Changelog 2018-01-21: Steam P2P Multiplayer and friend list support

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The server application cannot restart itself. At least there is no reliable way to do that. The only way to do that is by using an external script.

    It's definitely something that needs to be addressed. We really want to move the map data to the server anyway, so it's no longer stored on client side.

    What I meant was can we have the rcon auto log into the server when we run the restart script?

  • Here I was wanting to play Rising World today yet it seems someone feels triggered enough to DDos Rising World.


    We are currently experiencing a large DDoS attack on our servers. As a result, the game will run in offline mode. You can still play singleplayer or coop, but you cannot join multiplayer servers which have hive verification enabled.
    We are working on this issue and try to keep the downtime at a minimum. We appreciate your patience!

    That bubble on the forum. A shame. Curious where the source came from, and if it's anything to do with how toxic the Subnautica community is? I name dropped Rising World there seeing an insane amount of toxicity from the Steam forums that people pounce on one another. Or as simple as being a hosting site coincidentally having RW on it.

  • Thank you for the very good update.
    Still checking out all the new goodies. Love the hats :) And the many addition to the play, as in inviting friends to the personal servers.

    I have a question about the personal light and the new helmet with light.

    Why won't the helmet work when you equip it, as I haven't seen anyone else asking, it has to be me.
    Does it need some way to activate it besides just putting it on?

    Perhaps, the helmet won't work on the creative server, because of the personal light?
    I did turn the personal light "L" off, and then back on: it didn't seem to make a difference either way.

    Last, was the personal light output reduced? It really seems like it is half as bright at it used to be before the update.

  • Great update as per usual. All kinds of good things.

    I forgot to add one request earlier: please fix the rake animation. It is just awful, I knocked holes in my stone wall no where near to the ground I was trying to rake, or put holes in the ground next to the gravel path I was attempting to level.
    I do use the area tool in the creative keys, but sometimes there is a small area that I want to give a close effect to.

    The sickle/sythe animation is a little better then it used to be, but not a lot. It feels like you have to have your face in the dirt before it begins to work and it leaves brown flat squiggle behind it, not smooth green grass- to get that you really need the area-creative key. And the crosswise sizzor like movements of your arms in front of yourself is kind of offputting. Makes it hard to see what you are aiming at.

    I know, alpha, and still working. A small complaint with all of the amazing items, commands, new character looks and clothes. Keep on keeping on Red, great job.

  • I have a question about the personal light and the new helmet with light.

    Why won't the helmet work when you equip it, as I haven't seen anyone else asking, it has to be me.
    Does it need some way to activate it besides just putting it on?

    In survival, The Debug light have been desactived, not in creative. And you activate the mining helmet with the key usually used for the debug light.

    After some hours of gameplay with the new update (and hotfix):
    - I like the new mining helmet for sure. The lignt and shadows are smart with new tools. I have noticed that the light turns out quickly when you craft something or change your item in hand.
    - I'm not too concerned by the P2P steam features, I'm using a dedicated server, so I can't tell nothing about it (except it is a very good think for lot's of people).
    - The glitching clothes are no more glitching as far as I test it.
    - Movement and stamina : I feel somewhat "hard to move" for the initial move (when not moving and want to move, the first step have some inerty I feel), after that it's ok ^^. I hope in future, we will have a more crouchy position, as the actual crouch is kinda « Arghh my back, I can't do that !»
    - I find the stack limit of rifle's ammo little too low (4), as you can store only 16 ammo total in the ammo slot. 8 or 16 should be nice.
    - Nice Ram optimization

    Great update, as usual, thank's a lot !

  • I have a question about the personal light and the new helmet with light.

    Why won't the helmet work when you equip it, as I haven't seen anyone else asking, it has to be me.
    Does it need some way to activate it besides just putting it on?

    As mentioned above... the debug light no longer works in Survival Mode. The helmet light works with the L key just like the debug light. If in Survival mode, you must have the helmet light to get light with the L key and other players will also see this light. In Creative mode, if you are wearing the helmet light, then the L key turns it on and off and other players also see your light from the helmet. If you are not wearing the helmet light in Creative mode the L key turns on-off the debug light (unless it is restricted by permissions) and this light is not seen by other players.

