ok bugs been fixed it should work on servers now
Posts by yahgiggle
nice, will download to do some testing
btw will this be in theory incorporated in an AreaProtection plugin in the end?
this is experimental also its over the hole server not just selected areas BTW i have found a bug thats not making it work on servers as expected im working on it right now
Ok guys i have made a block protection script
What it does
This plugin stops griefing of blocks over your whole server but it does have some limitations ATM
All admins can still remove all blocks but when an admin removes blocks that a griefer has put down, the user name who placed the block is shown, this makes it simple to ban that user as you know who placed the unwanted block
for the blocks only the user who placed them or an admin is able to remove them this can make it hard ATM for group building but i intend to change that
also the API does not support this script for getting every block info when laying in lines, this means if lines are laid not all blocks are protected this should change on the next API update
as i have talked to @red51 about thisATM there is no commands
i have only done limited testing so if you find any bugs please do let me know.
Also ideas are always welcome
Bump to let everyone know i have updated the script
Now /delete abs removes everything including land
/delete land <-------- removes land only
/delete veg <------- removes all Vegetation, excluding grass
/delete con <-------- removes all Construction, excluding blocks
/delete obj <-------- removes all Objects
/delete blocks <-------- removes all blocks
/delete boc <-------- removes all blocks, objects and construction
/delete abs <-------- removes all blocks, objects, construction, Vegetation and land -
Thanks... Never noticed that before. I do wish you had the option to do "sharp edges" versus "blended", but realize this is just how the textures work.
Have you considered either of these comments? Namely the first one?
For select working for any user it realy does not matter because they cannot do anything with it
for the delete abs, its something i have been thinking about and have let abs also remove land, i have now also added /delete boc for delete all blocks, Objects and Construction.
A bump to let everyone know the script has been updated
A note to all server owners Please update this script ASAP, it fix's a bug that could cause a problem if not updated
This happens because your selected area was not at lest 3 deep you need to go deeper with your selected areas
there is nothing i can do with the API to fix this, its how the textures work
well infact i could auto make it go 3 deep when you only select 1 layer but this would also cause more problems oO -
I have a problem...whenever I make an area, the previuos one Disaperars.
as i said in my message on steam oO did you look at the Protection database to see if it had in fact deleted it? i ask because if you over lap the sides or top and bottom of the zones with the zone its inside then strange things start to happen, like areas seem not to be there anymore oO when placing a area inside another area never overlap.
if that's not the case then i would be testing your hdd or ssd drive for faults, sometimes when a drive is about to fail it can do strange things like this.
small comment, could there be an option to remove the onlogin messages from your plugins? The server chat gets full with them (even more when we have more than 1 of your plugins installed) and especially admins get twice the messages containing almost the same information.
what about if i make it that you only see the message once when you very first join ?
Bump to let you know i have done another update
Now chests let you know when you open them if they have a owner and if they are locked or unlocked
I just tried placing a blueprint and it appears that ChestProtection did recognize the chests. I got:
placed chest IDXXXXXX now added to your Chest Ownership defalt (sp) pincode = 1234
I'm not sure btw what/how the pin codes are to be used?
Thats something i did not expect lol well its good it does work when placing blueprints, this saves me more coding lol
the defult pincode is part of the protection its sets you as been the owner the users you add dont have a pincode so if they try to add other users or to unlock the chest it wont let them, but later on i want to add a pinpad that pops up when you goto open the chest, your then need to enter your pin before it opens, but ATM the API does not support OnChestOpenEvent i have taked to red about this and he said he will add that event on the next update for me
btw... I downloaded blockplacer yesterday about 0500 PDT. I don't see any version numbering.
No problem ill update the script so you can do block or blocks oO lol
Are you going to change the version from 1.1?
Would it be possible if you open a chest that you own to have it indicate whether it is currently locked our unlocked along with the ID?yes this is going to happen soon
Also a plan is to show who owns it -
A few of observations/issues:
- /delete block does not appear to work but /place block 0 does. Would prefer /delete block. Shouldn't "/delete abs" do what "/fill with 0" does (see next comment)?
- /delete abs appears to delete everything except land. To stay consistent with worldedit, shouldn't /delete abs delete everything including land and have "/delete" (by itself) delete everything except land.
- Could /blockplacerhelp be shortened to something shorter, like, /bphelp?
hi when did you download this plugin ?
- I ask because /delete blocks should work also it's blocks not block
- Yes I can do bphelp
- With lua abs did not delete the land but I could also do a /delete blovc
Bump to let users know i have once more updated this plugin
Thank you @Jon_miner for testing and reporting a bug
Also made some changes to the commands for locking and unlocking chests, it has always been my plan for the owner to use a pincode for this sort of option, at the moment the pin is 1234 but i will add an option for the owner to change there pincode
the new command is much the same but now you add the pincode at the end.
Like this
/cp unlock 23 1234 or /cp lock 23 1234
of cause later if you change your pincode it will be what ever you make it
Please keep testing guys and reporting back all problems cheers
random question but what would happen if I placed a chest through a blueprint? will the plugin recognise that I am placing a chest and mark me as owner or not?
no the plugin only detects the chest as you place it down i use the PlayerPlaceObjectEvent this event is not used when placing blueprints that one use's the PlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent and ATM in this event i cannot see how to get the chest ids, maybe i can talk to red51 about how we can get the chest ids when placing a blueprint, its a good point and something worth looking at and maybe adding to the PlayerPlaceBlueprintEvent.
Hmmm. I just tried doing a "/cp lock ID" for the ID of a chest that already exists in my SP world and got:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutofBoundsException: 4
It appears if players start trying to lock existing chests, the plugin will throw an error. If you are not going to somehow add existing chests to the plugin DB, then you will need to handle the attempts to lock existing chests errors with a "You can not lock existing chests. Create a new chest and move contents..." type of message.
I just tried "/cp lock ID" for a newly created chest that I had done a "/cp unlock ID" and got the same error.
thanks for the bug report ill patch them tonight
Actually, would it not be possible to query the existing "world database" to find the current owner of all chests, add them all as "locked" in the plugin database with the appropriate owners?
the world database does not log the user who place the chest so there's no way of knowing who made it this is why I have made the plugin oO
i could add an update that if you open a chest and no one owns it, it becomes yours and locked how's this idea ?
Moved by me as this is not a plugin its a discussion about a plugin
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