Posts by LordFoobar

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    We've had an issue a few days ago where an admin screwed up (LOL you know who you are!) big time by not completing a selection before calling a World Edit command... which resulted in using a previous coordinate and filling up a few hundred meters of blocks, destroying most of the map; he basically started a selection, but never selected an end point, which used (probably) a previous end point a few hundred meters from there.

    While I agree that he screwed up on that, it made me wonder if I could receive feedback from

    -- receive feedback here about the selection???

    But the function is, actually, never being called! When reading the API, it is in fact required to pass a function... so... what's the function used for, then? :P

    My guess was that it was being called once an end point was selected, no? Could be nice if that was it's purpose. Then, we could validate the a full selection was being made before calling event.player:disableMarkingSelector, no?

    @LordFoobar: Thanks for sending us the world! There was indeed a problem with the conversion: When a particular table (e.g. chests) was empty, it hasn't been converted. You can fix the problem by deleting all tables that are empty, then they will be recreated when loading the world. If the worlds are not too important, you can simply create a new world ^^
    We also uploaded a new version, Steam should automatically download it. If you're using the Standalone you need to delete any file (since this update has no new version number), e.g. server.jar in the data subfolder.
    Thanks for helping us to find this issue :)

    No problem! Happy to help you guys! These world weren't important, so I'll just create new ones.


    3 Weeks is okay, as long as it's not a few months old there should be no problem^^
    What happened when loading the world for the first time after today's update? There should have been a small yellow indicator about conversion in the loading screen? Or did you perhaps cancel the loading process?

    I have seen the yellow rectangle for the second world, but did not have time to see what it was, it was there a fraction of a second, and I didn't think of copying the debug output :( I haven't noticed that the first time (for the first world).

    It was fine before today's update... as far as I know, and the world has been created about 3 weeks ago. (about two updates back) I have two test worlds that I randomly choose to test scripts. If I'm the only one to report this, then I'll just delete it and create a new test world :) Just thought I'd share this.

    UPDATE : same thing with the other world, same error. The other world has been created when update was released (the bear and moose update).

    UPDATE 2 : I have noticed a brief yellow rectangle while loading the world, but did not notice any particular output, sorry.

    Tested a script in singleplayer and got this at a 10 secs interval or so

    The code should check that such column doe exist and ALTER the table accordingly...

    I would create a "Guild Script" of the like for that, IMO, so to not mix responsibilities of the admin script. But I like the idea. And, I would not necessarily remove the group if the group creator disconnect... Perhaps, instead, invalidate the group only if the group creator has been disconnected for some period of time, just to avoid breaking the group if the group creator is disconnected briefly.

    As for protecting against griefers, only admins should protect anything. This is to insure ownership of the server to admins only; a player is a guest, unless granted by an admin and should not grant himself rights without approval. This is why I was proposing "admin" grant "Group Admin", and "Group Admin" grant "Group Owner", and "Group Owner" grant "Group Guest". But this should go into the AreaProtection script discussion. :)


    i would like to see /viewplayersaddedtoarea to see what player was added

    /listplayersinarea perhaps? But, yeah, this should definitely be added.

    Also, the group Owner have no rights to destroy blocks. This is a problem; I don't see why anyone could be added as a Owner without running into problems when misplacing something. This is odd and not very practical. Basically, owners should be free to modify the area at will. And Admin players (belonging to the Admin group of AreaProtection) should be able to add and remove other players as Guest or Owner. RW admins should be able to create and remove areas, and manage players in areas, too. Also, a Owner should be able to add/remove Guest, too.

    I would like to put AreaProtection to Github, so it is available to the community, so things like that can be discussed and actions taken more easily. @KingGenius I can add you as admin of that repo. All that, if you don't mind, of course.

    Considering how things work at the moment, I think this will be implemented after the next update, since different blocks require different ores, destroying blocks would return back different ores as well.

    This is a logical expectation anyway.

    Like I said, it would make things easier for everyone, including the devs, if scripters would have more API to make this sort of ambiance themes.create/remove sound objects at a given coordinates, moveable

    • create/remove 3D models with or without collision detection / physics
    • create/remove lights (with RGB spec)
    • create/remove shaders
    • etc

    Then, all the devs need to do is implement in-game features, add contents, etc. Bottom line, let players customize the game :)

    I personally would not really like it, unless I want to play that game type.

    But, perhaps this could be done via scripts at some point; being able to play sound from a 3D point of origin from the player. This would totally allow scripts to create different environment... even set custom sounds at a given location (i.e. a radio playing music, a machine making noise, etc.)

    Just not as a core game type. Let the community mod the game through API :)
    My opinion.

    updated the first post

    FYI : I think I'll update the README to add all the function API documentation. Things changed since the previous versions... My decision regarding doing /we select (with a space) instead of /we-select (with a dash) was to have a common base command namespace (i.e. /we) and, while I find this just fine as the player knows that this is a World Edit command, I can understand the argument that /we fill could be /fill and /we place could be /place (or /placeblock), etc.

    If someone wants to open an "issue" about it, asking ppl to voice their opinion, it's perfectly fine by me! :)