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  • I have died a few times by sharks, but they seem to be mostly veggie sharks.... once i found a pair of goggles in a chest but somehow lost them right away... Weird....
    Also found a flare gun witch sadly do nothing in attracting the planes flying over you...

    Back on this game now tho, found a server with Quebec french guys & i have started a gigantest pyramid, it will be the "Cheops" pyramid & prolly will build
    it's little sister too! (This after i finish the 460 blocks wide & 292 block high mama pyramid...)
    Sadly i do not have 100 000 slaves to do all this.........

    It would of been great if Devs would of made pyramid size, color, blocks tho! Look kinda wimpy to have 5 000 000 tiny foot long blocks to build a monster of a pyramid.......

    Next project will be the amazing "Angor Wat" Temple located in Cambodia, it also has a little sister(Angor Tom) witch will be also a good project!
    Nice thing about my 100 000 000 million blocks is that i did actually went inside the "Cheop" pyramid in 2007 & that i have also visited
    Angor Wat & Angor Tom few months after that...…ASawoG4CA&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAg

  • Crazy projects to take on for sure! Would be nice to have just one stone block which could be resized eh. We shall see...

    Wish I could visit both of those places.

    God Zac, don't waste a wish on something so easily done as visiting some man made "wonder of the worlds" Today traveling in foreign Country is so easy with the internet
    and the cost are practically lower then visiting your own country's attraction! A few years of hard word will even make it possible for you to do a full round trip
    around the world! Worked for me in 2007 and now a better and wiser man after visiting and living of with people Africa, Thailand, Cambodia....

    People all believe that you need a million dollars to be rich! If fact, all you need to be rich is to be free of dept .... As long as you need a credit card to purchase things you
    can not afford to purchase at the moment you are at the merci of them big institution making billions out of normal hard working people around the world!

    Pay cash or go home, is my best advise to all! Second best advise is to go purchase a big 10$, 15$ bag of Jasmine rice as it will last you up to 1 year of food!
    Simply alternate few pieces of porc, meat, chicken, fish, and ya set for life buddy!

    Speaking of rice, any chance of having water in this game in the future? Shape of the land in our map would make perfect rice fields.... lol

  • Not just one block you to make a pyramid with.. haha But one block type which can be resized before placing.

    Zac, that's a new one. I prefer Cor since my name is Cory. ZaCormyr is used because I started finding that Cormyr was already taken.

    It's true that traveling is a lot easier then lots of people think. Just need to plan ahead for it, and plan the trip proper. Lots can be done. I have a 3 year old so wouldn't take him to Cambodia or Egypt. Didn't even like having him in Mexico which is where his mother is from haha Mexico City can be scary.

    And yeah, one of the best things people can do is stay debt free. And don't care so much about having the latest and greatest car.. or cell phone etc... in the end that shit doesn't matter in life. We are really being pushed to believe that, but it's not for our best interest that is for sure!! Don't get me started on this stuff haha

    About the rice, if you eat it anyways then yeah it makes sense to get a large bag of it. Just keep it sealed somehow to keep the bugs out etc..

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Hopefully I can 'hijack' this thread briefly in it's intended role to ask and suggest a few games......

    Question: Do you know of any game that has a large map, or limitless amount of terrain like Minecraft & Rising World that I could create and let custom AI Followers? I feel like I ticked off Red that I might as well play dead on that until modding support for RW side of things is released. I'm at a loss.


    - Games I tried
    (Or looked into*) -

    • Minecraft: I have a big history with this that I actually support all the updates, just not everything after 1.8. I dislike Mojang's laziness, or sloppiness, that they made the game too sterile. Mods had to pick up where it lacked. I had the most fun when diving into mods, with ex-bloggers, and all that while wanting to add Anime-themed mods and followers. Never did due to 1.8 (2nd) screwing everything up. It died a combo'd death for me when my friends left on a dramatic turn of events and when Mojang killed it through 1.8 to Microsoft. Minecraft is dead, though I'd want to play Pixelmon mod. FTB was the most fun.
    • Skyrim: Played it to death, even with mods. I know I could randomly create maps and such. I added too many mods and did what I wanted that it's no longer fresh nor appealing. Spoiled by Minecraft and RW now. Did what I wanted with it still not being satisfactory.
    • PSO2: A Japanese-themed MMO that I had fun with. Created 3 of my characters to then get IP blocked out of it because of stupid American players provoking the Japanese in Ship 2 - 20 block while Ddosing it. This is why good games stay in Japan.
    • Dragon's Dogma: Was a fun game, too linear and boxed in. It had nice level of realism, nice level of difficulty. I was able to semi-create one of my characters while creating the second perfectly fine. It isn't something you can happily mess around with fully like the above two. Combat was awesome, game has great music, great mobs, and stuff.
    • Terraria & Starbound: Merging these two games because they were fun and are fun in their own right. Should check out Starbound over Terraria because it has interesting things that you could make note of, enjoy, and have fun doing.
    • Mount & Blade: Warband*: Haven't played, but it's Skyrimy (in theme) in an RTS manner. You start from scratch to work your way up to an army, then a home-owner, giant army, provincial, and all the way into Civilization style. Looking into it for modding in more followers and to see if it's actually worthwhile in the end, though that modding seems complicated when wanting to add followers.
    • Blockscape*: Being programmed by one person that does things in a more Empire manner of building. You basically behave as king (God being more like it) to build settlements for your people, to make them work for you, and to see them live. Great concept, though simply struggling to stay afloat with updates & spoiled gamers wanting royal treatment for not getting updates. Great concept, though troubled greatly by one person & community.
    • Life is Feudal*: I looked into this with it being a nice MMO Settler mix. Build up a settlement and live in a PVE PVP world, or something like that. It's nice, just doesn't attract me as much as I wanted it to. Still lurking from a far to see what it'll do.


