vehicle.setPostion(x,y,z) don't work properly in latest API version 0.8.1

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  • Hi.

    The short story:

    In old API version ( vehicle.setPosition(x,y,z) work very well (when i was on rowboat at position 0,91,0 for example and move to 100,91,100, i got on right place with a very small deviance from desired position), but in latest API version this is unusable :( . For example i am on a rowboat and wanted to go to 100,91,100 from position 0,91,0 and bad surprise ... i landed at 4.8,91,4.8, very very far away from wanted location ...

    I think something changed between this versions.

    This is the start position (almost 0,90,0):

    and landed here after vehicle.setPosition(100,91,100):

    red51 Can you look at this issue?


    The Long story:

    In version i wrote a plugin for a ferry travel route when in am in a boat. All was based on vehicle.setPosition with a player inside and some background threads who move vehicle along a predefined points of a route. Except some glitch at players animation, all worked flawless. But after update of latest version of game (not sure if Seasons update or Steam Update) plugin stop working properly. After some debug i isolate culprit at function vehicle.setPosition who not work anymore like in the past .


    Some video from test area ... when plugin worked ...

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