Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    i built a chest and put rocks in it with a sign pasted to it i then built a wall through the chest
    when i was in a hurry i destroyed it with my pick after emptying it and guess what hapend
    i destroyed it from the front like opening it and then went behind the wall and low and behold its
    still there and when i destroyed it again... it exploded with all the stuff i had in it right before
    i destroyed it. this could be a bad cheat for ppl please fix it......

    i moved your post here because its more of a bug than a Suggestion

    Are you able to repeat this bug ?

    The map data of my world is over 500 mb so far. It seems to me that the map could pull the data from the main database rather then create its own. The world so far is not all that large yet and I could see it consuming a lot of Gigabytes if the world gets really large. There must be a way where the map could consume much less HD space.

    To have a map stored in a main database could cause more problems than its worth, like slow internet would make the game unplayable, or if the server goes down then no one can play there game not even in single player mode oO
    also with how cheap hdd space is it just makes more sense having the data stored on your hdd.

    Okay, I have taken my laptop and it is not a hard drive problem, it is a bad cable connected to the hard drive. But the gentleman at the repair shop suggested to me that I reinstall Rising World because he found it strange that that was the only game that took out my computer. I, however, am worried about losing my blueprints.

    Will un-installing and reinstalling RW cause me to lose my blueprints?

    you can copy your blueprint folder to a usb stick then after the reinstall re copy the files back over

    BTW they often say a cable and it turns out not to be, but lets hope that this time it is im crossing my fingers for you

    If your server does not use the hive server to authenticate players then the outage would not affect your server but most of us do rely on the hive. Assuming a player has added your server to their favorites list, they would still be able to see it while the Hive is down. Actually it would be nice to someday have a 2nd or 3rd hive server to have a little redundancy when this sort of thing happens. From what I understand, everything that is JIW (the hive server and the website and whatever else is part of their company) is located in one data center so its a single point of failure.

    i couldn't say it any better ^^^^

    to disable the hive verification so users can connect when the hive is down, set the (server_hive_verification=true) to (server_hive_verification=false) in your file then restart your sever,

    note: once the hive is back up its best to set this setting back to true, this can help hackers stay off your server

    yeah i did restart the sever many times and no i did not see any more then u got to down load that an install it

    just trying to work out what plugin your talking about as i never made a list all players plugin oO i was thinking that you are talking about the guest book plugin by Red51 but i see another player has added another type of player list, i would reply to the guy who made the plugin, that is the same page you downloaded the plugin from, it might have some bugs thats stopping it from working.

    yeah i am the owner of wilds real world and right now i see all the severs are down but any way yea i did down load the plugin and un zip it and place it in the plugin folder on the sever

    did you restart the server ?
    also did you read the notes for that plugin about setting the coordinates first oO

    the one for list all players

    did you put the plugin in the server game plugin folder or your own folder on your own game ? what is your setup anyway, you say your the admin
    your running the rw server right ?

    we need a little more info, its much like ringing a mechanic and saying my car wont work whats wrong with it, oO

    It might be that RisingWorld makes your GPU hotter than the other games or it cause's a driffent area of your gpu to get hotter. i would use gpu stress test software to realy get that sucker hot oO

    This sounds like dry joint on your laptops motherboard

    A dry solder joint is where the solder connecting the component pin or leg to the copper track on the circuit boards becomes damaged
    this results in an unstable connection

    if that connection is something that the cpu or video card needs then you can get shutting right before it fails

    temperature is then main cause of when the dry joint will cause it to fail, this is why it does not happen all the time and then it happens
    also dry joints can sort of heal them self for a time giving you a false sense that the problem has gone

    To fix the problem you need to solder the area, but only someone that know how to can do it oO most people wont bother and tell you that you need a new motherboard

    You may know of the xbox and the red ring of death ? well that had the same problem

    Here is a video on youtube with a guy having a go at fixing dry joints on a laptop motherboard

    I think this guy is lost, i been on the internet for over 20 years and can't :cursing::thumbdown: believe he thinks posting one forum and having my link to my Facebook page in my banner is spam, i have been a mod and owned my own forum for psp and had 100,000 users so i would nothing to do with this game if am going to be abused by one of your admins. Your game wont make it if this is the road your going down. I LIKE YOU HAD HEMP IN THE GAME AND WANTED TO SEE IF YOU LIKE ANYONE PRODUCTS I SHOWED TO ADD ON THE GAME BUT W/E I WILL JUST Make my own game peace out and find JESUS!!!

    @JCDriven yes i know all about you and the things you did at a young age oO i looked into you and also found 100s of pages with the same type of spam that you made on other sites, also please remove your spam links from your profile and Signature.

    I wonder if Red51 could add more Christmas decorations to the mix on top of snow textured planks. Maybe asking too much right now that it may be better for \next year.

    i think Red51 has enough on his plate, it must be so stressful developing a game when you have 100s of users wanting the next update now oO but i guess you never know what's going on behind the scenes :-D

    nope not possible fox also hellstone and mud and some more of the terrain textures are not placeable on planks and beams (and logs etc.). If you try a number e.g. item woodplank 1 8 you get a woodplank that says it is ID 8 but the actual texture on it is the stone ID 21 texture

    you can swap an unliked texture with any texture you like, but if someone has used it the swap will change there build oO

    in fact use id 36 as its unused

    ok i changed the block 36 to give it a new texture its sort of snow looking maybe you can test it out or upload a image you would like and i can make that work for you

    to install use 7zip

    goto your game folder something like Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\data\assets

    open the textures.jar file with 7zip Note: dont unzip just open to view files, then click on the Constructions folder to open it
    use 7zip to unzip the file

    then use your mouse to drag the two unzipped files into the Constructions folder, it should pop up asking you if you want to copy the files over, click yes
    once the files are copied over restart your game.

    Note always make a backup of your texture file before doing anything, this way if something goes wrong you can just copy your backup back over your stuffed up file lol

    To spawn the new texture just type in the command panel item woodbeam 64 36 or item woodplank 64 36 ect ect you know the deal



      (79 kB, downloaded 411 times, last: )

    hi Red51,for the Xmas event we are planning on our server (like for halloween) could it be possible to be able to make woodbeam etc in the snow texture :) that should be so awesome :)

    What about for us kiwis over here it is summer so we don't want snow at Xmas lol

    Are the files zipped and are you unzipping the files before you place them into your folder? if so also try using another unzip program 7zip is good and free

    The blueprint folder has to be with a B not b like Blueprints
    The folders inside the Blueprints folder can be named anything

    Also depending on what OS your using you may need to give reading rights to the files and folders Linux often needs this, but also have seen windows 10 sometimes have the same problem. its worth looking at your folder permissions.

    also antivirus protection may be doing something strange oO

    so linking to images from external websites is illegal? :/

    Yes it is, also the user has spammed hemp all over the internet just type his username with the word hemp into google and you will see, i don't take removing posts lightly i did my homework on this user and have good reason to remove his post, Red51 has been so busy with the update he has no time to look up info on every user who posts on the forum.