Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    The output from the command line also tells us it's not even attempting to log in.

    ie "skip registration/login"

    Maybe it was your registration that went wrong after all lol or its been blocked by something going on with your pc, The hive seems fine for everyone else, are you able to log onto any other computer and download the game with steam then test it ? or maybe save your error files, then delete the game and reinstall it.

    when you load the game does it have a red symbol on the right top because that indicates that you have no connection to the HIVE. As long as you have no connection, you can't connect to multiplayer servers which require a HIVE verification ?

    Maybe somethings going on at the hive end then, oO you will need to wait for Red51 to help solve this, yes i could see your running Linux
    and i think most of the users on RW are over 30 years old, so maybe thats why we all seem so laid back lol.

    Nope - I'm running Slackware - no CPU hogging antivirus, anti malware required ;) though of course I do run iptables.

    I'm reasonably adept tech wise (B.Comp Sci '98) so I can give you anything from running processes to ip configurations :)

    well Failed to connect: connection timed out

    means somethings stopping your game from connecting to the server its timing out / the hive
    i don't think the problem is a lack of username. not saying that its impossible to be that, oO
    but it looks more like the hive is down or your computer is not talking to the hive like it should be.

    things that can cause this
    1 The hive been down
    2 Cable internet sometimes cause's problems like this
    3 your internet has a problem
    4 Something is blocking your computer from the hive

    sometimes just rebooting your computer can solve the problem, im guessing you have, but have you done that.

    when you buy the game an account is made, but i guess this depends on where you got the game oO was it steam ? or some other place

    yeah was down for 2 days here and u know a lot about pcs and that what kind of upload speed would i need to host my own server

    i think we are both taking about driffent downtime's lol Maybe your host was down they have nothing to do with RW, as it was fine here,
    to run your own server from home, you just need a computer with say 2gigs of ram and say 100gig of hhd space 100gig is not needed to get the server going but its a good size to give your server database lots of room to grow, you also need a good internet connection the better the connection the better your server will work, there is plenty of info on this forum that helps you on how to setup your server.

    now it really got me lost i set it to group Owner it say it not found so i put it in owner it put me in the group but i log out and back in and it puts me back in the admin group and yea i did restart the server

    because your a admin your always in the server setup as an admin, when the group does not load or has a problem it will look at the next setting the main group your from and thats a server admin, so there is a problem with your group file somethings not letting it work

    i would copy my whole permissions folder over yours and then before changing anything, test it by restarting your sever and adding your self to one of the pre made groups

    yea i made all 3 Owner and i did put my self in the owner group cause the color gone from white for admin to red for owner

    group: (Owner)
    groupcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatnamecolor: 0xFFd700
    chatprefix: (Owner)
    chatsuffix: (Owner)
    chatprefixcolor: 0xFFd700
    chatsuffixcolor: 0xFFd700
    shownametag: true
    nametagcolor: 0xFFd700
    nametagprefix: (Owner)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0xFFd700
    nametagsuffixcolor: 0xFFd700
    showadmintag: false

    It should look something like this ^^^, also if your an admin you will need to log off and back on for the settings to change, the other thing is its Case sensitive so you should always just use a cap like Owner not owner, and When adding them also use a cap or it wont work