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Posts by lucien.schuenke
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
Ich habe es gerade getestet und bei mir funktioniert es mit exakt den Einstellungen, welche in Steam vorgenommen wurden.
Bitte füge mich einmal in Steam hinzu: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lucienn3/
Und schreib mich an -
gebt die areaprotection raus, nix ist sicher und da starte ich den server nicht.
Wurde schon Example script: AreaProtection -
Was the dedicates server updated?
When i download the dedicated server, it is still the old version ...
Everything should be available now -
I've not even gotten to the actual game yet (plus none of my other games including Minecraft - using oodles of mods, Witcher 2, X3, Civ 5, etc have any problems at all.)
Looks to me like Java is not being assigned enough memory to run the game from the executable on Steam... but I don't know what - or how - to set to change that.
It's easy enough on Minecraft, with ironically had a similar issue where Java was not being set enough memory to run the game.
Our executable is designed to read out your memory and then decide how much it is going to give to the VM. However IF there are any issues Java sided, we can´t fix those, but since many people have played it before without any issues I doubt that.
What is your actual distro name? -
MSI GTX 970 4G Gaming
Intel HD 4000 - lowest
Intel HD 4600 - medium -
I have tryed to run it from the steam folder as admin and my graficart has the lateste opdate.
But thanks for the answers.
ii do still not work.
I think i have tryed everything that i could think of and read everything that have been a solution for other people on this forum before i asked for help.
i suppose i am at the point where i have to give up.
i have the game for 4 mounth and tryed everything and it will not run
But thanks for trying to help.
Well I could try ways to run the game differently than it is currently and maybe make you able to play it.
Just contact me via Steam. -
Ö und ö probiert. Auch nach dem x-ten Neustart (Game wie PC) nichts ...
Welche Distro benutzt du genau?
Welches Keyboard Layout benutzt du als Default? ( Dies musst du in den Einstellungen nachschauen )
Sollten English und Deutsch drinnen sein wäre eine Idee das English raus zu löschen, damit das System dieses nicht mehr nimmt. -
I can see that my question have been closed, the only help i have recieved is a question on what system i am running - i would not say that it is solved or that i have got any help ???
My game is still not running.
We are sorry for this. Our system marks things as done after a certain amount of time...
Your post had been drowning by the rest.If that will still not fix anything just message me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lucienn3/
I updated my OS X to 10.10, yet it is still not opening. Help?
Unfortunately wasn't the operating system version the only thing, which did not matched our minimum system requirements. Your graphics card "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, NVIDIA GeForce 9400M, PCI, 256 MB" has only 256 MB Video Memory, however our requirements are 1024+ MB VRAM. I'm sorry for this, but until you will have a computer which is can match or is above our system requirements I will not able to give you any support. -
So you're telling me I just freaking wasted 15 dollars because I can't afford a good computer?
No. I'm telling you, that our requirements currently do not match your system. You can upgrade to Mac OSX 10.9 for free and it also is for "older" computers which generally speaking should run the game. -
I'm sorry to hear that, but since our game´s system requirement is Mac OSX 10.9 or above only I'm not able to help you with any issue concerning the steam version, until you've update to at least 10.9.System Requirements are available on the steam store page: http://store.steampowered.com/app/324080
Es gab eine falsch Konfiguration des E-Mail Scriptes von Woltlab. Dieser Fehler sollte nun aber behoben sein.
once more i was kicked from my own server lol
Please download the latest server files today and restart the server. Now you should be able to connect without any issues. -
So I have deleted all the old server files with the exception of the server config , the new world folder and scripts folder and downloaded a fresh copy of the server. All seems well. Both servers have been running for 2 days without a disconnect from the Hive. Players have noticed better performance and fewer disconnects. One player had sent me a message of playing nearly 4 hours before the first disconnect. Thanks for the advice . You guys have been great. I look forward to where the game is going. Thanks again
Glad to hear that it works now.
You say that they have disconnects? Do they tell you what the error is? -
also bei meinem Anbieter wechselt die ip nicht täglich nur wenn ich die box neustarte oder was ähniches ich hatte es schon das ich die selbe ip fast 4 wochen hatte habe das mal getestet und nen ts server laufen gehabt local und erst nach fast 4 wochen konnten meine kolegen nicht mehr joinen unter der ip.
ist aber schon interesant das es anscheind nur user trifft die bei einem kabelanbieter internet haben.Das liegt daran, dass Kabelanbieter aufgrund dessen das es keine IPv4´s mehr übrig gibt einen IP-Tunnel aufbauen, damit surfen mehrere Leute gleichzeitig über die gleiche IP Am Ende wird der Traffic nur "richtig" zurück geroutet. Ich gehe davon aus, dass das Routing nicht richtig geschieht und daher die Verbindung abbricht.
Try to update your server with new downloaded server files. You maybe don't have the newest one which should fix this.
Die Java VM ist ein kompletter Ordner.
Du könntest auf eigene Gefahr die Java VM ersetzen, die im Steamverzeichniss in dem Unterordner java sich befindet. Wenn du diese durch eine 32 bit Java VM ersetzt dann könntest du das Spiel in 32 bit spielen.