Posts by andyzee

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.

    Hello, sorry I'll answer in english because my deutsch is really bad.
    The best idea is to wait for wiki. It'll definetely be multilanguage.

    Actually I didn't plan to expand this script, wanted just to give the idea about how to use the new wrapper called "LuaWorld" for those who are stuck. There are two reasons for that: 1) @red51 promised the updated area protection script :) 2) this script should implement access control and it's reasonable to integrate cleaning/filling/etc functions to area protection script.

    BTW There is a new method LuaWorld:placeBlock(cx,cy,cz, bx,by,bz, blockID), that I didn't use. It places the desired block to the desired place, so it can be used for drawing huge 3D models in game, just need the 3D coordinates matrix and a little bit of programming.
    For those who don't know the RW coordinate system: there are chunks and blocks. Chunks consist of 16x64x16 blocks, so the block coordinate can be global or relative. In LuaWorld wrapper we use 3 chunk coordinates (cx,cy,cz) and 3 relative block coordinates(bx,by,bz).

    @Hagi, That's strange you have java running from syswow, i have both jre and jdk running from program files
    Try setting enviroment variable JAVA_HOME to your program files java path or reinstalling java :/

    edit: didn't mention you use windows server :(

    Cory, they had this stuff in the 1st movie(when the blue guy escapes castle), though no cave building tools were demonstrated, you're right

    Allright then, if everyone is sharing what he finds in this topic, i'm sharing the game I found tonight xD it's called "life is feudal" and you can find out everything about it yourself ;) Looks veery promising

    @JokerAMC It doesn't fix it in this case ;)
    another screenshot how it actually happens
    plank is placed with grid mode
    the lamp that's inside a plank is with grid mode
    the lamp that's outside - without grid mode

    The base purpose of this script is to help to clear and fill zones with blocks in game.
    You can get the fresh world edit script from github! Huge respect to @LordFoobar for redeveloping it from scratch and maintaining right now.

    The information below can be outdated! Please read "" on github or use ingame /we help command

    How to use clear command and how to use help (updated)

    Using halfblocks

    Old description and commands


    Noticed something kind of strange today
    When I've placed a lamp on the ceiling with grid mode ON, it placed inside of it, while without grid mode, it's placed on the surface, see screens

    Is it a predicted behavior?

    from below:

    from above:

    macho man character like in most of the games including this one: "Rising World..."

    C'mon the game is in alpha and character customization is in work.
    Anyway otherland looks like another mob grinding game, I'm waiting for Black Desert RU/EU release in that case ;)

    P.S. "one game witch will surely attract many players" "game witch" ROFLing loud

    "[New] "LuaWorld" object, which offers several functions to edit the terrain (see updated AreaProtection script for examples)"

    I'm trying myself to get into lua scripting, what I've found is:
    LuaWorld can be found in server.jar/lua/wrapper/LuaWorld class
    Some of the methods:

    public void setBlockDataInArea(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, byte paramByte1, byte paramByte2, byte paramByte3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5, int paramInt6, byte paramByte4, byte paramByte5, byte paramByte6, int paramInt7)
    public void setTerrainDataInArea(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, byte paramByte1, byte paramByte2, byte paramByte3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5, int paramInt6, byte paramByte4, byte paramByte5, byte paramByte6, int paramInt7)
    public void setTerrainDataInRadius(int paramInt1, int paramInt2, int paramInt3, byte paramByte1, byte paramByte2, byte paramByte3, int paramInt4, int paramInt5)

    1 - I was thinking about animal ai, not trader. For example: in some topic one guy suggested to make beacons - so what about a handy pet pig that shows the way home ^^
    Actually i even quoted the wrong part in my previous message,.. that happens when you rewrite messages for several times without bothering to reread the quote lol. I surely meant that devs will cover all kinds of interactions (PvE, EvE etc), not that npcs will wander around making grill, orange juice and hm .. such )) But i'd really love to see NPCs do all kind of weird unpredicted stuff depending on the time of the day and other factors)

    Seeing them wander around while acting on their needs of food, hunger, and such.

    That part 100% will be covered by devs, but I'll try to find out in what state is npc api right now, just in case any interesting ideas about animal behavior

    with customization still being highly desired on my end. Wanting to let loose something similar to this

    I think that's more about changing or appending game textures/resources. We have to wait until at least 1 humanoid npc ^^ Anyway it'll be a hard work to do unless devs provide a users' tool for that, and that's imo unlikely will happen.

    Scripting, coding, programming, and whatever

    Well it's sometimes not that hard as it seems to be, you probably just need a motivation and right direction;) if it's interesting for you ofcourse )))

    sorry for my en, not a native speaker

    Question: Do you know of any game that has a large map, or limitless amount of terrain like Minecraft & Rising World that I could create and let custom AI Followers?

    What kind of custom AI do you mean? RW already has scripting support, it's badly documented yet afaik, but it's posible to start now with something interesting or funny. IMO it's pointless to create big mods right now, but i'm going to try to make some minigames (don't know lua though lol)