Posts by Bamse

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    The hammer & chisel could be used to "upgrade" or "downgrade" blocks. However, there's the issue of it selecting multiple at a time instead of doing the entire castle with click click, click click, click click.

    I don't mind to click every block to change texture in survival. Just to have this tool to change texture of exiting placed block. The click on every block to "paint" new texture it's the last problem, beside demolish and start from scratch.

    More than audio bug, is more like a physics mechanic bug. When block dropped, fall/buried underground sometime he start jumping very quickly under terrain and when hit terrain from inside this sound occur. I search too for buried blocks to get rid of this sound! Now is more better because destroyed blocks go inside inventory, but before when blocks where dropped when destroyed some block partially buried in terrain ... oh my...


    Update 2

    I moved several chunks from initial position and big number of proximity NPC remain high. But after relog in game it show only 1, my horse. So i think information from debug is wrong.

    I suspect a condition when another player come in proximity something happen. I was correct. If another player come on horse, my counter of NPC in proximity fast start to rising for every move of player horse. If player dismount counter stop risen. So here is a bug. Or is just a sync problem, or more worse a player leave a ghost npc horse on every move.

    In image uploaded, the number of npc in proximity grow to over 10k after a player move on mount near me. After relog it show only 1 before player come close.

    And i think another thing wich show wrong in debug info is number of world item which i own? Game think i own -7 ?:crazy:. Maybe is related with sync of data to server? This number is not allways -7 but i see many times a negative number.

    PS: I sent several report too



    Problem is i think if i go far away to another place on island, it's seem the high number of NPC remain. Some is weird here. I contact server admin to take a look and maybe find a possible cause. For sure this number go out of limit after NPC update, before was ok, 0 to a a few number in proximity.

    What distance count npc number in first number?

    I am sure in proximity no visible animals, and go even to hell and no npc here under me.


    When i log in game in proximity show only 22 npc. I sent a report. After a while (minutes) number start risen quickly at over 12k. No npc visible beside first 22 .. I sent another report maybe is useful to see what happen here. When number start to risen another player come to my proximity. I don't know this is related or just a pure coincidence.

    Replacing exiting block with a new one is a god option, only caveat here is different shape of block can be a problem. You must remember somewhat what shape used before and this can be problematic if block is embedded in complex structure, but if this tool can just use any shape of block from inventory and adapt to shape of placed block i don't see a problem.

    I further tried some settings in config. It seems the shadow have the biggest impact. If i disable, fps rise up almost like before update. But game look bad without shadows. So i guess unity update handle more bad shadows than previously version :(

    And when say many NPC what mean many? 10, 100, 1000? I have around me under 15 animals (horses, cow and sheep).

    What is weird regarding that is that is info from debug info (F3). I remember in the past say something NPC x/y where x was npc in proximity and y total number of npc from world? But now .. it say 26976/24862. Somethings is strange here.


    My impression is after bandit update, FPS dropped. Overall around 10 frames but more worse in some area with many construction elements. Before i was some area and have stable FPS, like 100 for example. After update i see in same areas (with chunks with many elements, severe FPS drop like 40%. And another thing i see: if before FPS was very stable in a area, a plus minus few frame now in game FPS indicator is very "jumping": now display 100 and after a few seconds drop to 60 and after come back to 100 and so on. As i mentioned same settings in game and almost same areas.

    This thing is just for me or any have similar issue after Bandits update?



    It's seems after each rain we have a fog transition to another weather. Ok, is nice to have sometime this effect, BUT not after each rain. At me for example sun rise after rain. My suggestion is to introduce some random factor and have this fog after rain just at random, but not every each rain.

    Thx in advance and great work with game so far.

    It's a method of change texture of a block after blocks are placed?

    Problem is we made some complex structure and make some bad choice of textures at starting of project. Beside demolish and start over is a way?

    For red51 i dream about a tool like paintbrush, but instead changing color, replace textures! But for love of survivalist gamer this tool need to consume resource. I don't mind to pay full cost, in resource of new block, but just to have ability "to paint" textures on block (can be made to use raw resource from inventory, or to already heave in inventory block with new texture to be consumed - but this introduce complexity because different shapes of structure who want to re-texture!).

    PS: All this in multiplayer server, not single player/creative mode.

    Thx in advance!

    Indeed and from death message seems like i fall from big height. So only solution to this is to wait some more time after arrival at destination without move horse before dismounting it. This usually fix too another bug with horse: horse teleport back in position where you mounted it ... but wait time before dismount not always fix bugs.


