Can only server Admins select and create areas?
only admins can set initial claims but regular players may set sub claims within there claim once the initial claim is set. Last I knew.
Can only server Admins select and create areas?
only admins can set initial claims but regular players may set sub claims within there claim once the initial claim is set. Last I knew.
only admins can set initial claims but regular players may set sub claims within there claim once the initial claim is set. Last I knew.
i believe this has been patched to not work anymore in the official area protection 3.0 script
i believe this has been patched to not work anymore in the official area protection 3.0 script
I know they are supposed to be able to add people to different access groups once they have there claim but I think they are supposed to be able to make sub claims. what was fixed was a regular player may use the selection tool for the initial claim but when going to createarea it won't work for them until they have a claim and then only inside of it may they set a sub claim. I could be wrong but this is the way I understand it. Before a regular player could set a claim themselves but they fixed that. I will get 1 of my people to test this and get back to ya'll.
I know they are supposed to be able to add people to different access groups once they have there claim but I think they are supposed to be able to make sub claims. what was fixed was a regular player may use the selection tool for the initial claim but when going to createarea it won't work for them until they have a claim and then only inside of it may they set a sub claim. I could be wrong but this is the way I understand it.
the patch made it so that only admins can use the /createarea command thus rendering anyone else unable to create areas. But anyway the selfcreating subareas part was buggy from the beginning, no player could ever create a subarea inside his own area in the time I have been playing the game, maybe before my time it used to work and an update of some sort broke it
ok this is the example area protection and not the area protection 3.0 in the area protection 3.0 you may set a sub claim as a regular player with /makemyarea areaname after using the areaselection tool /selectarea and selecting an area and standing inside the area selected. If you want this feature install areaprotection 3.0 that is in another thread.
the patch made it so that only admins can use the /createarea command thus rendering anyone else unable to create areas. But anyway the selfcreating subareas part was buggy from the beginning, no player could ever create a subarea inside his own area in the time I have been playing the game, maybe before my time it used to work and an update of some sort broke it
there was a correction to the make area command I made a mistake. please pay attention.
i believe this has been patched to not work anymore in the official area protection 3.0 script
only protection 3.0 lets non admins create areas, but those areas can only be made inside the area allocated to that user by an Admin
i added this and the areatp teleportation to this old protection plugin made by @KingGenius some time back, it is still working today as we have just tested this on @sharkbitefischer server
This script is one of the best features this game has to offer a server owner. It allows for map features to be protected while letting players live in the danger of PVP. Special places can be made public and other made private. It removes the player damaging effect of griefers found in games like Reign of Kings yet provides for the ability to allow the PVP to prosper.
I have this installed on my server. There is a glitch with home routine that turns off the area but that seems to be minor. I recommend it and I further hope the Developers put this as a basic feature in the game.
I switched from this 1.18 to Version 3.0 in the other thread.
Some thing is conflicting with the TP though as that routine erases an a home area from the database for players that I created areas for. I dont use it much so it did not affect my areas but Bobbinfish's dissappears every time and then the commands /showareas does not work in his area.
I switched from this 1.18 to Version 3.0 in the other thread.
Some thing is conflicting with the TP though as that routine erases an a home area from the database for players that I created areas for. I dont use it much so it did not affect my areas but Bobbinfish's dissappears every time and then the commands /showareas does not work in his area.
am i understanding you have a area called Bobbinfish's ? and that it does not save or it disappears or something like that ?
if so the problem is with the ' try not to use things like ; ', . in the names keep them simple and it should be fine.
ok will try that it seems when he does the home TP command it deletes it does not show up in the List in 3.0 we will try it again..
am i understanding you have a area called Bobbinfish's ? and that it does not save or it disappears or something like that ?
if so the problem is with the ' try not to use things like ; ', . in the names keep them simple and it should be fine.
The problem is most likely because you do not escape the name of the area when you save it in the DB....
Have you heard of SQL injection?
Have you heard of SQL injection?
A PreparedStatement a day keeps SQL Injection away
The problem is most likely because you do not escape the name of the area when you save it in the DB....
Have you heard of SQL injection?
yeah i noticed that was a problem but since lua was meant to be dropped why even bother doing anything about it lol
The problem is most likely because you do not escape the name of the area when you save it in the DB....
Have you heard of SQL injection?
Because I like how it works... it is a really nice routine and makes the server freindly
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