Posts by ViciousKanid

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    Hey Red,

    Do you have an updated list of commands to spawn in some of the new items? I have a "crafted" offline world and at one of the military bases i have, I have to spawn ~80 semi-automatic rifles and ~240 magazines. I know it's lazy, but the world is more artwork and scenario setting than it is a game-play world. :P

    The next update will definitely include mounts, i.e. horse, camel, etc. not sure about the exact animals as there hasn't been an official announcement yet.

    Then probably some way to craft the mounts, saddles, etc. (maybe by capturing a free animal and putting a saddle on it? no exact information yet again)

    And finaly most likely some more clothing items, accessories, etc. but the main thing will be mounts not the extra small stuff. Also bugfixes as always :D

    Awesome, I'm super psyched!

    Actually lots of new clothes are planned for future updates (and some clothings are already in the works), unfortunately I have no ETA for that yet... but if everything goes according to plan, the next update (the mounts update) maybe introduces some new clothes :)

    Awesome! I'd take mounts and forms of transportation over clothes any day! Are they going to be animal mounts such as horses/oxen, or will we have machines such as cars, trains, boats, etc.

    Thanks for the feedback, but that's a different issue: in order to prevent the player model to be visible through the clothes, certain parts of the body are masked. Currently we only have a programmatic solution for that (i.e. the game tries to determine which part of the body is covered), unfortunately it's not perfect. Actually the leather vest for the female character is by far the worst case, in other cases it's more or less acceptable ^^ The only solution for that is to set up the "mask information" manually for every piece of clothing. Probably this will be implemented with one of the next updates :)

    Alright Red, thanks for the explanation. The undershirt works well, but there aren't many options for female styled shirts/clothes. I don't want to come across ungrateful when i say that, but is there a chance that new clothing will be released in an update?

    A new update is now available (, which introduces some new features, implements some changes and (hopefully) fixes all bugs out there - especialy the issue with the pitch black skin/clothes (need feedback). Server owners have to update their servers accordingly :)

    We also added some new functions to the Plugin API with this update.

    Hotfix 2018-03-29 (

    • [New] Group members are now visible on the ingame map (M)
    • [New] Added setting "game_bows_hide_crosshair" to config to disable crosshair for bows
    • [Change] Improved sync of other players chainsaw sound (in multiplayer)
    • [Change] Dummy NPCs no longer get scared by gunshots
    • [Change] Reduced max view distance of NPC nametags
    • [Change] NPC nametags are no longer visible through walls
    • [Change] Command "editnpc" is now also available for animals (only for changing animal name)
    • [Change] Color codes ("[#RRGGBB]") work properly for NPC names now (allows you to change NPC nametag color)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed sitting and laying positions of other players in multiplayer
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing sitting animation
    • [Bugfix] Fixed custom color fields in NPC edit window (small gear wheel icon)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed broken 3D markers for group members (multiplayer)
    • [Bugfix] 3D markers of other group members will be removed now when the player disconnects (multiplayer)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed bug which caused the player to get stuck in the loading screen ("Connecting...")
    • [Bugfix] Fixed missing debug texts (F3) when playing via P2P
    • [Bugfix] Hopefully fixed issue with pitch black clothes and skin (need feedback)
    • [Bugfix] Fixed "offlineban" command

    Sorry Red, Still having a bug with the NPCs, they aern't pitch black (which is good), but certain clothing makes NPCs transparent, such as the leather vest.

    A hotfix is now available! It introduces a GUI which provides a more convenient way to edit NPCs (just type "editnpc" into console while looking at the particular NPC) and also fixes a few other issues. Server owners also have to update their servers.

    Hotfix 2018-03-25 (

    • [New] You can assign names to NPCs now
    • [New] Added GUI to change name and appearance of dummy NPCs (type "editnpc" into console)
    • [Change] Tweaked some sounds
    • [Change] NPCs should no longer fall through the ground (need feedback)
    • [Change] Updated aiming position of bows
    • [Change] Dummy NPCs no longer sleep during night
    • [Change] Steel hoe can now also be used to craft "farmland blocks"
    • [Bugfix] Fixed death animation of npcs getting stuck in endless loop
    • [Bugfix] Fixed flickering clothing and items
    • [Bugfix] Player no longer falls through ground if it's made out of construction elements and not fully loaded yet
    • [Bugfix] Fixed pain and death sounds of female dummy npc
    • [Bugfix] Fixed crash when debug console was active

    Thanks Red! I was having trouble with the NPCs falling through the floor before the hotfix, it seemed to be an issue if the floor was just had a y axis value of 1 with empty space underneath (such as a hollow structure). That Gui make everything 1000x easier! :thumbsup:

    in that case next time you can enter creative mode and use the area removal tool ;)
    To enter creative mode type "gm 1" in the console (without the quotes) and the removal tool is under F7 i think but you have to check. To use it select an area and then press the Del key on your keyboard to empty it

    Alright, will do! Thanks bud!

    It looks like there is an issue that the colors are not interpreted properly sometimes. I will fix this issue asap ;)

    Usually only html color codes start with a #, hex values usually have the 0x prefix (so it doesn't get confused with regular decimal numbers). Although I admit that it would be convenient if the command also accepts #Nevertheless, the best solution would be a handy gui :)

    Thanks Red, much appreciated. Thank you kindly for this update!!!!

    Hehe, it sounds strange, but this is actually intended :D The setnpcskin command works like this:setnpcskin [gender (male/female)][haircut (id)][beard (id)][haircolor (rgb)][eyecolor (rgb)][skincolor (rgb)], for example setnpcskin female 2 -1 0xAA0000 0x11AAFF 0xCCCCCC.
    You just set a very dark skin color (black), and since there are no limitations (you could even give her blue or red skin color), you get this result ^^ However, the parameters are optional, so if you only want to change the gender, for example, you can simply type setnpcskin female

    I'm really not sure of what the perimeters are for coloration. The example you gave seems like hex code, not RGB code. If it were RGB it would be around something such as (setnpcskin female 2 -1 (130,15,0), (20,60, 50), (12, 29, 2). So with your example, are the characters "0x" followed by a hex code required to modify the color? When i was trying RGB, my dummies looked like the Blue Man Group if my end perimeter (3rd number) went passed 20. I'm a bit confused since hex usually starts with a "#" sign. The male, no beard hair style work just fine, but the color is the thing that is confusing me the most. ?(?(?(

    By placing such a blueprint give the pc or your server time to set the object. You have the option to use the command "undo blueprint"
    in the console, it you think there are parts missing. (normal time for this command is 5 minutes - changeable).
    Or you fly out of the chunk. Sometimes you need a game restart to see the complete object.

    I've tried to use the command and it tells me that the command is invalid. Does it need to be selected in order to undo it?

    Do NPCs in the game will be human

    Agreed, we need raiders or other human NPCs that will be a threat the player, it would definatly be quite interesting. Some with muskets/reapeaters, crossbows, and melee weapons. I think there should also be friendly NPCs that can have relationship points so they can be commanded. I have boarders in my servers and have divided certain biomes to make countries, but i have no populace. X/X/X/

    The combat mechanics really need to be improved.

    Agreed, especially the horizontal swing (or lack thereof) with melee weapons. It seems like the animation portrays the player "drawing circles" with his sword. It also wouldn't hurt to have a semi-automatic rifle/pistol, since the bolt action rifle reloading is pretty slow.