Posts by LordFoobar

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    The API is great! Although having named arguments instead of "paramInt1", "paramInt2", etc. is counter productive... It would be better to have them named so we actually know what they are...

    Aside from that, the World Edit script makes it possible to flatten a piece of land, etc., and put grass (well, make the area "green") where there is dirt, however when a player makes a nice slope (in dirt...) with the rake, it is not possible to make that slope "green" (in grass). Would it be possible to have a paint method? Instead of filling the area with data, just change the current blocks data to the specified value?

    Something like :

    world:paintTerrainInArea(c[1],c[2],c[3],c[4],c[5],c[6],c[7],c[8],c[9],c[10],c[11],c[12], blockID);

    The game just crashed (froze) and I had to kill the process again. It happened at around 10:55am EST (GMT-4.00).

    However, I may have a solution. Since the game already saves a "login.dat" file, once a user logs in, the auth server should return a login token (that should be saved in the users database along with the user login information), that would be saved inside a "session.dat" file.

    1. If the game exit properly, delete the "session.dat" file
    2. If the game is launched and a "session.dat" file exists, send the login token.
    2.1. If the login token is the same as the last generated login token, generate a new token and assume the user's game failed to exit properly.
    2.2. If the login token is different, the account is already in use (i.e. default to the default behaviour)
    2.2.1. If this situation happens often, report account for investigation (logging the connecting IP, etc. for more information)

    What do you guys think? It's simple and does not open doors for fraudulent usage.

    I am unsure at the time you checked the database. I tried every once in a while until it finally worked. I should probably have paid more attention of how long it took for it to succeed. Will do that next time.

    Same problem, now. There was an ISP problem and lost connection for a few minutes. Now my account is already in use. There should be some way to "reset" the account... To prevent duplicate (fraudulous) connexions, the reset process should logout any connected clients that are connected to the Internet.

    Nice work red! yeah I hope this to be a function in game (for creative mode) instead of an outside script like a mod.. if that makes sense. At some point of course, not next update if not possible. Thanks man!

    Maybe this could even be useful with in game computers at some point... not sure how.. just planting a seed. ;)

    The game should come with pre-existing LUA scripts. At the moment (version 0.5) there's no script provided. I am not in favour of having these functionalities "built-in", but the game should provide an extensive API so more scripts can be written and, ultimately, be community driven.

    I just had this problem; my router crashed and, upon restarting it, I can not log into the game as it says "Account already in use". This message appears not only if some "Rising World" (i.e. Java) process is still running in the background but, for whatever reason, the game loses connection without disconnecting (ex: crash, network failure, computer power loss, etc.).

    I'm on Linux, so I switched to VT1 and killed the entire "java" process tree. Then I restarted Gnome Shell. The game was running at about 1 FPM (yes, minute), and it consumed 100% of all my CPUs (I have an i7!). It actually took me a solid 10-15 minutes to shut it down... I edited the "" executable and adjusted the memory to 4GB instead of 1GB (I have 16GB total). I'm not sure how long it took to unlock my account, or how the account was unlocked, as I was only able to retry after work, today, and was only able to log in tonight. (I have not restarted the computer since the last Kernel update... about 4-5 weeks ago.)

    There didn't seem to have any remnant of the game running in the background as killing all "java" terminated the entire processes trees for the JVM... and the CPU and memory usage was back to normal.

    ^^ just registered. I came from the Website and thought I was already logged in.