Posts by yahgiggle
Thank you for your work! Could you add replace function?
1) Select whole building
2) replace block from 143 to 147The script has the selected area stay selected oO this means if you change your mind about a block type you can enter a new type without re-selecting after your happy you need to type /cancel area or you can just move the selected area to a new area to save time you can use your mouse click combo with shift also held down. once the new area is highlighted you can lay more blocks in that new area too.
for the whole swap blocks type to type in a whole building, ill look into this and see if its possible with this new API
Ok guys a bump to let you know i have updated the plugin
You can now also to /place block stair west id or /place block halfblocktop north id
at the moment you need to always add north, east south and west even on blocks you cannot rotate
Full List
North East South West is to show you what way the block is facingNorth East South West Block type 39 42 45 48 Stair do stair 51 54 57 60 Stair type2 do stair2 63 66 69 72 Stair type3 do stair3 75 78 81 84 Stair corner do staircorner 87 90 93 96 Stair inner corner do stairinnercorner 99 102 105 108 Ramp do ramp 111 114 117 120 Ramp upside down do rampupsidedown 123 126 129 132 Ramp Half Corner do ramphalfcorner 135 138 141 144 Ramp Inner Corner do rampinnercorner 147 150 153 156 Ramp Half Corner upside down do ramphalfcornerupsidedown 159 162 165 168 Ramp Inner Corner upside down do rampinnercornerupsidedown 171 174 177 180 Ramp Corner do rampcorner 183 186 189 192 Ramp Corner upside down do rampcornerupsidedown 195 195 195 195 Half Block bottom do halfblockbottom 198 198 198 198 Half Block Center do halfblockcenter 201 201 201 201 Half Block Top do halfblocktop 204 207 204 207 Cylinder on its side do cylindersideways 219 219 219 219 Pyramid do pyramid 222 222 222 222 Pyramid upside down do pyramidupsidedown North East South West Block type 225 228 231 234 Ramp On Its Side do rampsideways 237 240 243 246 Arc do arc 249 252 255 258 Arc upside down do arcupsidedown 261 264 267 270 Arc on its side do arcsideways 273 276 279 282 Stair on its side do stairsideways 285 288 291 294 Stair upside down do stairupsidedown 297 300 303 306 Stair Corner upside down do staircornerupsidedown 309 312 315 318 Stair Inner Corner upside down do stairinnercornerupsidedown 003 003 003 003 Cylinder do cylinder 006 009 012 015 Cylinder Half do cylinderhalf -
idk but your substring for ecmd is set at 4 so you should never get Drink only Drin or Feedme will be Feed oO
Anyway you could do
sorry Deirdre aber so schlau bin ich auch aber danke, oder brauchst du noch was
i am unable to add this option yet as the API needs to have some updates so i am waiting for this oO
mysql is a bug.
saved no data!
Who knows
if you have a lockup do reloadplugins command in the console
That's a pity! That there is a problem with mysql. Hope you find the error
yes that will be just a matter of time lol im still learning java!! last week i did not know it lol so maybe its my code or maybe its the API anyway i have messaged red51 with what i found, and now just waiting for the big guy to respond lol hes a busy boy so may take some time
its /lay id [id] like /lay id 3 <-------- not /lay 3,
Bump to let users know that the plugin has been updated
now if you use 0 0 as your start and end time that group will be excluded and anyone you add to that group with setgroup wont be removed.
Also i have found a bug with servers using a mysql database, the bug will crash the server after the set amount of connections in your file setting database_mysql_connections=10 after ten connections the server will crash oO servers that use the sqlite database don't have this problem.
i would say if you use the mysql database then don't use this plugin, once the problems fixed i will let you know.
Hallo yahiggle soweit ist das BlockPlacer/worldedit ok
aber ich glaube da fehlt noch was am befehl und zwar der clear ich habe alles versucht aber wie bekomme ich die blöcke weg
Hello yahiggle so far is the BlockPlacer/worldedit ok
But I think there is still missing something at the command and the clear I've tried everything but how do I get the blocks away
do this /place block 0 <--------- 0 will fill the block area with air and remove the blocks
Hey, I find the plugin very interesting. But now I wonder how this works with the groups? We have also several groups on the server, if I now use your plugin, I would like to exclude single groups.
It can, of course, also be at the Googel translator that I have not understood your explanation correctly.greeting
I think I've already do
Please make a new post when asking something not doing a edit on your old comment oO
For the plugin ATM only server admins wont be moved into a group, but i guess i could also add excluded groups, if the user is in this group they wont level up
well if you aren't willing to take the time to add multiple parts instead OF just one model one texture then I wont be able to do anything with this game, I seriously hope you change your mind on that,
@Galveston01 is a member like you, he has put his free time into scripting this plugin for everyone, please keep this in mind when making a comment -
Bump to let you guys know ive now added /listgroup and /delgroup see above for details
"best to not use flymode when using this plugin, unless you want dirt or water in the sky oO"
is there a way to simply check the status of fly or walk modes and auto turn off anytime fly mode is enabled?