    - Games I actually Want To Recommend:

    • RimWorld: A fun top-down game based on space colonization. You pick and name three colonists who get stranded on a randomly generated map to then build, farm, survive the seasons, and decide if you want to continue going or fly off it. The longer you stay the harsher it becomes. Random events keeps you at alert at all times. (Haven't played)
    • Silent Hunter 3: A classic goodie of a naval war game that has me itching for a surface ship variant. Modders did add them, just that they're hard and buggy, or similar. Too far and few to notice them. Neeeds more of these fun Sub vs ship games to fill the market. I miss my VIIB submarines. I played this a lot and enjoyed every minute of it.
    • Stonehearth: A cubic survivalble world where you build Minecraft style while trying to fend off the threats. This is a rival game to "Timber & Stone" that wants to one-up the survival on a map with settlers. It''ll eventually have multiplayer. (Haven't played.)
    • Timber & Stone: The 'original' game that Stonehearth mimicked in hopes of further pushing the features into another desired direction. This one has you surviving threats while tryin to keep your settlers safe from all environmental dangers. (Haven't played.)
    • Victory At Sea: A semi-RTS styled game that has you building up a WW2 fleet for your desired nation to fight against the enemy forces on a campaign map split into three. You can choose to let the Ai do its thing, or fight by aiming and commanding your ships. Great fun, though flaws are easy to understand with it becoming boring and tedious late-game. Gets "samey", yet fun due to it pleasing in right manners of realism and arcadey. Modding support and multiplayer are both planned to be added. Finished the UK Campaign with me now going Japanese campaign.


    Ya, I'm at a loss as to what to do when it comes to adding and customizing NPC followers to either follow you or to do their own thing in importance as yours. To customize them in a way that requires PSO2 level of customization, Skyrim's level of modding of accessories, and even jumping into Japanese +18 porn games to fiddle around with RPG character customization that I'm now stumbling across numerous games I never heard of before. It's how I found Rising World, through Blockscape ventings, then saw it in Vortac's videos to then appear here in hopes the devs had it planned or it find its way in through modding. It be a shame to allow RW' vast scenery go untouched by AI entities given the same priorities as you, as with in Dragon's Dogma.

    Thanks for bringing up "Medieval Engineer"! See what happens when you're trying to hunt for specific games with features you desire? Come across more. I'm hoping that game allows modding of entities so I can add in either followers or AI entities similar to those I create in Anime flavour. I was also trying to hunt down WW2 naval games with me stuck with "Victory At Sea" and a Japanese game, and now anime, called "KanColle". I wish game developers weren't so afraid of water, though I do understand programming and such tends to get complicated. Shouldn't be for WW2 nval games. Getting into this KanColle web-game is a royal pain in the buttocks because you have to enter this lottery on Japan's terms. Blame KanColle for my frustrations and forum spammings if any lurkers are annoyed at me recently. It forced me to dig deeper into this game to learn more. I have yet to hit a lottery time properly....Hoping to get in Sunday night.

    Going to check out this Medieval Engineer tonight and tomorrow. Bloody hell............All these number of games and I can't quench my damn desires.

  • I want to try Rimworld. Looks promising for sure! I passed over blockscape and ended up at RW. Mount & Blade: Warband is great! I wouldn't compare it to Skyrim at all.

    Medieval Engineers will have barbarians that attack your castle in SP at least... although I haven't been on that forum for a couple weeks at least lol.. things might have changed. If you like space then check out their first game like that.. Space Engineers.

    Can't help ya with customizing NPC followers.

