Posts by AlphaGodith

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-02)

    New animals will also spawn in existing worlds, but all animals are persistent (this means they never despawn automatically). Npc spawn depends on the overall population, so if there are already "enough" animals on your existing island, no new animals will respawn. This only happens if animals either wander off, or if they die.

    To delete npcs, you don't have to modify the database. Instead you could just use the deletenpcs console command ;) By default it removes all npcs in your world, but optionally you can also restrict it to a specific type (or only delete npcs within a certain radius).

    it would be cool if there was an option to only delete the ones a set distance from buildings, so you could essentially reset the wilderness but not lose any pets/livestock you are keeping.

    working on a drawing commission for red and decided since i was going to make a 3d model for it to help with reference anyway, i might as well make it in his game for people to use! this includes two versions of sitting and standing poses, as well as three 'pointing' dogs that i guess you could use as fun signage XD

    if you'd like to modify these (such as to add markings) please feel free to upload the modified versions to this thread.

    Sorry for my late response, but I can confirm that the horse sounds while riding are indeed a bit too silent... we'll change that with the next hotfix :)

    awesome, thanks! not sound-related, but horse-related, do you think the dust trail horses leave when running could be adjusted for what material they're running on? like right now it seems like it would only suit dirt or sand, on grass or constructions i'm like 'where did this dust come from?' XD

    I don't want them very loud. Glad it is so as it its, otherwise I have to put out the sounds. Maybe there will be a regulator for this at some point, but then you can hear the beards quietly. A regulator for every animal and npc might be too much but great.

    i don't want them very loud either, but not hearing them AT ALL is very different. if i turn up the volume enough to hear the hoof beats, birds become painfully loud. that shouldn't be the case. the inconsistency is also a big part of the issue- SOMETIMES i can hear the horse normally, but the rest of the time it's silent, and it's very unnatural and offputting to just randomly and suddenly hear a sound out of seemingly nowhere due to the inconsistency.

    hm, i did notice the riding sounds seemed a bit inconsistent- mostly silent and randomly i'd hear a single hoof land as i rode across rugged cliffs- i guess that was the jump landing sound but i thought it was just the switch from grass to stone. still, there should be some thudding even when on soft material like grass. i also missed any kind of mount/dismount sound (leather rustling if saddled in particular), which i personally would have enjoyed hearing.

    i also noticed zebras being oddly quiet- they make a very distinct almost donkey-like call in real life and it was odd that it was absent.

    tested it and i see what you mean! it's true for watermelons, too. basically the slices get added to your inventory but the original item stays equipped until you go to your inventory or swap to another item, when it should probably disappear or be replaced by the slices. i imagine it has to do with how you can abort the slicing if you want.

    same issue with me and my husband. did you also have the thing where only the host could see the unridden horse's animations? like they just slid around for the joining person? and have you had any issue with horses teleporting way far away when you dismount instead of showing up right beside you as they should?

    There are new photos on some cards in the development trello... photos from January 29th about desert biome, hell and npc... I think the update are coming finally.

    Rising World Development | Trello

    hm, we had some photos of those things a long time ago, tho? they were just preliminary ones, the features hadn't been programmed yet. but of course the update is coming soon, there's a banner on this site stating the official release date as this friday. i'm not sure why you quoted me, sorry ^^;

    been checking every day since about mid december XD i stopped being super hopeful since the third time the eta got moved(disclaimer; this is not intended as a criticism), so it's more a casual 'just in case' checking now since i expect it will be ready at the end of the month instead of any day now, but, still very much excited :3

    collecting different stuff from common to rare and to unique would be nice: animals, antique relics, old gold coins with different coinages which you can find below the earth with the metal detector, old ruins and stone blocks where it is more common to find old stuff aso. Unique is just possible if the world is not without borders and a planet.

    yeah, you get it! i LOVE collecting trophies from my exploration adventures in games like this. i'm mostly interested in natural stuff like animals and plants, but human artifacts from ruins would be neat too.

    it's definitely not it XD you can check the forums and see red's been plenty active. the next update is expected to be at the end of this month, it's just been delayed a few times because it's going to be a REALLY big one- red is trying to fit as much as he can into the game as fast as he can so he can update the store page to the unity version, and more frequent smaller updates was taking too long because of all the tweaking and bugfixing that goes on between each one due to user feedback.

    don't take my word as law since i don't own standalone so don't know for sure, but, on steam, the new version is still very much a wip and is only in a beta branch because of it. i imagine that when the new version is complete enough and replaces the old version on the store page over there, it would then get packaged up for a standalone release, but might not be available that way right now. i don't know if the standalone version is built for beta updates like steam is.

    it's getting pretty close tho! a major update is happening any day now.