The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
i grounded the boys and need to be able to prevent them from playing games on computer but not lock them out of the computer
because i home school them and they have homework...... how can I prevent games from loading or put locks on games like
this one and tanki online ......
please i am desperate gotta figure this out im not always home and they will and are playing the games even though they r grounded arghhhhh
I need to download some human memory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I spent about 4 hours fighting with the computer re loading the stupid thing and
trying to find problems where there was zip...
I forgot to put in the memory chips when i took them out to look for computer problems.
Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x1aa78b]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x1a2fd8]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x5ed84]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x5fa08]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x68641]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x2bbc56]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x2bbd24]
v ~RuntimeStub::handle_exception_from_callee Runtime1 stub
J 1401 C1 com.jme3.util.ReflectionAllocator.allocate(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; (5 bytes)
J 2342 C1 com.jme3.util.BufferUtils.ensureLargeEnough(Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;I)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; (70 bytes)
J 4017 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapTextPage.assemble(Lcom/jme3/font/Letters;)V (489 bytes)
J 2343 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapText.assemble()V (43 bytes)
J 3390 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapText.getLineWidth()F (46 bytes)
J 3475 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.Label.updateTextSize()V (340 bytes)
J 3532 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.Label.refresh()V (9 bytes)
J 3463 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Element.setSize(FFZ)V (97 bytes)
J 4286 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.revalidate()V (724 bytes)
j de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.insert(ILde/jiw/gui/core/Element;)V+59
j de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.insert(Lde/jiw/gui/core/Element;)V+3
j L.H.updateTickEvent(F)V+158
J 2630 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Element.transferUpdateTick(F)V (72 bytes)
J 3015 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Screen.update(F)V (215 bytes)
J 2494 C1 com.jme3.scene.Spatial.runControlUpdate(F)V (55 bytes)
J 2477 C1 com.jme3.scene.Node.updateLogicalState(F)V (55 bytes)
J 2477 C1 com.jme3.scene.Node.updateLogicalState(F)V (55 bytes)
j commons.JIWApplication.update()V+188
j com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop()V+22
j com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop()V+104
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x15af45]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x2213ae]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x15afde]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x15b166]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x15b1d7]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0xff36f]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x17dc30]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x17e4aa]
VÂ [jvm.dll+0x1c2ec6]
CÂ [msvcr100.dll+0x5c556]
CÂ [msvcr100.dll+0x5c600]
CÂ [kernel32.dll+0x4ef8c]
CÂ [ntdll.dll+0x6367a]
CÂ [ntdll.dll+0x6364d]
CÂ 0x00000000
Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
v ~RuntimeStub::handle_exception_from_callee Runtime1 stub
J 1401 C1 com.jme3.util.ReflectionAllocator.allocate(I)Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer; (5 bytes)
J 2342 C1 com.jme3.util.BufferUtils.ensureLargeEnough(Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer;I)Ljava/nio/FloatBuffer; (70 bytes)
J 4017 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapTextPage.assemble(Lcom/jme3/font/Letters;)V (489 bytes)
J 2343 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapText.assemble()V (43 bytes)
J 3390 C1 com.jme3.font.BitmapText.getLineWidth()F (46 bytes)
J 3475 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.Label.updateTextSize()V (340 bytes)
J 3532 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.Label.refresh()V (9 bytes)
J 3463 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Element.setSize(FFZ)V (97 bytes)
J 4286 C1 de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.revalidate()V (724 bytes)
j de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.insert(ILde/jiw/gui/core/Element;)V+59
j de.jiw.gui.elements.ElementSet.insert(Lde/jiw/gui/core/Element;)V+3
j L.H.updateTickEvent(F)V+158
J 2630 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Element.transferUpdateTick(F)V (72 bytes)
J 3015 C1 de.jiw.gui.core.Screen.update(F)V (215 bytes)
J 2494 C1 com.jme3.scene.Spatial.runControlUpdate(F)V (55 bytes)
J 2477 C1 com.jme3.scene.Node.updateLogicalState(F)V (55 bytes)
J 2477 C1 com.jme3.scene.Node.updateLogicalState(F)V (55 bytes)
j commons.JIWApplication.update()V+188
j com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglAbstractDisplay.runLoop()V+22
j com.jme3.system.lwjgl.LwjglDisplay.runLoop()V+104
v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
i hope this helps
had not thought about that we should have our own ranking system that
goes by play time crafting and exploration and dungeons and include on
a small basis posts whether it be tutorial. crafting or whatever.....
we are a rising world and need recognition for what we did or have done
a scale of ranking i guess, i know red is busy but we all love him and
support him priority is first and foremost,,, abilities display would enhance
customer want and approval with the game
i am not a comp geek i just play a lot of games
and have a lot of comp basic skills I try to help ppl
and just started posting on steam im trying....
I play this game about 12 hours a day because i have cancer. and i
cant really do much, but i try every time i see a problem i try to answer
it if i actually know what the problem is. i support on steam and facebook.
it should be based on play time using different material and construction time.
combined with post and community support
i dont want to be a beginner i have devoted weeks to this game if u look
i try to help ppl i steam i facebook i tell friends
what are the requirements to be at least a student ugh i feel left out
anyone know what the new update may include?????????
a horse and maybe a pet dog or or or birds that fly around and sing oooooohhhhhhhhhhh
i thought that was the case there goes 50 good bucks for a excellent reason lol they play the game
more than i do sometimes.... lol
i purchased the game through steam and i have 4 computers, do i have to purchase the game 3 more times to put it on
my other computers? also my boys play in my single player game and keep getting into my stuff and taking it is there
a way to put locks on chests on chests and doors to keep things safe that would be a cool craft thing to do.
drawbridge does not snap to grid and only places on land unchanged by character.
it should snap to grid like planks or bricks....
im undefended and vulnerable to friends that attack me help i want my drawbridge
anyone know when the update for steam will be available other than the beta version
I want to play multiplayer but it wont let me because its beta.............
i cant i forgot to put a refrigerator in the dang bathroom
just figured that out, I need a go go gadget for steam and usa updates ugh
tried to get into your world and chouldnt got any suggestions
im on the beta update is that it?
i guess ill half to stay in the bathroom while the update is running,,,,
with all my heart I, want to thank everyone involved with rising world and
how we all help each other in the game.... WE the players, Admin and (god red51) for
the support we give each other... Most games are hard to learn and definitely difficult at times
but we as a community all seem like one big family or master computer that updates each other
when we have problems...
love you red51 and the players that help players so red51 drools on the couch at the christmas party lol
sincerely with love
the western bat doors stick, anyone got a clue how to fix this
im trying to learn how to better post on steam about rising world....
please help me by looking at water works by mrorgonian on steam and give me suggestions
im crash coursing this so all input appreciated....
i vaguely remember that being part of my problem too,, go go go hope to see u soon...