Posts by AllieCat

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    We are looking to have a few devs work on this, do you have the GitHub for this, we would love to help

    It's not on github... yet
    It's just a project me and my girlfriend worked on before the pandemic times, but... since then there's been updates to the game too like switching engines
    Main dev is on Unity now as I understand, but....

    are there still people out there playing the Java beta branch?
    If so I might be willing to post it on Github

    I am not a programmer, so I'm not certain if it is even possible or not but is there some way the you can treat the placement of the pan the same as a plank with the same ability to change the size somewhat? and what about the possibility of making a griddle cooking surface? That way you could cook in the pan or strait on the griddle.

    I do apologize:D if this is to far fetched or way to much coding.:thumbup: Please keep up the Great work and thank you.

    P.S. The eggs are tasty!!!!:drooling:

    We could actually. but... the truth is that you get what you pay for.

    We could implement a ghost model for placing skillets... and we even played with that very approach for a while.
    But that involves several sequential raycasts, and those are expensive

    So we decided on this method to do without.

    We don't really want to cause a server to lag out every time a player drops a skillet on a fire, that'd be bad.

    Thanks for your suggestions though and who knows... again with the Unity Engine update... maybe the future holds different answers

    I've always wanted a steak and cheese sandwich in this game or perhaps a BLT? (Bacon, Lettuce & tomato on rye) The grind mill you're supposed to be able to grind wheat into flour, problem is the crop doesn't exist yet. Was wondering though if your plugin could someday morph into something similar to that of Pam's Harvestcraft? Just imagine adding all your own crops, recipes, pots, pans and even candles! For now the Fish & Chips looks quite delicious <3

    Thanks for the input, ArcaneDesmond!
    I haven't taken a look into Pams Harvestcraft, but I definitely will and see if the mods could work together. I too am a big fan of the BLT, so if we get time that's something we'll work on. Love the suggestion!

    Ok, sorry about that.
    I really think I got it this time, I found what was happening. The skillet never got removed from an internal list of skillets, but it was removed from the database. It was an oversight on my part, but hopefully I've got it fixed now. Update to 0.7.4 and try again please and thank you.

    @sharkbitefischer & @kleenex_de
    I think I have a fix for it, update to 0.7.3 and try again. It's working on my test server now but I want to confirm that it's working on your servers as well.
    See the download link at the top of the first page to get the new version.

    EDIT : Wait, no, it's not done yet :/ I'll try again. Sorry.

    Ich glaube, ich habe eine Lösung dafür, aktualisiere auf 0.7.3 und versuche es erneut. Es funktioniert jetzt auf meinem Testserver, aber ich möchte bestätigen, dass es auch auf Ihren Servern funktioniert.
    Die neue Version finden Sie über den Download-Link oben auf der ersten Seite.

    EDIT: Warten Sie, nein, es ist noch nicht fertig :/ Ich werde es erneut versuchen. Es tut uns leid.

    I restarted the server and the frying pans disappeared. They stayed until I restarted, weird.

    just tried to do it all again and the skillet remain until a restart. same as before.

    I just set up my own test server to try this out on and I can confirm I'm having the problem there as well. So at least I'm able to replicate the problem now. I probably should have a test server anyways if I'm going to be working on plugins, so it's about time. Anyways, I'll get to work on finding a solution and let you know when I figure it out.

    This looks awesome, well done! :thumbup:

    Wow, I'm not sure how I missed this before, I must have scrolled right past it! Sorry!
    That's some great praise coming from you @red51 Thanks for the nice compliment! :D

    something weird. When I log out with the cannon still in my hand and then log back in, it looks like it is in my left hand and flipped around until I change hot slot and back again. then it appears correctly.

    Ok this seems to be caused by lag. I have a bad internet connection so am slow to load. When fully loaded it corrects it's self.

    sorry for the scare :)

    :P Ok, no harm done. Glad it's working!

    confirmed, this happens on my server too. put a skillet down and pick it up then log out and back in and another skillet appears that you can not pick up or use. You can place another skillet and pick it up, log out and back in and now there are 2 skillets I can not use on the grill. I also can destroy the fire and grill and the 2 skillets remain afterwards and are not destroyable even in gm 1 mode.

    nein das ist falsch. Ich nehme die Pfanne vom Feuer und melde mich dann ab. Und wenn ich mich wieder anmelde ist die Pfanne wieder auf dem Feuer und ich kann sie nicht entfernen. :/

    Ok so it looks like we have two problems that probably have the same cause. It may be database related. I'll look into this more when I get time. I'll update again when I have a solution.

