Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I think you get it wrong. Yahgiggle meant that what you want is already the case.

    Only administrators can install the plugin and get the portal to work. That is what you requested and what is already done.

    yahgiggle - sorry to intervene, i think there is a language barrier at work :)

    yeah i think so, thanks for the help.


    are you asking if Yahgig can make it so that only admins can place the transporters , but that all players can use the transporters. So in other words, you dont want regular players to have the ability to place the transporters, but you want them to be able to use the ones your admins place?

    this is not the transporters plugin post, that's here TransPorters if they are talking about the transporters they need to make there post there not here.

    Here try this ^^^


    Updated, fixed the money bug, added all treelogs to the sell lumber button and also all types of stone and dirt, sand sell in the sell stone option, also fixed a glitchy buy menu when players did not have enough money.

    I don't know if it's just me or if there's something wrong with the plugin.
    I can't sell wood. I get this message: You need to be holding logs to sell them.
    I should point out that I'm holding the material in my hand.
    The second problem is selling stones. I sell them. They disappear from my inventory but I don't get the money.
    I've checked the plugin on 2 of my servers and it's the same.

    yeah i just noticed that myself too oO I'm looking into what's gone belly up and will update soon

    yeah the detection of the portal is very small so you need to hit the right spot, in hindsight i should have made that bigger, but it works so never adjusted it, for the reloading of the effects, it must not be removing the data from the stored array list :drunk: i never even noticed this problem, but restarting the server is not needed, just do reloadplugins in the console and the arraylist gets rebuilt

    Hay , i become the error in the log an ingame :

    Log :

    [Java] Loading asset (Texture) from cache: C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\RWRL-Com01\rising-world\339010\Plugins\OnlineMarket\Assets\NoteBackGround.JPG[13:01:35] [ADMIN MESSAGE] (Notification) EXCEPTION OCCURRED IN PLUGIN 'TransPorter' (AUTHOR: Yahgiggle) -> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.risingworld.api.ui.UIElement.getID()" because the return value of "" is null at PLUGIN_CLASS_LOADER//transporter.TransPorterMenuControl.MenuControl( at PLUGIN_CLASS_LOADER//transporter.TransPorter.onPlayerUIEClick( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent( 16711680 [13:01:35] [Java] PLUGIN EXCEPTION (TransPorter, , Yahgiggle) ----> java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "net.risingworld.api.ui.UIElement.getID()" because the return value of "" is null at PLUGIN_CLASS_LOADER//transporter.TransPorterMenuControl.MenuControl( at PLUGIN_CLASS_LOADER//transporter.TransPorter.onPlayerUIEClick( at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke( at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at net.jiw.unity.runtime.PluginEventHandler.triggerEvent(

    Ingame error is add

    Did you happen to reload plugins or just join the server ? Seems there is a timing problem with loading the UI IDs and this causes this error, but once all the UI IDs are loaded the error stops but I'll look into a way to solve the output of the error log when it's really false

    How to Use the Online Market Plugin for Rising World

    Welcome to the Online Market plugin! This guide shows players and admins how to buy, sell, and manage items in-game. Let’s get started!

    Opening the Online Market

    - Press your Tab And click the OnlineMarket Menu to open the menu. A UI panel with listings, navigation, and sell options appears.

    Browsing Listings

    - View All Listings: See all market items, paginated (8 per page). Use “Next” and “Back” to navigate.

    - Search Listings: Type an item name, price, or seller in the search field, then click “Search” to filter (e.g., “stone” finds “stones”).

    - My Listings: Click “My Listings” to view your items for sale.

    - Market Listings: Click “Market Listings” for server-wide (unlimited) items.

    - All Listings: Click “All Listings” to see everything.

    - Click a listing to open the Buy popup showing item details (name, price, quantity, seller, and icon).

    Buying Items

    - In the Buy popup:

    - See the item (e.g., “map”), price (e.g., “$3”), quantity (e.g., “1”), seller (e.g., “Deon”), and icon (50x50px at 10, 10).

    - Click “Buy” to purchase if you have enough coins (item goes to inventory, cost deducted from wallet).

    - Click “Cancel” to close and return to the menu.

    - (Owners/Admins) Click “Edit” to modify the listing.

    Selling Items

    - Hold the item to sell (e.g., all in game items).

    - Open the menu, click “Add Item” to open the Add popup.

    - Enter a price (whole numbers only, e.g., “5” for $5).

    - (Admins only) Toggle “Unlimited Stock” (red = OFF, green = ON) for server-wide listings.

    - Click “Confirm” to list (item removed from inventory for player sales, server-managed for unlimited).

    - Click “Cancel” to exit without listing.

    Managing Listings

    - In the Buy popup, click “Edit” (if you own it or are an admin).

    - In the Edit popup:

    - Change the price (enter a new number).

    - Toggle “Unlimited Stock” (admins only).

    - Click “Remove” to delete (item returns to inventory if yours).

    - Click “Bump” to move it to the top for $1 (if you have the money).

    - Use “Confirm” to save, “Cancel”/“Exit” to back out.

    Selling Stones and Logs

    - Hold stones or logs, open the menu.

    - Click “Sell Stone” ($5 each) or “Sell Lumber” ($10 each).

    - Items are removed, coins added to your wallet (e.g., “Sold 32 stones for $160!”).


    - Check your wallet balance (top of menu, e.g., “Cash: $200”) to buy or pay fees.

    - Search smart with partial names (e.g., “stone” for “stones”).

    - Admins only: Use unlimited stock and bumping for server management.

    Happy trading in Rising World!

    It would be nice if it had a backlight and could be turned on. And different skins.

    Do you mean light up the platform, the current platform was just a quick one, I'll be adding more of them but with different looks and some sort of indicator letting users know it's a transporter, ATM I don't want a popup text or yelling message I think we need something visually fun maybe an effect just above the platforms.

    Why's the portal menu so huge james1bow 🤣

    But really we both make plugins for our own servers but allow other uses to download them and use them, if I moved the button it would be a pain for my own server, but it would be simple for me to add the plugin again with the button under the crafting section

    sorry i was asked to name the zip files the version of the plugin, but the folder should just be called WorldProtection not WorldProtectionV3.4


    How am I not automatically an admin in my own game?

    thats a very good question red51 in the meantime you could just run a server from the steam store, its free, then use that to run all your plugins and stuff, its like your playing single player but on a server with all the fun, to join that server you type in the ip connection box localhost <------- its that easy

    BTW you can copy your current world files to the server, so you don't lose any projects and it will seem like your in single player mode in the same world.

    but anyway, all plugins are always made for servers, there's never a guarantee they will even work in single player mode