Posts by Ozorvals
1 - Finalized blueprints. We should spend the corresponding resources to place a blueprint in survival mode.
2 - Movable structures. Not custom vehicules*, something simpler like configurable rotations and translations for custom doors, portcullis, and others basic mecanisms. Ideally working ropes, winches and pulleys would be a very nice addition too, but it is probably very complex to set up.
* It will be great too, but I don't think that is a priority.
Thanks red for your hard work on this game
I have two bugs to report after few days playing this version:
- Grid is not applied correctly on some surfaces (see the screenshot below)
- Placing grass now use 3 grass object each time. It can be fine if its balanced. But in practice, if we collect grass on a determined surface we cannot cover it back with the grass collected. Maybe just increase the collect rate to fix this ? This issue exist in the previous version too, but now its very unbalanced.
Few old southern European brick texture like the one we can see in Italy some part of southern France, Spain and Portugal will be appreciated.
See for example this two Wikipedia articles:
(French, but only for images)
If I'm not wrong, we are currently close to the time when the game should be finally released. Do you have any news to share or its still too early?
Edit: I just found the message on the steam forum
Very nice work
How did you make the hull? Did you use an external software?
Sorry for the answer in english, but my german is very bad.
You can also resurrect the crowbar from the Java version, keeping the sledgehammer as it is currently.
On this hypothesis, when you remove a block with the crowbar, you will left a ghost version of the block, visible only when you have a construction block in your hand. A blue one, for the untargeted blocks, a green one for the targeted block you can replace, and a red one for the targeted block you cannot replace (e.g. wrong block type).
Additionally, to keep the sledgehammer useful, you can add a right click with a small area of effect to facilitate dismantlement of big and complex structures. However, that requires some parameter to avoid griefer. Server owner should be able to forbid or delay this feature (after 24h of play time on the server for example).
Antique furniture
III – Table
18/10/2024 - Initial release.
Antique furniture is a series of blueprints set with the ambition to cover the main types of furniture, not present in the base game, that can be found in the western world during the pre-industrial era.
Currently, 3 sets are ready (bookshelf, bed, table), 3 others are nearly done but still need some improvement before publishing (bench, cupboard, cabinet), 1 is a WIP (crates), and there may be others later as well as upgrades of the existing ones. However, don't count on a quick publication.
Part III, Table: For the moment, its only 2 types in 8 different sizes each.
Each piece of furniture has a coded name who allow to quickly know its type and dimensions. For example :
Table T1-L3-W2
T1 → Type 1
L3 → Length 3 blocks
W2 → Width 2 blocks
Unzip all the content into your blueprint folder, usually \Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_New Version\Blueprints. Of course, you need to use your blueprint table to obtain the set content in game.
If you have installed an older version of the set, you should remove it first.
Technical information
The information in this section for people who want to make some modifications.
I used the material 113 for all the wooden blocks, tinted in dark brown (#361C0D).
All the blueprints are built in modular snapping mode, but on the grid.
My others blueprints
Antique furniture
→ II – Bed
→ Windmill
→ Roman tile roof set (outdated)
Antique furniture
II – Bed
18/10/2024 - Initial release.
Antique furniture is a series of blueprints set with the ambition to cover the main types of furniture, not present in the base game, that can be found in the western world during the pre-industrial era.
Currently, 3 sets are ready (bookshelf, bed, table), 3 others are nearly done but still need some improvement before publishing (bench, cupboard, cabinet), 1 is a WIP (crates), and there may be others later as well as upgrades of the existing ones. However, don't count on a quick publication.
Part II, bed: For the moment, its only 1 type in 5 different variants, both simple, double and canopy versions.
Each piece of furniture has a coded name who allow to quickly know its type and variant. For example :
Bed T1a
T1a → Type 1, variant a
Unzip all the content into your blueprint folder, usually \Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_New Version\Blueprints. Of course, you need to use your blueprint table to obtain the set content in game.