    Ok, es sieht so aus, als hätten wir zwei Probleme, die wahrscheinlich die gleiche Ursache haben. Es kann datenbankbezogen sein. Ich werde mehr darüber nachdenken, wenn ich Zeit habe. Ich werde erneut aktualisieren, wenn ich eine Lösung habe.

    ich Spiele im Multiplayer und verwende die 0.7.2
    das Problem Tritt nur auf wenn ich die Pfanne von der Feuerstelle nehme mich dann aus und wieder ein Logge.
    wenn du möchtest kannst du mal schauen Server:

    Vielen Dank für das Posten der Server-IP. Ich schaue später nach, wenn ich Zeit habe.

    Ich möchte sicherstellen, dass ich Sie richtig verstehe. Sie stellen die Pfanne auf das Feuer, und wenn Sie sich abmelden und wieder anmelden, können Sie die Pfanne nicht wieder aufnehmen. Ist das richtig?

    @kleenex_de :
    Ich kann die von einem früheren Speichervorgang übrig gebliebenen Pfannen aufheben, sodass ich das Problem, von dem Sie mir erzählt haben, nicht gesehen habe. :/

    Schauen Sie sich die Pfanne an, bis sich der Cursor in eine Hand verwandelt, und drücken Sie dann 'F', um sie aufzunehmen.
    Stellen Sie außerdem sicher, dass Sie die neueste Version 0.7.2 haben.

    Spielen Sie im Einzelspielermodus oder im Mehrspielermodus?

    Ich hoffe das hilft, lass es mich wissen, wenn du immer noch Probleme hast.

    Euer Plugin ist echt super geworden . :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
    Leider ist es aber so das wenn ich die Pfanne von dem Grill nehme,
    und mich aus und wieder Einlogge die zuvor gesetzten Pfannen wieder auftauchen und sich nicht entfernen lassen. ?(
    Aber weiter so, sehr gute Arbeit. :thumbsup:

    Danke, ich bin froh, dass dir das Plugin gefällt :D

    Hmmm Sie können keine Pfannen aufheben, die bei einem früheren Speichervorgang übrig waren. Ist das richtig? Ich werde sehen, ob ich das noch einmal testen kann und dich wissen lassen, was ich herausfinde. Danke, dass Sie mich informiert haben.

    good news this plugin works with ABM so you can tame and breed more chickens as you wish :)

    Question. Why did you put the chickencoop.db in the world db folder instead of the plugin folder?

    Cool! I haven't tried ABM yet, but I'm glad to hear they're compatible :)

    At first I chose the world db folder because I was following the example plugins, but then I realized there's another good reason to do so. Since the plugin works in singleplayer too, each singleplayer world has it's own chicken coops db, Whereas if it was one universal chicken coop db, every chicken coop from every singleplayer world the player has would get loaded no matter what world was chosen to load up, you'd find chicken coops in some interesting places I bet that way.
    Can you think of any potential problems of putting the db in the world folder? I haven't thought of any, but I'd like to know your ideas. ^^

    Wir haben einen Block daraus gemacht, damit Sie Ihren eigenen Hühnerstall entwerfen können. Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihren eigenen Hühnerstall nach Ihren Wünschen bauen. Hühner legen Eier in den Block, stellen Sie also sicher, dass Sie trotzdem mit ihm interagieren können, nachdem Sie ihn in Ihren Hühnerstall gelegt haben.

    Update 0.7.2 -
    Fixed a bug when picking up a skillet while cooking an egg. Please update to the new version!
    See top post in this thread to get the new version!
    Thanks to @sharkbitefischer for pointing this out!

    point just off the egg in the pan so the arrow changes and press f and the egg disappears and it causes that error :) Real simple to make happen.

    I found what I did. It was a simple oversight on my part, pobody's nerfect :P . Update and try it now, it should be fixed.
    Picking up the skillet while an uncooked egg is in it will yield nothing as planned. Just an FYI, you don't have to pick up the skillet to remove the egg but you may, to get them both off the fire at the same time. You can also pick up the cooked egg directly without removing the skillet, like if you're planning on cooking a batch of them.

    Thanks for pointing this out and sharing, good catch! :thumbup:

    Chicken Coops Plugin has been updated! New Version 0.7.1
    You can cook and eat those eggs now!
    Built-in Player protection for the coops has been added!

    See the updated post at the top for more details, and to get the latest version!

    understood :) was just reporting what was going on. was not complaining. I kind of like it that way and then there is your reason. I absolutely approve :)

    No worries Sharkbitefischer! :) I didn't think you were complaining. Actually, although I try to test the code thoroughly to make sure it's stable, there's no way I could possibly test it from every angle. That's why I depend on people like you to tell me about how the plugin is working out there. Plus, I always love hearing about people using my plugins and your feedback is always appreciated, so thank you! :thumbsup:

    just a heads up. If you remove the coop, the chickens die. You can harvest them but they die.

    Yeah, that's to prevent players from spawning too many chickens. It was intentional.
    If that measure wasn't taken, a player could spawn a bunch of chickens, move the coop, spawn more, rinse and repeat. We don't want players to be able to overburden servers with loads of chickens, so we had to kill them all when a coop is removed.
    Thanks though!