What you dont understand was explained as several plugins I am developing are around a common theme they all contribute to an overall single purpose all provide information on player interactions. To have one item stored in one database that can contribute to a decision in another plugin is counterproductive but if I can read that interaction then I can use it. To make a huge plugin that does everything is counter productive to easy maintenance and change of the plugins.
There are a few common things plugins track no matter who wrote them. They have a a key and usually single function in gameplay. Area Protection being one stores who can do things and who cannot and how much you can do that too. I have an idea I am running with that requires me to interface with that database to accomplish the flow of rights and enhance game mechanics for any player. Having to push these through a Lua script routine that I know nothing about is not as easy as pulling or pushing the information at the database outside of Area Protection routine. Area Protection does not seem to care who closed the database or who put the information there as long as it is in order and keyed correctly. I have had to manually edit it several times to correct issues as I did with another plugin database issue before I removed it from my server and went another direction.
Area Protection is a necessary plugin because I cant/dont want to write that type of routine right now but I have a routine that will build stats on how much land they have protected. Waiting for a third party plugin writer to alter the routine they have no use would be problematic. I want to create a safe area there a shoppers can get access without an Admin or Owner based on certain interaction but not a public free access. These are all game play mechanics. (No it is not about player self claims either as I know there is a prewritten routine that helps with that)
I have several routines I have written that accomplish completely unrelated mechanics but would benefit from common database to create a common game mechanic theme on my server. However they are in different plugin subdirectories to function. Hence the main question about database being stored in different spot than a single plugin subdirectory.