That is my plan ATM im still working on this script i have improved it and will post the update in the next coming days
my plan also is to include a stop on auto path if the player is walking over gravel, stone and rock, this means your gravel paths wont be degraded by dirt or mud patch's -
So I love the detail i'm seeing so far but from a user perspective I'm seeing it being much MUCH more difficult to use. Especially with the special blocks like stairs and ramps which are the two most common that I would place with this (think roofing). Is there a way to make the syntax simpler like "/place <block type> <id> <direction> <position>" so something like: "/place ramp 133 north flipped"? The idea being that the words N, S, E, W would get the corresponding graphic and then the position would be by default normal or use the arguments sideways and flipped?
I would think words would be a bit easier than a different number for each facing for each type of block... but I don't know programming either so it may not be reasonable either.
Yes this will be done
it just takes some time
Ok guys im waiting for some things in the API to be updated so in the mean time i made this plugin
What it does is auto level up your players by the online time you set
First you need to make the groups and set the permissions
Next you need to add my plugin to your plugin folder and unzip then delete the zip, you should have the AutoLevels folder with the AutoLevels.jar file inside
This plugin is a server admin only tool
/listgroups <------- to list all added groups
/closegroups <------- close's the group list panel
/delgroup [id] <-------- to delete a group example /delgroup 7 <----- will delete the group with id 7
/addgroup [groupname] [TimeStart] [TimeEnd] <-------- to add your group
/grouphelp <-------- for in game helpSo to add levels you type in chat /addgroup [Groupname] [TimeStart] [TimeEnd]
Note: your Group name must be 100% the same as your permissions group name, this plugin wont work if the group Admin name is admin on this and Admin on your permissions file name, both will need caps oO
Some Example's
Example: /addgroup Surveyor 0 3600 < this group would be set when the player first logs in upto 1 hour, note all times are done in seconds
Example: /addgroup Settler 3601 7200
Example: /addgroup Builder 7201 14400
Example: /addgroup Plumber 14401 28800 Note how i always start with the last end number + 1
Example: /addgroup Moderator 28801 57600
Example: /addgroup Admin 57601 8888888 ok i added a big number here as this is the last group oOExample: /addgroup SuperAdmin 0 0 <------ by adding 0 0 the player can be locked to this group
As always if you use and like my plugins do click like down below
I've just tested this plug-in on our test server.
fill with grass9 works fine, but "fill with -10" has no effect.And I didn't find out how to make plots i.e. a quarter with cylinders with id 143 for instance or is the information for upcoming updates?
the grass id's are taken from the world edit script from when lordfoobar updated it oO seems strange 9 = -10 i did not think grass even went to ten lol ill test this when i get the time and update it most likely grass9 will = 9 oO with cylinders with id 143 that id would = 00300 + 143 = id 00443
Erstmal Danke @yahgiggle das ist ein sehr gutes Plugin
wie ist das mit Halben Blöcken ?? (Halfblock) kommt das auch ??
i have added the formula above to get all block types -
Full List
North East South West is to show you what way the block is facingNorth East South West Block type 39 42 45 48 Stair do stair 51 54 57 60 Stair type2 do stair2 63 66 69 72 Stair type3 do stair3 75 78 81 84 Stair corner do staircorner 87 90 93 96 Stair inner corner do stairinnercorner 99 102 105 108 Ramp do ramp 111 114 117 120 Ramp upside down do rampupsidedown 123 126 129 132 Ramp Half Corner do ramphalfcorner 135 138 141 144 Ramp Inner Corner do rampinnercorner 147 150 153 156 Ramp Half Corner upside down do ramphalfcornerupsidedown 159 162 165 168 Ramp Inner Corner upside down do rampinnercornerupsidedown 171 174 177 180 Ramp Corner do rampcorner 183 186 189 192 Ramp Corner upside down do rampcornerupsidedown 195 195 195 195 Half Block bottom do halfblockbottom 198 198 198 198 Half Block Center do halfblockcenter 201 201 201 201 Half Block Top do halfblocktop 204 207 204 207 Cylinder on its side do cylindersideways 219 219 219 219 Pyramid do pyramid 222 222 222 222 Pyramid upside down do pyramidupsidedown North East South West Block type 225 228 231 234 Ramp On Its Side do rampsideways 237 240 243 246 Arc do arc 249 252 255 258 Arc upside down do arcupsidedown 261 264 267 270 Arc on its side do arcsideways 273 276 279 282 Stair on its side do stairsideways 285 288 291 294 Stair upside down do stairupsidedown 297 300 303 306 Stair Corner upside down do staircornerupsidedown 309 312 315 318 Stair Inner Corner upside down do stairinnercornerupsidedown 003 003 003 003 Cylinder do cylinder 006 009 012 015 Cylinder Half do cylinderhalf