If you have installed an older version of the set, you should remove it first.
Technical information
The information in this section for people who want to make some modifications.
I used the material 113 for all the wooden blocks, tinted in dark brown (#361C0D) for the structural parts and in a lighter brown (#421F0E) for filling part.
All the blueprints are built in modular snapping mode, but on the grid.
My others blueprints
Antique furniture
→ II – Bed
→ Windmill
→ Roman tile roof set (outdated)
Antique furniture
I – Bookshelf
18/10/2024 - Initial release.
Antique furniture is a series of blueprints set with the ambition to cover the main types of furniture, not present in the base game, that can be found in the western world during the pre-industrial era.
Currently, 3 sets are ready (bookshelf, bed, table), 3 others are nearly done but still need some improvement before publishing (bench, cupboard, cabinet), 1 is a WIP (crates), and there may be others later as well as upgrades of the existing ones. However, don't count on a quick publication.
Part I, bookshelf: For the moment, its only 1 type in 27 different sizes. The biggest can be used for a college library, the middle ones for all kinds of usages, and the shortest ones should be used as console tables.
Each piece of furniture has a coded name who allow to quickly know its type and dimensions. For example :
Bookshelf T1-D1-W2-H1h
T1 → Type 1
D1 → Deep 1 block
W2 → Width 2 blocks
H1h → 1 & half blocks
Unzip all the content into your blueprint folder, usually \Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_New Version\Blueprints. Of course, you need to use your blueprint table to obtain the set content in game.
If you have installed an older version of the set, you should remove it first.
Technical information
The information in this section for people who want to make some modifications.
I used the material 113 for all the wooden blocks, tinted in dark brown (#361C0D) for the structural parts and in a lighter brown (#421F0E) for filling part.
All the blueprints are built in modular snapping mode, but on the grid. The shelves are all at a specific height to facilitate the placement of objects inside using the grid. Each individual shelf is made of a block and a cylinder. You can easily adjust they height or number, by coping the shape (INSER key), and moving it up or down.
My others blueprints
Antique furniture
→ II – Bed
→ Windmill
→ Roman tile roof set (outdated)
A simple "replace mode" (on/off button) in "C" menu, with a green overlay when you target a block to replace it, if you have the right type of block in your hands (and a red one otherwise), could perfectly do the job. No new tools or further justification is required.
I agree too, it's a good idea to offer a way to change texture without rebuild in survival mode.
Thanks for the blueprint
I was able to reproduce the issue, the scale for certain objects (specifically doors) was not properly taken into account... we will fix that with the next update! Fortunately the fix will also apply to existing blueprints automatically, so there is no need to recreate them^^
Thanks for the fix in the next update
If you can also make the green arrow of the seat visible when included in a blueprint that would be just perfect.
I am taking advantage of the topic opened by Roen to report another bug, related to resized doors in blueprints.
I have a set of furniture in reserve that I would like to publish in the appropriate part of the forum, but when I create the blueprints of the furniture with resized doors, they are almost unusable because these doors change the external dimensions of the blueprint, which "levitates" when I try to place it on the ground. You will find an example bellow.
Red51 answered to nearly the same question asked by RunAndHide on Steam forum, so the question is pretty much solved
It seems relevant SonoBionda
I ask the server admin (Yahwho).
Since the new version, no weapon has ever dropped from the about 20 barbarians or 10 bandits I have killed in multiplayer (Medieval realm server). In singleplayer, I have no issue, weapons drop on each bandit/barbarian. The ordinary loot, which is accessed through the inventory is there, but the weapons have another drop mechanism, they fall directly on the ground and are not accessible though the inventory. Maybe weapons fall under the ground in MP.
I want to know if someone have a similar experience from another multiplayer server to understand if it's just bad luck, a game or a server issue.
Edit : Same issue with skeletons. I have also see only the variant "0" during night in MP, never the others.