Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    if you change anything to do with groups you need to restart the server.

    Now can i do that for every group i make. like it in chat to say group 1 owner 2 admin 3 semi creative can i make it so what group i put them in that way it say before there name

    you can make as meany groups as you please

    each group can be slightly driffent like for an Admin group the chatprefix: = (Admin) for say a Newbie group you make the chatprefix: = (Newbie)

    Each group will need its own group file an Admin Group filename would be Admin and the group file name for Newbie would also be Newbie

    To add a player to your group you type (setplayergroup twowildandcrazy Admin) or (setplayergroup twowildandcrazy Newbie)

    i have added my group setup it has about 8 groups pre done, you can take a look at them or use them for your own server, its upto you

    note it wont be before there name its after but still in the chat

    it looks like this

    Yahgiggle (Admin): hi guys welcome to my server



      (7.31 kB, downloaded 551 times, last: )

    This is done under permissions

    you can make groups in the groups folder that"s inside the permissions folder
    there is one demo group file included

    lets say i make a Admin group the contents of the file would look something like this

    group: (Admin)
    groupcolor: 0xFF0000
    chatcolor: 0xFF0000
    chatnamecolor: 0xFF0000
    chatprefix: (Admin)
    chatsuffix: (Admin)
    chatprefixcolor: 0xFF0000
    chatsuffixcolor: 0xFF0000
    shownametag: true
    nametagcolor: 0xFF0000
    nametagprefix: (Admin)
    nametagprefixcolor: 0xFF0000
    nametagsuffixcolor: 0xFF0000
    showadmintag: false

    - *
    - yell
    - settime
    - spawnnpc
    - teleportplayer
    - kick
    - ban
    - setweather
    - queryplayerinformation
    - saveall
    - *

    fly: true
    pvp: true
    pve: true
    debuglight: true
    enabled: true
    maxupload: 10000
    dimension: 2400
    use: true
    create: true
    - *
    - default
    - terraintools
    - *

    For the chat edits you need to change the below setting to what ever you need

    chatnamecolor: 0xFF0000
    chatprefix: (Admin)
    chatsuffix: (Admin)
    chatprefixcolor: 0xFF0000
    chatsuffixcolor: 0xFF0000

    Maybe so, yet theres still a chance of dropping through into the void when the terrain doesn't render fast enough. I forgot who it was, maybe it was Daboiye, yet he had to lower his settings for when it rained that it was painfully laggy that he wished it was always sunny. That was a rare thing when it was always cloudy and rainy, and still is.

    I guess I'll just not, yet just saying this in a "better safe than sorry" manner.

    dropping through often happens because of the users own computer, it cannot render the game fast enough, its nothing at all to do with the server,
    often dropping your screen resolution and detail can indeed help solve this, or getting a better video card if you play on a tower

    Only saying that to be safe because I've witnessed people dropping into the void at times. Weird water problem and such that it's better to be safe with higher computer specifications. I've seen servers strain on Minecraft side as well where it would rubber-band you horribly.......

    Better safe than sorry.

    Thats more to do with internet speed there connection than the server, most the hard work is done on the pc the game is played on
    the server does very little work its very light, i ran a Rising World server on a intel Atom laptop with 2 gigs of ram no problem at all

    Then there's hosting it on your computer [Guide] to be able to host it on your computer with more control. You could even dedicate a specific computer in your household to such, but keep in mind computers have to be powerful enough to do this.

    Well for hosting a game like this, your computer/server does not need to be as powerful as it may seem

    any old laptop with 2 to 4 gigs of ram would host the server files no problem at all

    The only real thing that you need is a stable fast internet connection and i also would recommend using a static ip address.

    My player blobs?! LOL. OK. I will try.

    I do have the gps plugin installed, with home waypointed. That might work too, yeah?

    Thank you so much. <3 I will let you know what happens! :thumbsup:

    player blobs are just the way the data is stored in the database for that part of the data.
    from my under standing its to help speed up the database but can also cause problems if the data is not fully finished getting entered before it crash's

    Hey im trying to make a server on rising world for me and my friend please give me an explained version of how to make a server please replay to me Thank you Very Much

    i moved your post to this server help area as its more to do with this subject.

    For how to setup a server, you can find all the info you need at this link at the top of the page Server Help

    Could you please add a couple of screenshots or a short video to show what happened exactly?

    To be honest I don't fully understand what you mean with "built a wall through the chest"

    Also when you destroyed the chest from the front did the chest disappear from your screen or did it remain there?

    i think he means he placed a line of blocks Thu the chest and made a wall oO

    anyway i tested this and could not get the same results

    Some screenshots would indeed help