    So i remade my plugin to export some raw data from chunks to use as source data for a map. I need a quick way to navigate in middle of sectors. So i write a custom command /tps x, z who teleport me in middle of sector at surface level.

    And now things get started to get strange...

    In almost all sector, if not all (well for 0,0 usually i find water here) is a strange cave generated in middle of sector who is big vertically hole around 30 blocks (in some sectors i found hole at few blocks under surface, but usually hole is open). After vertical part cave continue horizontally some blocks to south and after come a very very big vertical section ("death hole") as can see in a few images from different sectors

    So here is some strange in generation of cave for this particular position from sector (middle of it). But real problem come when used functionn chunk.getLODSurfaceLevel(bx,bz) to calculate elevation of terrain. getLODSurfaceLevel return Y as cave is non existent. And when i move player in this position, i fall around 30 blocks on first vertical section of cave...

    As you see in next image, here i got teleported (over hole, and height i calculated from chunk.getLODSurfaceLevel(bx,bz) ).

    I think function getLODSurfaceLevel return wrong result for this case when i go in middle of sector and find this strange generated cave.

    As reference this is function to calculate Y height of surface:


    I search other cave (regular one not the one with big vertical entrance) and teleported over it using Y calculated by getLODSurfaceLevel and seems i got at surface of terrain as cave was not here. So i think cave are ignored by this function.

    Thx red51

    The story

    In my plugin i haves need to calculate block position in chunk to use latter with chunk.getLODSurfaceLevel(bx,bz);

    For some values with negative values, i get error:

    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid x or z index (x: 32, z: 32)!

    This is legit error because block position can have value between 0 and 31 and function called with 32!

    But block position are calculated with methods from ChunkUtils.getBlockPositionX / Z / Y !

    So i suspect here is something wrong.


    One of values who game me error are (X,Z): -32,-32

    I go in game, activate debug view (F3) and noted some coordinates for reference:

    goto -31.9999 95 -31.9999

    - in game (via F3): Chunk -1 1 -1, Block 0 31 0

    goto -32 95 -32

    - in game (via F3): Chunk -2 1 -2, Block 31 31 31

    goto -32.0001 95 -32.001

    - in game (via F3): Chunk -2 1 -2, Block 31 31 31

    After i go back to coding i wrote and run a method in plugin to get same data as reference (log.debug is a custom method who write data to a file):

    And result!

    Global position (X,Z) =-31.999, -31.999 ==> Chunk Position (X,Z) =-1, -1 | Block Position (X,Z) =0, 0

    Global position (X,Z) =-32.000, -32.000 ==> Chunk Position (X,Z) =-2, -2 | Block Position (X,Z) =32, 32

    Global poistion (X,Z) =-32.001, -32.001 ==> Chunk Position (X,Z) =-2, -2 | Block Position (X,Z) =31, 31

    So for -32,-32 getBlockPositionX/Z give wrong result 32!

    Further research

    So culprit is getBlockPositionX/Z/Y

    I opened class in my Eclipse and i see the following code :

    after i look at this code i don't understand why is condition if coordinate are lower than zero:

    if (x - (float) ((int) x) == 0.0F) {
    x += 0.5F;

    Because that for every negative coordinate who is integer number ( like -1.000, -2.000, etc.) block position is calculated wrong because added 0.5f and for this reason i get value 32 at boundary of chunk.

    So i think a easy fix is to not add 0.5f for negative int values.

    But maybe i miss something..

    Thx red51

    I opened table sectors from chunks.db before cave update and i got all coordinates of them ( x, z) ( x on horizontally growing to east, z on vertically growing to north - Correctly?) .
    I found on world 30 sectors saved which i marked on map with green. Other are sectors starting to be discovered by players. (Blue ocean, yellow arid, light blue Cold.

    PS: I got a report one sector saved was regenerated after cave update (i can't confirm myself because i don't have raw data from that sector), even if sector was found sectors table. Its possible to sector regenerated on this case?

    On updating webmap for Medieval Realm server i research/explored some sector to see their region.

    If for region type Arid, Cold things are clear, i am not sure about region Ocean. This type of regions is very similar with region Default. What are differences between these two?

    Legacy sectors (generated before cave update) have region of type Default. So my guess is region type Ocean is new type of region who replace former Default region? I am not sure how to interpret differences between these regions.
