Posts by angriff

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    Ok found a nice Crown to let people know I am in charge on my server. However, my nice black side burns and black hair along my ears disappears and I look bald under the crown ;( Can I at least please get a Trump weave to cover up the bald spots when I wear my crown :/X/

    The PVP in this game is something that attracts myself and many. However there is a fine line between the building types and the PVP types before this game would flip into a Reign of Kings knockoff that nobody wants.

    The maps in this game are huge extremely huge. They are large enough that people can get established and if there were cooperation bonuses would allow for groups to form and make small cities or for group defense but I never imagine the players in this game would be on a server long enough to produce that sort of game.

    You see two types of structures in this game. Those that are trying to create a unique creative and pleasing to walk in environment and those that build a survival type building with stark walls and hidden access. The latter being more or less built in a defensive nature and in many cases the players of this type of mindset might not build on the surface at all. The dungeons with their treasures of weapons and armor beneath the surface encourage the Morlock-type players. The dungeons even enhance their playtype. There is no such bonus for the surface dweller other than the beauty of the game environment. (albeit very Northern European or NW US type weather of gloom and rain dominant)

    I am new to the server running scene (Angriff's Lair) but other than flying I have not disabled anything for players to find, explore and build. I have provided some map movement capabilities with the TP commands and 10 or 11 points but for the most part these are to places that I have built for visual enjoyment or new frontiers areas for other players to move away from the central spawning point. I have put in area protection but only set by Admins not players staking out the area.

    This brings the point of how do you get people of like mind to establish in like areas? The PVP player wants to be close to others with enough distance to allow establishment then take out opponents. There is no reward for taking out the others and little protection with type of building. In Reign of Kings different structures with different material take longer or more intent needed to take. Intent is not a problem for PVP players if there only reward is the exaltation of ruining another players building progress. That game quickly became a clan gangbang fest and most building type players exited. I mean who wants to be locked in a cage every time you log on because you did not hide your body well enough for players, when you are not online destroyed your buildings, found your hidden sleeping body and put a inescapable cage around it? Your only hope is that you hid a small knife so you can seppuku yourself and start over from scratch. Funny for a minute or two but quickly falls into the sadomasochist realm.

    So the challenge for the game and any server allowing both types of play is provide a balance. There are not enough mechanics in the game to provide rewards for the surface building dwellers versus the PVP players. Area Protection helps but is not a reward but rather a defense and actually eliminates the PVP player from almost all aspects other than being caught out in the open and the game map is too large for that normally. To me there should be an economy of things that creates both rewards and penalties for both player types. Right now there is a haphazard method of rewarding, cut down trees, dig in the ground and find a source of water. Resources are so abundant that any one place can have them without a trading requirement or pvp fight. Why did the Conquistadors attack the Incas for their gold and the Incas let them have it? Gold was valuable on a personal status improvement to the Conquistadors but only was a grouped religious worth to the Incas offering no personal value.

    There is little need in this game now for a PVP that has only personal gratification of killing a player or destroying his efforts. The opposite fear of your efforts being destroyed are an attraction until it actually happens to you then you are likely to give up on the game if you built and lost much at all. There is no reason to trade with them as resources are abundant and omnipresent. I guess if you want lemons you might want to trade to get them from someone in another area but you could just circle around and get them yourself. If you build defensively and never see another PVP player that too can be a similar turn off.

    Well all that said the basic question is will the game develop a deep enough reality capability in server setup tools for a dualistic game to prosper? Will an interdependence requirement built around resource scarcity and maybe even a character building trait that allows you, as a player to improve your chances of survival while you build something beautiful. Will there be a reward for building something other than gratification? A survival leaderboard as explained in a previous post helps the PVP player but does nothing for the builder. An economy helps but economy character building people don't play to be a peasant they play to be a Count or Duke.

    So that points to the ability to produce and project Power in the game. This is something new and different. If you build a great city with many building or have a nice walls or defensive structures then couple that with a great economy or resource provenance then you have a perceived Power. The Power capabilities of you character should created stronger or harder to destroy buildings and structures. It may even enhance your abilities to mine build stronger armor further or increase your trading capabilities/value. If your character comes up to a title level such as a Count then you might even have additional quests to build a Church or Temple to the Glory of a Deity that would help your plants grow further or make your ability to fight stronger.

    Players of lessor Power would either strive to increase theirs without other knowing it or they would ban together in defense. A grouped power of several lessor power vassals could have the same level of power of a Count/ess by themself. But a Count/ess with two vassals in their group would build stronger walls and better weaponry.

    Well you get an idea of my wish ... and it will probably always remain a wish but who knows it could change the course of script writers (which I am not) that could enhance this idea or even move in a better direction of the character build rather than the character assassination and destruction trend in PVP games. =O

    So how big is a block? How long is a beam fully extened? If I want to build something to scale how do I know the distance? What is 25 ft or 6 meters? How do I know, compared to my walking and head height? :huh:

    You have to refresh the map manually by pressing the small refresh button in the top right corner. Pressing this button will refresh all currently visible map tiles upon exploration.
    Currently the map only shows the state of the world when the according world part was explored (while having a map equipped) for the first time ;)

    Well that is weird now i have to keep re-exploring everything. X/

    Having German players on my server is a bit of a task. I cant cut and paste their words to Google Translate but I can cut and paste my words into Google translator. So basically I can talk but I cant listen very well :S

    Simply put:
    I write in english in Google then copy to clipboard the translated German and in chat Cntrl V puts that translated text there. I does not work in reverse.

    Hello, I have several NPC suggestions. E.g. assigning different tasks (tree felling, raw material extraction, building construction, etc.).

    I would be glad if you could interact with them like a butcher has meat inventory you can trade with him, farmer for vegetables, Armorer has armor etc.

    Having the do tasks like gather and build is a bit sophisticated and would make me think that the game would mimic Civilization I,II,II,IV,etc. and they would say "at once my Lord!" before they ran off.

    I would like two simple things

    • A chalk line - This is a line that is drawn in the sky or any two points that shows the block grid. I have a really hard time making roof lines. The viewpoint is skewed bit from distance and you cant really tell if something wood is really straight until you pull back or run something else along it and find it is moving at an angle. This can be like the select area grid turned on and off in color
    • An angle reading. This is sort of a backup to the chalk line but a way to see what angle you have rotated a beam or plank so you can get the exact angle correct without having to be at setr 1 all the time. You can see the size in the bottom left but would be nice to see setting angle/s

    I would like to see something beside the run of the mill Medieval/Modern type clothes for these games. How about some Roman or Ancient Greek type clothes. Armor for those periods too! That way we can have a revision of the age of Sparta, Persia vs Alexander, possibly Romans vs Carthage or Rome vs British tribes.

    You can feed them potatoes and make them follow you around and rename them with the Animal addin. Sort of cool that feature working. Will be nice when you can make/let them give players things after an interaction from other players like in a shop or something.

    Once you own them you can get them to follow you like other NPCs with the rollingpin off the roof . Or shoot at them then they run

    I only visit other peoples servers to look around. I wont build anywhere but on my own creative worlds because I know where my world will be tomorrow. One thing I learned many years ago is that nothing on a server is permanent. One day your stuff is there and the next day the server (and all of your work ) is gone. I would rather control my own world and only visit others.

    Fore some strange reason , I got banned for just looking around a server a year or 2 ago. I never picked a fruit or even swung a pic or axe on that server.

    The server owner must have just been having a bad day.

    Wait till they go from Alpha to Beta.. probably take a server wipe. Happened in many many of these building type survival games. I guess you can just not upgrade your server and play alone. X/