Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    Another small update,

    now added another way to teleport to a area

    /wpp areatp ID this is the ID displayed at the bottom left of your screen when inside the area, good for calling users to your area and they do not need to have fly mode turned on as they will always land on the Surface of RW no good for teleportation to under ground or above ground use /wpp tp ID for that

    I Also made some change's to the GUI help Menu


    Another Update

    Now added more keyboard options and admin command

    Hitting the key R now removes the area you are inside
    Hitting the key C now claims the area you are inside

    ^^ nice and simple to add and remove areas now ^^

    Keys: R = remove area, C = claim area, M = map, P = open or close help

    New Admin Command
    /wpp friends Ownername Friendname friend - adds friends to players for players

    Is there anyway for admins to default the Auto Claim being "on" and changing it to "off". The reason i ask is that i have this plugin on my server and a "troll" came on and was just running around auto claiming land for no reasons. If it was defaulted or even able to be switched to off this would help server owners/admins a lot. Of course the user would then be able to manually add areas to their claim as per normal.

    trolls are always going to be a pain

    go into the area a troll has made and type /wpp delete all username

    this command removes all his areas in one go

    for turning off the auto protection only users can do this, i see no point in letting admins turn off all users been able to add areas but i am going to add groups so group A gets a set amount of areas and group B gets another amount

    if you realy want to turn off the areas now you can turn down the limit to 0 /wpp set limit 0

    then when your on set it back up this wont remove any areas from your added areas so its safe to do

    that's ^^^ on the to do list admins will be able to do /wpp list areas /wpp list yahgiggles areas /wpp tp areaid <--- teleports to the area with that id

    this should be added very soon. another option im going to add is by hitting the keys r and c for r you can remove a area you are inside and own and c you can claim the area you are inside if no one owns it.


    the plugin has been updated

    The updated database will now support the changes coming up to the API

    this means you can use this plugin now but you still need to remove the old database and start over

    also because i had to make adjustments to the database i decided this would be the right time to add

    /wpp showareas
    /wpp hideareas
    /wpp showallareas

    also when you are laying areas the area will light up green for 2min then go clear this lets you run around adding areas and see the ones your adding as you add them

    if you only want to add one area but want the green area gone just type /wpp hideareas

    Hi @red51

    Sorry if I missed this in your announcement but I'm concerned how we will manage our current blacklists on our servers. I don't see any kind of getSteamID method on Players in the API. Is there any way we can retrieve a steam id given a player's rw id so we can rebuild our blacklists?

    The new API has the getUID (long PlayerUID = player.getUID();)

    Ops skim read too fast (my mistake)! But that still doesn't stop anyone not on the reserve list. :/

    Edit: maybe a plugin is in order 8) Anyways, upshot is I would rather this than a DDOS.

    a plugin would be the better idea, i think blocking the name yahwho could cause more problems than not blocking it, because someone out there may have that name for a good legit reason so why should they be blocked oO a plugin could give server admins the power to add a tag or slightly change names that are the same something like yahwho(1) then yahwho(2) then yahwho(3) then everytime yahwho(3) enters the server they will always get the yahwho(3) name, every player could have this tag unless you are added to that server as a trusted user then the tag is changed to something else maybe yahwho(3) now becomes yahwho with a hidden tag 3

    Here is an updated plugin for the next API change

    This plugin wont work till the Steam ID API update is installed

    Please note new change's made to the upcoming API change's the way a plugin knows who is who on the server
    this means the old database will no longer work with this update and the old plugin wont be compatible with the
    new API coming,

    This means all protected objects need to be picked up and replaced after this has been installed on your server also you need to delete the old database

    but please wait for the next update,

    for some users you are welcome to install the plugin on a test server in the next coming days, Red51 will be letting us know when a pre release is ready for testing

    Sorry for the inconvenience but these changes are for the better for RisingWorld and all its players in the long term.

    Love the plugin so far, would love the show/hide feature, but i do understand the issue(s) where that is concerned.

    would/will it be possible to have the WorldProtection Plugin run automatically w/ ranks? What i mean is have the limit of areas automatically adjust to match a preset limit for a rank
    (ex. guest 0 area, rank1 36 areas, rank2 81 areas...etc) kinda like the way permissions are set.

    ive been thinking and talking about this with other players on my own server, i think it is possible to add some type of (if in group then area limit = setlimit for that group) in fact soon the database in this plugin wont work with the next RW update , so its sad to report all areas will need re protecting oO not such a big deal realy unless you have 1000s lol anyway now will be a good time for me to add the option for seeing your areas like Show Areas

    not Shure if this is good. The chest id number remains set even after placing a beem. you can still set it's permissions without having to click on the chest another time. switching chests and setting permissions work good. and the message if you haven't clicked on anything works good when you relog after setting the chest.

    All in all, I think this works good now let's see what my people do to it lol.