  • Please add a non-steam friend list feauter

    Unfortunately we cannot offer the same services as Steam does. P2P uses Steams relay servers, we simply do not have the funds to offer something similar for the standalone... But you can still use the regular LAN mode (it just requires port forwarding)

    What I meant was can we have the rcon auto log into the server when we run the restart script?

    We will think about it ;)

    I have just noticed the (leather shirt top) - Tops of shoulders and top of chest is invisible. hope this helps.

    That's true, this will be fixed, thanks for letting us know!

    Why won't the helmet work when you equip it, as I haven't seen anyone else asking, it has to be me.
    Does it need some way to activate it besides just putting it on?

    As @botchikii and @Jon_miner mentioned, you have to press the L key to enable/disable the lamp ^^ You can also change the keybinding in the settings (controls -> "Lamp")

    I hope in future, we will have a more crouchy position, as the actual crouch is kinda « Arghh my back, I can't do that !»

    Yeah that's true :D This will definitely be changed in the near future

    After some hours of gameplay with the new update (and hotfix):

    Thanks for your feedback! :)

    I find the stack limit of rifle's ammo little too low (4), as you can store only 16 ammo total in the ammo slot. 8 or 16 should be nice.

    We will think about the stack sizes. However, each clip holds 5 rounds, so basically you can already carry up to 80 rounds (for the repeater) in your ammo slots ;)

  • We will think about the stack sizes. However, each clip holds 5 rounds, so basically you can already carry up to 80 rounds (for the repeater) in your ammo slots

    You're right ! It's somewhat disappointing because you can't know how many rounds left in clip, but it' ok :)
    I'm just adding this up because I just realize that sounds effects changes when you change your shoes ! Walking on stone with sandals or hiking boots make differents walking sounds. It's awesome :D

    I'm really enjoying the way you go. Customization (weapons, even if there are not yet so useful, give me cosmetics choices, same for clothing.). Did you plan scary/awkward masks ? (scream movies, or dark siths would be very nice )

  • Posting to note I just had '1337' posting. I kept it for a day to see if anybody noticed; Nobody has :P .


    But yeah, I'm curious to know who's botnet DDoS'ing the Rising World servers. It's been said, by Steam, that many games are being effected as well that it may be Rising World, or it may be a whole clump of games that someone seems bitter about. I retract the Subnautica fanboysim while pondering about if it's the negative reviewers trying to find new ways to be vocal and weird. More so the ones on Rising World's negative reviews if it's at all isolated to just Rising World.


    - Subnautica hype:

    Subnautica is making me wish we had boats sooner, yet can't push Red51. Gotta keep my cool. I'm still highly eager for any mode of transportation, as well as the submarine kind in Subnautica (the Seamoth). I also made a Prawn suit that may seem unplausible for Rising World to have, yet should be neat if we ever do. Oh, going scuba diving + submarining would be interesting. When we get to the whole boat thing I do hope we can colour scheme them, name them, and such. Storage concerns has been address so I can stop bugging about that.

    Subnautica is a damn great game. Buggy still, yet great. :D I love comparing some elements to Rising World and vise-versa that I gotta note that Rising World does better posters than Subnautica. Another +1 to Red51 for being able to upload/import images via inside the game itself.

  • I'm super psyched for transportation of any kind! :thumbsup: It gets to be a chore at times when you have an established hub far from different biomes. In order to get certain tree sapplings/rescources, I have to travel +/- a few thousand units; this entices me to use flymode in order to do something quickly. :/

  • Do NPCs in the game will be human

    Agreed, we need raiders or other human NPCs that will be a threat the player, it would definatly be quite interesting. Some with muskets/reapeaters, crossbows, and melee weapons. I think there should also be friendly NPCs that can have relationship points so they can be commanded. I have boarders in my servers and have divided certain biomes to make countries, but i have no populace. X/X/X/

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