Posts by yahgiggle

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
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    Hello, would it be possible to add to the log what the player name is doing also as the command he just did ?
    ex: [LUA][AreaProtection 3.0]: [player: MJMINFO] PlayerConstructionDestroy: 4

    as it will be easier to stop people from griefing as we will have proof if ban is needed


    block protection has a log sort of lol it need more work so waiting for API updates before i can do that, but in the mean time it sort of works, if users place unwanted blocks all you need to to is remove that block and a message will display in chat who placed the block, of cause it will only log user info after you install the block protection plugin any blocks before that wont have been logged.

    hey @yahgiggle we tried today to place half blocks in the centre position with this plugin but it gave us full blocks.

    We typed: /place block halfblockcenter 198 38 and it gave full blocks with id 38

    any clues as to why it didn't work? :/

    try /place block halfblockcenter north 38
    or /place block 19838

    If your Half Block id is 38 and you want the block at the top you type (/place block 20138) because 20100 + 38 = 20138
    if you want it in the center and your id is 38 your id will be (19838) because 19800 + 38 = 19838
    and at the bottom its id (19538) because 19500 + 38 = 19538
    and so on

    if the id is, for example, over 100 like say 186 it Would be 20100 + 186 = /place block 20286
    example 2 for Half block Center 198 19800 + 186 = 19986
    example 3 for Half block Bottom 195 19500 + 186 = 19686
    This is the same for All block types with the id over 100

    All ids are on page 1 of this post

    hope this helps :-D

    i know it seems strange to have to type north south east or west for blocks oO lol i guess i could change that on a update next time

    yes that is correct the file system for all plugins should look like this:

    hmm weird I think @yahgiggle would have to try to help you out from here on, I checked his code and everything seems correct (though a bit more complex than it has to be :P ) in order to protect blocks no idea why it is not doing it for your server. Tbh I haven't tried it with non-admin players in MP yet myself.

    The blocks are only protected from other players if you place a block, You own it oO, so of cause you can also remove it, the only other players that can remove it are Admin's, if you lay lines of blocks only the first block is protected, that's to do with the api and is going to be fixed by Red51 Note if you lay the block in a protected area/zone, then that plugin may let any user smash the block who is also added to that area, I have not tested this yet, but that could be whats going on.

    I've just seen this plugin, great thing. ^^
    But in the past there are some problems with the old lua script, that people are dying while teleporting. Is the problem now solved or is it still happening?

    a good trick to stop users dieing is to have another teleport under your destination teleport if the user falls into the ground they fall into this catch type teleport that teleports them back up to your destination and because they are in the same area it gives the computer time to load the area so problem solved.

    if your not an admin then you shouldn't be able to make an area at all oO if your able to make one then that's a bug :rolleyes: because lua is not supported by the game any longer and will be removed there will soon be a new java protection plugin, i would wait for that and then install it. in the mean time ill look at the script and if its a simple fix ill fix it but if not then this is something your have to put up with till the new plugin

    Can't understand. In some reason a command "/makemyarea areaname" does not return anything. I can use "/createarea areaname". But it only creates an area without adding me as an Owner. Then I can do nothing with the area when I'm still not admin. Can't dig, can't remove an area, can't add myself as an Owner. When I make myself admin I can do more. But what should other players do? What do I do wrong? Seems like griefers can come to a server and create areas which no one can use

    And another one question. When I used a command "/selectarea" and changed my decision of creating an area, what should I do to get rid of red squares?

    I have to be sorry. May be all theese questions have their answers above in this topic. But I'm not english-speaking and it's very difficult to me to read and understand.

    this is because your missing the next steep you need to also add your self or another player to the area like /addplayertoarea Owner 88le88 or /addplayertoarea Admin 88le88 once the main area has been made the owner can then use /makemyarea areaname and because he owns that area he is auto added to that new area inside his area, only admins and area owners can make new areas BTW so other users cannot make areas with out been added to an area first, if you dont want them to make areas inside a area then do /addplayertoarea Friend username

    if you need to cancel the area type /cancelarea but if you have done everything right then the selected area should go on its own once you have named it, note when adding users you need to be inside the new area you want to add them too or it wont work

    How do I setup an Http server and connect that to the RW server pics of server properties file would be helpful. thx

    There are a number of things you would need to do to set this up someone would almost need to spend hours explaining every detail so i guess no one will reply to your massage oO

    here's a short list of what this involves

    1 Setting up a dedicated computer as your server
    2 installing compatible web hosting software this can be more simple if you use wamp or lamp
    3 unblocking ports
    4 sorting out an static ip address
    5 you will need to know how to code, http and php will be a must also if you know how mysql databases work that will help heaps
    6 setting up a RisingWorld server on your server

    Then all you have to do is point your webserver image script to the folder where the RisingWorld images are oO

    like i said most likely all this stuff takes time and some things like http and php years to learn