove the chests it seems. Also have noticed a corruption of items when passing things like chests directly between players while running this plugin.