Ancient Egyptian City Build -- AAKHUTRA

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  • Where is the royal Barge :P

    That's actually a good idea...didn't think of it! I could build one and put it in the river alongside the bank of the royal palace gardens :thumbsup:

    *I have to build another one of those suckers* *sigh* (it was a pain building one ;-) )

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • Don't worry about the disappearing thing, sometimes if you build too fast or dig too fast the chunk you are disappears but if you place one more block or something else or if you dig once next to the edge of the gap it all reappears. Relogging also makes it reappear too ofc :)

    Awesomely built :O

    I had this issue of disappearing blocks again, but this time without even building, I was just walking around 8|
    Somehow its persistent and won't reappear ;( So the city's insurance agents will contact you soon :P

    Now, I don't dare building anymore... :-(

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • oh no :/ this is very weird :/ has never occurred to me tbh, did you by any chance have the debug console logging on at the time it happened? Could you open a bug report thread for this for red51 to see and possibly help you out? :)

  • did you by any chance have the debug console logging on at the time it happened? Could you open a bug report thread for this for red51 to see and possibly help you out? :)

    Nope, I guess I didn't. I'll start the thread as suggested. The damage was not too extensive, so I repaired it. Have had this same problem about a year ago in the same map, and then too the disappearing of blocks became permanent...

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • Your build project looks great do you have a build team or is this mostly in creative mode to gather materials? I use creative mode to gather large quantities of stone so don't take this the wrong way as gathering all that material in survival mode would be well over 1K+ hours of mining.

  • Your build project looks great do you have a build team or is this mostly in creative mode to gather materials? I use creative mode to gather large quantities of stone so don't take this the wrong way as gathering all that material in survival mode would be well over 1K+ hours of mining.

    I built this myself in creative mode, as I described in the first post. So, no... I have no building team so far. There is no need to gather materials in creative mode, if that is what you meant?
    I started this map around April or May last year...

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • I built this myself in creative mode, as I described in the first post. So, no... I have no building team so far. There is no need to gather materials in creative mode, if that is what you meant?I started this map around April or May last year...

    I must of missed that part of the post "In Creative" as I was too busy looking at the images of how wonderful you've done so far. In either case thanks and keep up the amazing work! :)

  • I must of missed that part of the post "In Creative" as I was too busy looking at the images of how wonderful you've done so far. In either case thanks and keep up the amazing work!

    Thanks ArcaneDesmond. I am certainly glad you like my work so far. :thumbup:

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • After a long break and some hesitation to continue building (because of the disappearing blocks bug issue)... I started construction of a large city library. There is the possibility I will convert this river city into a coastal one, so that it will become some type of hellenistic Alexandria where I can also include the Pharos I built earlier in a different map. This way I can also incorporate some more Greekish styled buildings. Just a thought.

    So, this is the front entrance of what will become some kind of Grand Library:

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • Do it ... I built my Oracle temple and will build Apollo's on the same plateau :D Though my Pharos is still off by itself

    Angriff's Lair Rising World. Use /tp list to see the menu of places to visit

  • UPDATE: The grand city library is almost finished. It is a hellenistic building since I added a dome structure to it. I also used (very hesitantly) posters to fill the shelves with book scrolls as was custom in libraries in the ancient world.

    This is the central hall which is also the place where scribers copy works, hence the tables :-D

    I added an obelisk to the entry courtyard... not yet adorned with hieroglyphs... Still working on a text to put on display here...

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • Really nice .. I wonder how well it will burn when a Flintlock is fired accidentally in it :rolleyes:

    I don't know if papyrus and parchment burn equally well as paper. The Grand Library didn't need a flintlock... all it took were religious zealots ;-)

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

  • I don't know if papyrus and parchment burn equally well as paper. The Grand Library didn't need a flintlock... all it took were religious zealots ;-)

    Oh I am sure Napoleon's team would have obliged to do scientific study on the subject should there have been the opportunity :evil:

  • The Grand Library is done! It's by far the most intricate and labour-intensive building I did so far in this city. The interior is stacked with shelves, some have been filled with bookrolls (posters)...but there remain A LOT of bookshelves to be filled... So in that sense, it's still not done :-(

    On the north side of the library is a long terrace. This can be reached from inside the library with a bridge across the streets. The meaning of this is to connect the library with an enclosed fruitgarden, so the scholars, copyists, illuminators and writers may take a break within the library-grounds but without being confronted with the hastle of the city ;-)

    "A city which belongs to just one man is no true city." - Sophocles

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