    You might be interested in Wurm Online though.. just discovered it myself and will try it. Talk about lots to learn but it is totally open and up to the players what the game is. I can't even start to describe that game...

    Haste is the enemy of knowledge.

  • Ya, I'd love to try RimWorld but it now lost its grip on me once I saw how you end the game. If it had some form of co-op I'd look back into it. I'll however mention it because it's still an awesome solid game with an awesome soundtrack to it. Ya, I know I can't compare Warband to Skyrim but the impression I got was loosely to it so, why not. If I played it I could have worded it better.

    Shall do my research on Medieval Engineers now to see if it's worthwhile of my attention. Myself vs Barbarians would be interesting. Hope they add more, and the desired AI entities or something. What it has is also neat at a glance. I looked into Space Engineers with interest lost on it. I'm still tracking StarMade because that's still somewhat appealing, especially with what you can do and the features. It has AI crew you can hire. I'm not going to ponder about character customization on that.

    I was indirectly suggested to escape Wurm online due to how shiny it looks at first glance to then be horrifying in the end. I heard people escaping it to Rising World and such.

    This is frustrating........I wish I could find a game that'll allow me to roam free with my characters following me or doing their own thing with their own gaming desires & needs. Again, shall play dead for now until RW gains its modding support. Hope I can eventually nudge someone to assist me when the time comes as I know nothing of modding. I tried and failed before. :sleeping:

    Snuck in a few games I forgot to mention, mainly being Skyrim and Life is Feudal. Ah well.

  • Question: Do you know of any game that has a large map, or limitless amount of terrain like Minecraft & Rising World that I could create and let custom AI Followers?

    What kind of custom AI do you mean? RW already has scripting support, it's badly documented yet afaik, but it's posible to start now with something interesting or funny. IMO it's pointless to create big mods right now, but i'm going to try to make some minigames (don't know lua though lol)

  • What kind of custom AI do you mean? RW already has scripting support, it's badly documented yet afaik, but it's posible to start now with something interesting or funny. IMO it's pointless to create big mods right now, but i'm going to try to make some minigames (don't know lua though lol)

    Followers, companions, or 'pets' that follow you. Basically a customizable entity one can let loose in a world letting them tend to their survival in a basic manner of food and water. One that you can insert and customize as an entity of its own using basic ai, even if it's a neutral or pet-flagged character. One that would be preferable to ask you or be allowed to use your food stock-piles, fight, walk around, and defend itself freely. NPC Traders is something that needs to be looked into first then expanded from that route, or so seems it.

    Wanting to let loose something similar to this - example (Warning; Anime related image). A lady themed to an arctic fox with fox ears and tail, or something more 'generic' for the other folks. (Read below for extra thoughts).


    I'm irritated that you're always given these overly detailed and complex character creation bits to then have little to no content map wise. SKyrim was flaws in this way that it suffered but mods had to help, just not enough map wise. Japanese porn games make great use of character customization, just that you can't have them let loose in a world. Search up games made by "Illusions" named "Artificial Girl 3"....That's the closest I can get to a large open-world, somewhat. Skyrim Style.....Skyrim is too much of restrictive annoyance, and RW seems like the only option due to it being an indie game, and appropriate with graphics.

    Loosely imagining using the AI found in Rimworld, Phantasy Star Online 2, Timber & Stone, and Dragon's Dogma. So far NPC Traders seems the most Rising World shall have in official features with customization still being highly desired on my end. I'm sure someone is thinking of "The Sims" but I want to stay well away from that. I'd much prefer them being in this game so I can let them do what they want, even if it's just standing or idling around while loosely following me in Rising World. Again, Skyrim has been done to death and I can't find an overly large RTS or Turn-based game world that allows you to customize your one unit while making use of a vast landscape.

    Scripting, coding, programming, and whatever else is something I'm horrible and overly retarded with. I couldn't even make the computers in Minecraft's Redstone/Redpower mod with computers and Turtles run without looking like an idiot by an ex-hobby buddy, which is why I mentioned requesting a tool so I can align, insert, and customize them to my liking. Learning programming scripts and all that just constantly gives me brainfarts and constant short-circuiting behaviors :S

    (Keep hitting submit too early that I keep having to edit my posts hastily.)

  • Seeing them wander around while acting on their needs of food, hunger, and such.

    That part 100% will be covered by devs, but I'll try to find out in what state is npc api right now, just in case any interesting ideas about animal behavior

    with customization still being highly desired on my end. Wanting to let loose something similar to this

    I think that's more about changing or appending game textures/resources. We have to wait until at least 1 humanoid npc ^^ Anyway it'll be a hard work to do unless devs provide a users' tool for that, and that's imo unlikely will happen.