    Are beams removable now ? if so then something is wrong if not then its working as expected

    maybe i could add a time limit for how long the id stays in the players memory then after a set time you need to re open the door or chest or what ever oO

    Also when clicking on the object i think having a box pop up some place on screen showing whos added to that object and who owns it would help users


    Have updated the plugin

    now the plugin gets the object id when placing the object so this means you don't need to f key the item before you add players

    also if no object has been selected and it spits out a null you should no longer get any error now your get a message letting you know to f key on a object first.


    Have updated this plugin

    /op = Object Help
    Object Help
    When placing a new Object they are locked by default
    To unlock your Object click on it then type /op unlock
    To lock your Object click on and then type /op lock
    to add users to your Object click on it then type /op add username Example /op add yahgiggle
    to remove users from your object click on it then type /op remove username Example /op remove yahgiggle
    To unprotect your Object click on it then type /op unprotect the object will now be removed from your protection list
    To see a list of all objects type /op list Note: the list can get very big

    I have yet to figure out why I am kicked out of the admin group each time I relogin to the server. When I type it says admin next to my name but none of my set admin permissions are available until I type setplayergroup and put myself into the admin category again.

    I would love to be able to set other players to groups but if it doesn't stick for me, I double it will stick for them either.

    what group are you put into ? are you running my plugin Auto Levels by any chance ?

    when your hold down tab you should see your details something like this

    IDPlayerNameGroupDistancePlaying TimePing
    1yahgiggle[Admin]Khagan015d 2:4832

    note: Admin next to my name this should always stay Admin as i have been added to the file as a server Admin

    under Group it should always show what ever group you have been added to unless you have Auto Levels installed and that plugin has no groups setup for Admins
    infact if you dont have Auto levels installed maybe you could install it because this plugin will put you back into the group you want even if you got removed somehow,

    Also note under the file - settings_default_newplayer_group=NewPlayer NewPlayer should be set to what ever group you have made for New Players who log into your server, of cause you also need the group NewPlayer inside your permissions/groups folder with its permissions setup

    now for my Auto levels plugin you could use this, first you make a set of groups for my server i have

    "1" "Khagan" "0" "0"
    "2" "Surveyor" "0" "28800"
    "3" "Settler" "28801" "86400"
    "4" "Builder" "86401" "201600"
    "5" "Architect" "201601" "432000"
    "6" "Engineer" "432001" "892800"
    "7" "Moderator" "892801" "1814400"
    "8" "Admin" "1814401" "999999999999999"

    the group Surveyor is my settings_default_newplayer_group=Surveyor group because its the group i want all users to start with

    you will note i have an Admin group, this Admin group is my last level and it gives the players 99% of the things a real server admin can do with out even been added to the server admin group

    The group Khagan is the group i made for my server Admins note how the group has 0 0 after it, this is the setting you set when adding this group to auto levels and when you add a player to that group they can not be moved out of it in other words they wall always be in the Khagan group

    you need to setup your groups then install the Auto Levels plugin, then setup the groups for auto levels in game in the chat

    so in chat your would type

    To add auto levels to your server you frist need to make groups then you can use this plugin to move your users to each group after a set time
    use /addgroup [groupname] [starttime] [endtime]

    Example: /addgroup Khagan 0 0 <--------- note i added 0 0 for the Khagan group who ever is put into this group will never be moved out
    Example: /addgroup Settler 0 3600
    Example: /addgroup Builder 3601 7200
    Example: /addgroup Admin 7201 14400

    Note the spelling of the groups need to be 100% the same, all times are done in seconds

    Other commands
    /delgroup [id] removeds the group
    /listgroups to view added groups and there ids

    /closegroups to closed the view of the added group list

    also its important to setup your group right in the groups folder

    the settings should look something like this

    group: (Khagan)
    groupcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatnamecolor: 0xFFd700
    chatprefix: (Khagan)
    chatsuffix: (Khagan)
    chatprefixcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatsuffixcolor: 0xFFd700
    shownametag: true
    nametagcolor: 0xFFd700
    nametagprefix: (Khagan)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0xFFd700
    nametagsuffixcolor: 0xFFd700
    showadmintag: false <------------ see this setting will hide the Admin server tag and show the group tag you have set if this is set true then it wont work and you may see no group name at all

    you need a way to find all the blocks a greafer sets and a way for admins to be able to remove them before they are banned or even after being banned if possible.

    Is there planed a version of this for PNB?

    also there needs to be a way admin can protect blocks that already exist. I have many bridges I wish to protect and roadways. Mabey even set owner of unowned blocks. This would allow for conversion of old worlds. There is blueprinting things to replace blocks but that is a lot of work

    ive realy been looking into the api lately to see what can be down, ive not seen a way to protect all blocks yet but if i see something i will indeed code it.

    it is the split stack picking from chests thing but the API does not intercept that event yet (should be included in the chestToInventoryEvent I think) :(

    oh yes of cause oO but that is impossible to do if you cant even open the chest in the first place oO witch is how world protection works

    PlayerObjectInteractionEvent event event.setCancelled(true);