Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    No ones telling you to do anything oO i was saying what happened to another user and why, and that to stop this sort of problem is to do daily reboots. i under understand your frustration.

    No It was hosted on GTX, I wiped the server the same day it Happened.

    well i guess we will never know if it was hacked or what happend oO the only other server i know who had the protection let them down, was a server that was left running for weeks with out any restarts, in this case the protection database crashed and the protection stopped working, daily reboots are recommended.

    The New Players DO NOT get Creative, You have to ask, The World Wihin is 100% Surivial... its was Probaly a User that Wanetd my Server gone so he can Start one up and offer the same Thing. they only admin I Had denied IT AND started His own server (zodics keynboard Thing)

    do you know the name of the user who you say hacked you ? do you have a copy of your server that maybe i could look at and work out who did the damage ?

    by the way my AUTO Windows server installer has auto backups it will back up your server well as long as your not using mysql the backups will work
    if you use mysql then your need to also back up the database

    The link for the auto installer is…BitVvBOHAjRZqcgU5XvU0-n0l

    i could make one that backs up your mysql database too but that would only work with advanced users oO

    I put 6 Months into this Server and I got Destroyed in one hour, everyone may of moved on.. No Sense in Re-building

    i had a server running for over a year and then got that land bug where land was in the ski and all stuffed up from one of the updates
    every time i rolled back i had to then re update and the same problem happened every time, so the whole server over a years work was gone,
    did i cry about this, no i just restarted again, did i lose a bunch of users, yes, but that's just part of running a server, one that's still in development, your always going to have ups and downs, don't let the downs stop you, you started a server for a reason don't forget that.

    Its not that hard

    int AreaIDx = (int) evt.getChunkPositionX();
    int AreaIDy = (int) evt.getChunkPositionY();
    int AreaIDz = (int) evt.getChunkPositionZ();

    // block start is always 000 and end is always 15 63 15
    Vector3i StartBlock = new Vector3i(0, 0, 0);
    Vector3i EndBlock = new Vector3i(15, 63, 15);
    Vector3i StartChunk = new Vector3i(AreaIDx, AreaIDy, AreaIDz);
    Vector3i EndChunk = new Vector3i(AreaIDx, AreaIDy, AreaIDz);

    @Captian_Cornball dealing with people is never going to always go easy, as everyone has different personalities and sometimes we clash,
    don't be to hard on your self it happens to all of us, and as you can see you have plenty of support here, so when you feel better you will always be welcome back ;)

    Are there any blueprint limitations? I'm planning on a massive build and would love to share it once I'm done. I'm talking something near 100,000 square blocks (the actual blocks you build with). If we assumed a 1 block is 1 foot, then 100,000 square feet. I've thought of this type of project for years, and after finding a massive wide open area of land in my world, I realized this is the software I can build this in. My hope is to share this with others.

    Any limitations with how many items are in it?
    Any limitations with depth, like having a basement?

    I watched Safety Meeting's video on the basics, but this will be massively larger, possibly going underground for 1 level as well.
    I plan on using posters in this build and hopes they would stay with the blueprint. Will they?

    as @Minotorious said this is no limitations in the number of items/blocks/constructions that can be in a blueprints, but there are limitations on what computers can process in any given time, and this number can change depending on your own system and the server you are connected too

    if you go over what the computer can handle then your more than likely going to crash the system oO

    So its best to keep your blueprints as small as you can, like only blueprinting a single house or any single build you have made, dont go blueprinting
    whole towns or cites Oo

    Maybe if you send me your slice of code that's causing the problem, i might see something your not, or send it to red51 hes almost always happy to help :-)

    What's wrong with the GUI buttons in the API? I ask as my plugin uses a confirmation screen with GUI buttons and I've been getting Java Virtual Machine crashes which currently I believe are being caused by this particular section of code =O

    @yahwho I don't know about any crash's :/ the bug I'm taking about just removes the buttons when any player disconnects from the server, Red51 has told me he's going to fix it.

    its realy not that hard

    fist you need to install a plugin that lets you edit DDS images in Photoshop or install a image tool that can edit DDS image files
    then you can use 7z to open the textures.jar file, Note i said open not unzip

    Once open find the texture you want to edit and double click the image, it should open inside photoshop, where you can edit it and then just click save

    for DDS plugins for Photoshop try this link…ure-tools-adobe-photoshop

    so like if a player goes to open a chest the door next to him opens lol nice idea

    i guess all things that are able to have there state changed should be logged in the database like chests are

    i guess something like setDoor(id, true) true = open false = closed setFurnace(id, true) true = on false = off i guess this also could be the start of adding power to the game.

    vsync limits my fps to 60 so it works. If I go to single player or any public server everything works fine and my cpu stays at 40-45% with and without vsync. Tested with 2 pub server and ran around starting village. When I go to my friends p2p server my cpu jumps up.

    40-45% sounds about right :-)

    happy that the vsync worked for you.

    I will try vsync next time. I got nvidia card and drivers so I guess I can try something with those? Any specific setting I should add to risingworldx64.exe ? Also forgot to add my specs if those matter. nvidia gtx 1060 3gb, i5 3570K, 16gb, rising world installed to ssd.

    the settings that you can adjust all depend on the video cards software

    i think from the top of my head Nvidia also have a Vertical Sync option, but you will need to have a look and play around
    most screens are 60 to 120Hz some are 240hz IDK what your screen is but if your screen is 120hz or under then Vertical Sync
    might help, if your screen can handle 240hz then most likey i would not tic that box as it wont do a thing for you

    For high CPU usage dropping the fps shouldn't realy make much of a difference because its your GPU that does most of processing not your CPU for frames,
    but you do have a very high CPU usage oO

    i would be more looking at throttling due to overheating
    this cause's your cpu to look like its using more % because in fact there is far less cpu to be used because its been turned down.

    The cpu throttling also explains the lag problems your getting

    Is there way to limit FPS in or something to reduce CPU usage? My game runs 120-200fps and uses 80-90% cpu all the time. When I move around world in my friends p2p server my ping goes between 50-31000 and I need to stay still in some small area and then game functions ok in that area. Rly hard to explore.

    nice FPS :-)

    for your FPS there should be some setting in your video settings on your computer to set max frame rate but if not you
    could goto the game settings and tic VSync this should drop your FPS down to match your screen