Posts by Onotopian

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    This weekend's update: the king isn't satisfied with his old palace :D , so I started building a MUCH larger one up north in the city.
    The new palace will have a great open front courtyard with a grand gate that leads to another inner courtyard which borders the palace. So far, I completed the open courtyard and the gate. I also did what I should have done A LOT earlier in this city: I started using bright red and blue coloured blocks... because the ancient Egyptians usually did paint their temples and other buildings. This will make the new royal palace stand out :thumbsup:

    Shame your creation is not on a public server... I am sure there are those that would drift through time amongst your buildings. :thumbup:

    If you play Rising World on Steam, you could visit it ;-)

    The final purpose of this map is to ready it for multiplayer, so this city may expand even further. I still need to do some map preparations (like adding a sea 8o )... and some general city layout. I want this map to be ready for people to start building their own houses and projects immediately...without needing to worry about surrounding infrastructure, so that this city starts off as a city... not a village :D

    Last several days I have been busy updating the city map... and making a clear outline map of it in Illustrator... It's a good indicator I think to show the vastness of the buildings, the city and the map... The total city enclosure now spans 526 x 1206 blocks (without the necropolis).

    Looks great. :thumbsup:

    What's about the Egyptian part? Given up?

    A visit to your map would be really nice. :)

    Thanks, Deirdre!
    NOOO, I have not given up 8o This Grand Library is in the same map, inside the city. But because it's located in a city extension area, there isn't much built around yet.

    As for visiting it, I have no idea how to put it into multiplayer or whatever to do to make it public. Ideas? Suggestions?

    Here is a annotated map of the city:

    1 = The Grand Library (which I just completed)
    2 = The City Harbour
    3 = North Temple Complex
    4 = Great City Temple
    5 = Small City Temple
    6 = Hall of Laws/Boua/Treasury
    7 = Throne Palace
    8 = Garden Palace
    9 = Royal Palace
    11 = River esplanade terraces
    12 = Two Kiosks
    13 = Island Temples
    14 = Extramuros Forestry Plot
    15 = Harbour Market/Customs Office/Kiosk
    P1 to P4 = four pyramids

    The Grand Library is done! It's by far the most intricate and labour-intensive building I did so far in this city. The interior is stacked with shelves, some have been filled with bookrolls (posters)...but there remain A LOT of bookshelves to be filled... So in that sense, it's still not done :-(

    On the north side of the library is a long terrace. This can be reached from inside the library with a bridge across the streets. The meaning of this is to connect the library with an enclosed fruitgarden, so the scholars, copyists, illuminators and writers may take a break within the library-grounds but without being confronted with the hastle of the city ;-)

    UPDATE: The grand city library is almost finished. It is a hellenistic building since I added a dome structure to it. I also used (very hesitantly) posters to fill the shelves with book scrolls as was custom in libraries in the ancient world.

    This is the central hall which is also the place where scribers copy works, hence the tables :-D

    I added an obelisk to the entry courtyard... not yet adorned with hieroglyphs... Still working on a text to put on display here...

    After a long break and some hesitation to continue building (because of the disappearing blocks bug issue)... I started construction of a large city library. There is the possibility I will convert this river city into a coastal one, so that it will become some type of hellenistic Alexandria where I can also include the Pharos I built earlier in a different map. This way I can also incorporate some more Greekish styled buildings. Just a thought.

    So, this is the front entrance of what will become some kind of Grand Library:

    Your build project looks great do you have a build team or is this mostly in creative mode to gather materials? I use creative mode to gather large quantities of stone so don't take this the wrong way as gathering all that material in survival mode would be well over 1K+ hours of mining.

    I built this myself in creative mode, as I described in the first post. So, no... I have no building team so far. There is no need to gather materials in creative mode, if that is what you meant?
    I started this map around April or May last year...

    Hmm... when did these blocks disappear exactly? Did you touch these buildings before it happened (e.g. added new blocks or removed the blocks)? Did you place these buildings via blueprint?

    The very first time (must be about a year ago now) I was actually building the structure when some horizontal lines went missing. After relaunching the game, the error persisted. So I manually repaired it.

    This time, the building was already finished manually several weeks ago. I made a blueprint of it back then, but it wasn't built using one. I did attempt to use this blueprint in the same map on an entire different location. But because there was a mistake, I undid the blueprint. Afterwards I noticed this bug. May there be a connection?

    Several times I have experienced the sudden disappearing of parts of buildings (see photo 1)
    Usually after exiting the map and relaunching it, the damage is gone. But twice I have experienced when this disappearing persisted and became permanent. In photo 1, the disappearing shows "shells" of building blocks, while in the permanent disappearing-damage (photos 2, 3 and 4) no "shells" are present. In both instances I had to manually rebuild and fill the gaps. Any idea how to solve this very erratic and ennoying behaviour?

    Photo 1:

    Photos 2,3,4:

    did you by any chance have the debug console logging on at the time it happened? Could you open a bug report thread for this for red51 to see and possibly help you out? :)

    Nope, I guess I didn't. I'll start the thread as suggested. The damage was not too extensive, so I repaired it. Have had this same problem about a year ago in the same map, and then too the disappearing of blocks became permanent...