Changelog 2018-03-22: Bows, armors, chainsaw and dummy NPCs

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • Quote

    I'm not familiar with Busou Shinki I'll have to swing by your channel to see what your talking about.

    Unless you're in the anime realm I wouldn't expect anybody, yet I still do mention anime things because of Google. I'm not saying this bit in a rude way, just that I'd expect people to get curious to Google to see the basicness of things. My bad.... Late at night posting does that to me.

    Also, your way of handling clothing dyeing is interesting. I support any form of customization. editNPC height would also work, yet having a slider bar for height may work? The scale sliders could work here for NPC heights in the 'editnpc' or whatever the option is now. It's been awhile.

    I would really love walking into a living cityscape, even if it's dummy npcs. That be awesome.

  • Sorry, that is off topic, but, in the game there is not enough variety of vegetation (bushes, trees), bushes are only 1 species. There is still not enough variety of flowers, for example roses are not enough. There is not enough variety of doors, glass for example. It's time to add new textures to the bars and blocks. It would be interesting to see the wallpaper in the game, so that they could be constructed from a set of patterns and patterns on the machine, and then they as a texture were superimposed on the blocks and slats, and the glue so that it was necessary to boil the animals in the oven, which would have to be broken up into crusher.
    Still it would be good to make it possible to turn the poster like a bar.
    (sorry for bad english)

  • I agree more vegetation would be great. Red stated more is ready but since such update would likely cause problems with old worlds he prefers to wait until more content is ready si he doesn't have to damage our worlds too often

    Wallpaper can be done with posters. On a server might cause problems but single should be okay.
    Otherwise also pnb can help here

    Turning posters... I think you have to do this before uploading. Then just import it.

    Ingame you could put it in a frame, blueprint it and then try turning that way. Not sure but it ut might wirk

  • Well, from what was mentioned by Red51 it'll be a fragmented update with mounts (horses, camels, & donkeys) being up next; The one we're waiting for. Next up after that would be boats with NPC Dummy additions to the side, and then possibly trains by process of elimination.

    Granted, Red51 gets the final say in this so what's coming out is subject to change by Red51's decision. I'm patiently waiting for horses that I keep daily refreshing the forum to see if they're releasing yet so I can let my players on the server loose finally without holding them back..... Maybe they're gone for good, yet time will tell. Horses though, that'll change a lot. :D

    I'm still hoarding my iron at around 2,084 pieces from what I recall counting stockpiled for trains.

  • Patience is a virtue ;)

    from Steam discussions:

    EN: Actually the last update was released on March 29. If an update or hotfix is directly related to a previous update, we usually don't post a new announcement. Instead we just update the previous announcement and append the new changelog to it ^^
    Unfortunately we cannot start working on the next update until all hotfixes are released...

    As @Avanar said, the mounts update require quite a lot of work. But I'm confident that the new update will be ready this month. I will post an announcement about that soon ;)

  • On the dummies? Dummys
    I know Red51 said there would be changes later but has anyone found anyway of "killing" a dummy once you make it invincible?
    I had a Manager that just stuck itself in the corner did nothing (like RL) and the only way I could get rid of him was to drill a hole to h#ll and drop him in.. Not even sure if that did it, as far as I know he is still look up at me saying WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? :P
    BTW a player on my server today found snakes and spiders. I know this has probably been said/ask before but is there a list?


  • On the dummies? Dummys
    I know Red51 said there would be changes later but has anyone found anyway of "killing" a dummy once you make it invincible?
    I had a Manager that just stuck itself in the corner did nothing (like RL) and the only way I could get rid of him was to drill a hole to h#ll and drop him in.. Not even sure if that did it, as far as I know he is still look up at me saying WHY?? WHY?? WHY?? :P
    BTW a player on my server today found snakes and spiders. I know this has probably been said/ask before but is there a list?

    Use the command ...unvincible 0....

    There are rats, too. "soawn npc rat".
    There are only 3 more animals. Rats, spiders and snakes.

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