    Scripting, coding, programming, and whatever

    Well it's sometimes not that hard as it seems to be, you probably just need a motivation and right direction;) if it's interesting for you ofcourse )))

    sorry for my en, not a native speaker

  • Quoting being a bit tedious so.....

    1) The NPC Traders, wandering around/walking,....You sure the food & thirst be covered by devs for NPC Trader side? Entities? Waiting to see what's added to then try and break it down to see what's possible :/
    2) Ya, was going to wait for the player character models to change -> For NPC Traders to be added -> Other entities to be added -> Some tool to insert them with ease.
    3) If I can make sense of it I'll happily do it's just I can't make sense of it currently.

    No worries. I guess I'm just as bad with my English that should be at native level. It's gotten worse lately, if it did get better at some point. It's like those lines on stock charts with it going up and down like crazy in my grasps of the English language and grammar. Won't hold it against you for not knowing English as not everybody knows it :)

  • 1 - I was thinking about animal ai, not trader. For example: in some topic one guy suggested to make beacons - so what about a handy pet pig that shows the way home ^^
    Actually i even quoted the wrong part in my previous message,.. that happens when you rewrite messages for several times without bothering to reread the quote lol. I surely meant that devs will cover all kinds of interactions (PvE, EvE etc), not that npcs will wander around making grill, orange juice and hm .. such )) But i'd really love to see NPCs do all kind of weird unpredicted stuff depending on the time of the day and other factors)

  • One game witch will surely attract many players will be "Otherland", I had the chance of participating in the 1st closed Beta fewmonths ago &
    the 2nd Beta supposed to be in Febuary so in a few days, weeks, not sure! THis game is amasing and the graphics even more! When ever you think
    of future technologies with large screen full of colors surounding you well thats perfectly this game! you can just sit in front of your CPU and droole
    all over your keyboard just looking at the colors in that game!

    Also Female player friendly... Personally i can simply not see myself play a character as a female player, si i can imagine girls, ladies, & womens
    frustration when then need to play a macho man character like in most of the games including this one: "Rising World..."

    Heres a little scoop on where to find "Otherland & to apply for a chance to get a Beta key test entree...

    Otherland website:

  • macho man character like in most of the games including this one: "Rising World..."

    C'mon the game is in alpha and character customization is in work.
    Anyway otherland looks like another mob grinding game, I'm waiting for Black Desert RU/EU release in that case ;)

    P.S. "one game witch will surely attract many players" "game witch" ROFLing loud

  • Just got Medieval Engineers :) It's on 24hr early release here Buy, a week earlier than Steam launch on the 19th.

    Sorry looks to have just finished, got it last night in the wee hours b4 bed, should have posted link then. :cursing:
    Edit 2: not sure if it's on different timezones, updated link just now via steam and it was available again.

  • $19.99 which comes to £13.55 in proper money :).
    That's probably marginally cheaper than the £14.95 steam are probably going to be charging.
    Have been reading on the Keen forums they did the same with Space engineers, it effectively gives them a week of intense testing by the dudes who take up the 24hr sale. They've done 2 patches already today. I was just lucky I guess, I just happened to go to their website last night before I went to bed.

    Have just had my 1st collapsed building which was spectacular. Rising world is streets ahead in environment though. Building is a bit clunky too, though an element of that is probably me getting used to controls.

    I've had two games today. The 1st ended when I was having trouble fitting a spiral stair section into a round tower. Got fed up after about three times of placing the stair segment. There's a delete object key sequence. I tried this as every time I'd gone to remove the stairs the outer tower wall was taken out so had to replace both. So I tried the delete object thinking it would apply to the last thing placed, namely the stair segment. It took the whole castle :)
    As with windows there is a paste command, however I couldn't paste it back to it's original position, ended up with a half buried castle.
    The second game is saved but the edifice is literally crumbling as I load it through too much unsupported weight, due to some poor engineering by me.

    Looks promising as we expected, but a long way to go and many features to get working.

    A nice unexpected touch is there are a number of scenarios/worlds to load with ready built buildings including the castle from the demo video. So you can test your skill catapult building and have ready made targets.

  • Dang Zak, ya missed it ya telling us? Got it last night too...
    Like Super mentioned there was a 24h open house & you simply
    needed to activate the key on Steam....

    19$ US or a big 25$ Can for us retards.....
    Nnow before you crack ya skull open on ya desk it's just the solo player version
    & not much to do but try to learn the game witch is pretty complicated
    if you ask me... Instant build & no resources to collect what so ever
    in that mode. We do have all the pieces to build a catapult
    but i have not tried that yet... Sure miss my rake, shovel, & pickaxes
    like we have here tho & surely hope they give them to us because
    what ever system they have has no quality in touch up you need to make
    when working your land... On the other hand, talk about major chuck of land
    you do manage to put in just one shut!

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