hummm weird, maybe try verify your game files?
That worked! Thanks! I wouldn't have thought of doing that so soon after an update.
hummm weird, maybe try verify your game files?
That worked! Thanks! I wouldn't have thought of doing that so soon after an update.
Understood. I've hiked around quite a bit as well. Tried a few more seeds and sailed to check out several biomes. Hiked across the desert and explored a lot of a winter region as well. Still no animals anywhere unless I spawn them by command code.
I'm late to enjoy this update. I searched to see if this was reported already but found nothing.
At every major update I start a new seed because I love the exploration. I've survived a few days on one and tested two more random seeds. I flew around a bit on all of them to search, but I'm not finding any animals, at all, anywhere.
I double-checked the settings: Animal Spawnrate = 100% and 300% tried. Verified all new seeds start with all animals on.
I know I can do it manually with console commands, so I'll use that work around.
Is this an issue not yet reported? Or user error?
Advice welcome.
No animals... at all?
I'm late to enjoy this update. I searched to see if this was reported already but found nothing.
At every major update I start a new seed because I love the exploration. I've survived a few days on one and tested two more random seeds. I flew around a bit on all of them to search, but I'm not finding any animals, at all, anywhere.
I double-checked the settings: Animal Spawnrate = 100% and 300% tried. Verified all new seeds start with all animals on.
I know I can do it manually with console commands, so I'll use that work around.
Is this an issue not yet reported? Or user error?
Advice welcome.
Unfortunately I'm not sure what you're referring to exactly
This doesn't sound like a feature from the game, maybe it's part of a plugin on that particular server?
You're right. I caught the server master who confirmed she had changed the setting. Sorry to bother you with it.
Heya Red. Thanks for all your hard work. I just updated and, in Multiplayer, B no longer opens the Show/Hide areas window.
Thank you both for your help!
until this might be a possibility, you could do a terraprint (blueprint) from a mountain that suits you, from any other biome, and place it where you want it. Then use the creative tools to paint it in the texture you like.
I'm trying this idea on a fresh seed, but I'm not that familiar with God Mode/Creative Mode (as it is the least fun part of a sandbox game for me.) Can you direct me to a list of console commands? Or, more specifically Spawn Blueprint? (I searched the forums, but I'm not finding it.)
Ah! Thank you! I hadn't thought of that. I'll give it a try.
iAho, mi amigos!
I'm still loving these deserts, Red. You have created THE most realistic deserts I've seen in any game, ever.
I've now fully explored the desert biomes in several seeds, but I'm not finding any mountains. They'd be about the same topography/shape as El Capitán monoliths you already have in the lush biomes. I admit, the North American samples below are hardly the elevation of the Alps, but they're tall for us.
Bryce Canyon / Canyon de Chelly / Grand Canyon / Zion
I ask because I'm building stuff like this, but I need a cliff face/steep canyon to do it right.
Mesa Verde Ancestral Pueblo
If it's not too much trouble, of course.
Muchas gracias,
Greetings gang,
I would love to see more variations and/or colors of flowers and foliage. Low priority, to be sure, but I'm finding that my decorated villages are too heavy in pink and purple. I'd love some more red, orange, yellow, and white varieties.
That said, you did a *fantastic* job with the desert biomes. I've often posted friendly corrections to developers about their misunderstandings of what the American Southwest looks like, but red51 and his team really listened! The mesquites have thorns, the saguaros are tall and hurt when you bump into them, and the dangerous snakes are actually diamondbacks! Yaaaas! I cannot articulate how immensely pleased I am with your hard work on the desert biome details.
So, this is just a tiny suggestion that you are free to take on or ignore as you please. If you do take it on, I did a little snapshot research of my local gems just to start you off with some ideas.
blue lupine, brittlebush, California or Mexican poppy, chrysanthemum, desert bird of paradise, mariposa lily, orange bougainvillea, primrose, sunflower,
Thanks for such a beautiful and peaceful game.
OMG The desert is beautiful! And the cactus hurt! lol *Well* worth the wait. Thank you for your attention to detail.
Take care of yourself first, Red. We are excited but patient. Do what you need to do. May the Force be with you.
I use Rising World to create settings for fiction literature. Usually original fic, but right now I'm craving to do some exiled Obi Wan on Tatooine bits. Also, too, I live in Southern Arizona and it's been way too freaking cold! My reality needs a warmer break.
I've seen the snapshot of Red's desert biome on trello. I'm curious how the mountains and caves will look because his java version had a lot of potential. (Our wildlife is starkly different, however. 😋) I'm looking foreward to 'stranding' myself out there and writing/building my way to enlightenment.
Desert Biomes. All the biomes and caves, really, but particularly excited about deserts.
Santa Fe-style home. Unfurnished, as usual. I'm not yet skilled enough to create detailed work like y'all, but I'm getting there.
They get stuck inside the blocks. Oftentimes they flicker in their attempt to pick up their feet and walk farther. I have managed to destroy the blocks so they can walk another step, but they just get stuck in the next one.
I've done a few adjustments to nail this error down. My guess is that they can't get up the half-block step I had, but I can't confirm that yet. I've replaced the half-step with a stair-shaped block, and no one has gotten stuck on the plaza top yet, but I can't confirm anyone has wandered by to try. I tried to herd them towards the plaza by shooting the gun to get them to run, but I guess I'm not much of a cowboy as I can't get them to run in the direction I want.
Another hint seeps that these cows walked through a full block set into the ground, but these *don't* get stuck. It was only they when they were on top of my plaza.
I've built a little test plaza in a place they like to congregate and will watch and see what I can figure out. More soon.
By the People, For the People! Here's a standard American City Hall. Unfurnished because I use blueprints of others for that, but this creative project was for the rotunda and the facade decor anyway. Customize to your liking, but naturally, please don't repost.
Have fun. (And remember to vote! )